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Posts posted by NightEngine

  1. FIrstly I didn't compare it to infidelity. I compared the deception in the omission to the deception in the omission. The circumstances are irrelevant. The omitted data is the deception.


    Read what you just wrote. Here, I'll echo it one more time:


    Deception is purposefully concealing... the truth.


    In other words, exactly what BioWare did with the changes in that last pack, right?


    Our defintions of words are wildly different. I mean, I have to wonder what your first language is.


    Bioware concealed nothing. Conealing something is an action. You cannot conceal by inaction.

  2. I seem to struggle bringing in comms as frequently as people say I should be. I assume it's because I'm DPS and the queues for group finder take an eternity. I'll try a healer or tank and see if I end up drowning in comms.


    But generally speaking, I push every 4 to 8 levels for fresh mods for myself and my favorite companion.

  3. You asked for a list of companies as big as EA that behaved better toward their customers than EA does. That's what I gave you, and I didn't even have to try hard.


    It's pretty bloody obvious we're talking about video game companies given the vein of discussion and the emphasis on IP-based markets. Two other people understood that, why didn't you? Please don't move the goal posts.


    Yes, those are all bigger and probably treat their customers better, but it's not an adequate comparison.


    The part I underlined would be the deception (via omission) part. If your partner gets busy with another person and doesn't ever say a word to you about it, is that deception? Omission - withholding information - is a form of deception.


    I'm sorry but you're mistaken. Deception is purposefully concealing or misrepresenting the truth. The other reason it can't be deception: the terms of service. We all agree to it and it says, quite plainly, that prices for services may change without warning and that they don't have to tell you they're doing it.


    And comparing this to infidelity in an intimate relationship is a joke.

  4. To an extent, you're right. Content needs to appeal to the masses on a regular basis or you'll lose the masses attention. We've had nothing more than casually appealing content for nearly a year now.


    • GSF is a niche that failed to please PvPers or PvEers who wanted space combat

    • Tactical FPs lacked any challenge or loot of worth

    • KDY was a good attempt, but again, lacked challenge and reward

    • NiM modes of year old content are niche at best

    • One crappy Huttball map


    So while you wanna mock people and pretend that this drought of content isn't real, server populations are proving that it is.


    So-called casuals are the broadest segment of the player base, though. You're also forgetting that there are other MMOs out recently and that spring/summer is taking hold. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn what kind of content it is or it's quality; content is content. Claiming it doesn't exist when it, in fact, does seems to be some kind of disconnect from reality. Now, complaining about the type of content or it's quality, that's probably justified.


    It's very normal for a year to pass between major content updates with minor content in between. My evidence is purely anecdotal for the moment but I'm positive I could dig up facts if I bothered to look at old patch notes of LotRO, STO, or virtually any other MMO. There is only so much content a developer is capable of producing to begin with, and second the pace is bound to slow down over time to space out content.

  5. Can you provide facts to back up this post that reeks hyperbole? :rolleyes:


    Fact: companies in every industry repurpose and reuse existing resources before procuring new ones. It's pretty obvious if you've ever had an actual job before.


    The truth is I think you're expecting a bit much but this is fairly normal among gamers. This MMO isn't any more or less 'casual' than the bulk of others out there - and I've played almost all of the notable ones - though there are a few with more 'hardcore' elements. That said, catering to 'hardcore' gamers creates a niche product which an MMO cannot afford to be, especially one that is F2P.

  6. 15,000 views of this thread, so I'd say more than a few have taken notice of it. If 50 of those people don't buy CCs for the the next Hypercrate, it's noticeable. There are multiple threads on this, and people in-game made aware of it by friends. If BW weren't concerned because this is just the forums, they wouldn't have responded via Eric.


    Those are not 15,000 unqiue views but I digress.


    Of course Bioware is concerned, they're more responsive to their customers than most MMO developers. They've proven it. Which is exactly why I've been saying that everyone should view this whole ordeal as a positive experience.

  7. some one already posted a list of companies. are you suggesting that EA is bigger than Disney? really?


    I didn't even see the above list. Not exactly able to follow this thread reply by reply. I thought you were talking about Valve or CD Projekt, examples other poeple gave. We are talking about video game companies here. Of course distributors as diversified as those are larger.


    And no one was deceived, that's the bottom line; Bioware simply exercised their power to manipulate the prices of their products at will without notice, as laid out by the ToS. Contrary to popular belief, they are not beholden to us, do not have to have every business decision approved by us, and owe us nothing beyond the product given.


    To think anything else is simply naive or willfully ignorant.

  8. The problem? That guy on coruscant who's wife left him and you can either force her to go back or you can tell him that she's left him.

    Yeah... this guy actually said it was "wrong" of her to leave him because a wife had a duty to stay with her husband no matter how bad it got.

    (and this guy in the game, you find out that he only looks at her as a posession and a trophy and was extremely jealous).


    Honestly, I can see the justification for her leaving being wrong. Once again, the harm principle comes into play. If her leaving does more harm to others than her remaining, then yeah it would be 'wrong'.


    I have a sneaking suspicion that quest is trying to highlight a social issue, however, so logic isn't exactly at the core of it.

  9. You - like others - are blowing this whole thing way out of proportion. Your indignation is misdirected. I understand that you feel entitled to being treated only just exactly how you want to be treated, but that's not how the world works. Especially since Bioware has a 'monopoly' on Star Wars MMOs. You pay for the ride they take you on. If you don't like it, tough, you're not going to find the experience anywhere else.


    In another thread, I elaborated why Bioware did nothing wrong and wasn't pulling a fast one on anybody: if you allowed yourself to become less-than-vigilant and didn't expect a for-profit organization to try to make more money, then you are either insane or naive. The onus is always on the customer when spending money. Worse, people who were apparently super loyal to Bioware didn't acknowledge the notion that, ostensibly at least, that hike in CC could have been related to pushing more/new content in future. That Bioware is bothering to run damage control at all is a good sign. The whole 'scandal' is a net positive.


    Normally, I would be the last person on earth to defend EA or Bioware, take that as you will (as also evidenced in other threads I have a dislike for both companies - EA for their business model and Bioware for their storytelling).


    Your calls to the public to boycott packs are unfortunately meaningless because the majority of the player base doesn't even browse the forum and the tiny slice of the population that does scarcely pays their bills alone.

  10. But of course no Sith philosophy would or could ever accept the fact that they just can't win. At the heart of being Sith is trying to bend the Force to your will, but they delude themselves. If you try to control the Force it will replicate your actions and try to control you. Sidious was not brought down by a rag-tag bunch of Rebels, but by the Force itself.


    Uh... what? The Rebel Alliance was hardly rag-tag and I don't believe for a second the Force has an individual will. The only thing to support that is philosophical mumbo jumbo in the form of character's quotes and thoughts that are by no means reliable. The Force has never shown an ability or propensity to control anyone - others have done so via the Force, of course, but the Force has never acted on it's own.

  11. Hiya. :D

    It was done in a Dark Horse comic by actual writers and artists. It was just after the rest of the Sith killed: themselves, a bunch of Jedi(including General Hoth), and some really cute green, floating, intelligent, warm fuzzies, and half-a-planets worth of wanna-be Jedi/Sithsez, using a "thought-bomb" Sithy attack. ... Seriously*. *nods affirmatively.





    Found it. :D --- Dark Horse Comics: Jedi Vs. Sith mini-series 1-6. :D


    Yep, fanfiction. In order for content to be canon, it had to have been in the movies or the Clone Wars series.

  12. ZETA_SCORPII, Tannatra....(I guess there's more of them, I didn't run thru all pages)...how amusing, 1 low-quality troll runs dry and immediately another shows up who also doesn't see any issues, doesn't understand why the crowd is angry and, as a matter of fact, welcomes interesting, new and innovative decisions made by our precious EA regarding the star cluster pack.


    Gotta ask: if you're not trolling and totally fine with this infamous star cluster pack what are you even doing here? If I had no issues with it, why would I go to this thread at all? I'd be in-game, buying cartel packs...but you're here, over and over...does EA pay you some CC a month for these awesomely lame attempts to justify whatever they do? I hope they cut off your special extra CC for June because you do really suck at both trolling and defending them


    Whole lotta butthurt concentrated into one post.


    Next time, everyone needs to get Preston's permission before they post.

  13. The solution to what I see as the current problem is as follows.....

    Publicly state from this day forward that any release of this type that deviates from the norm with respect to packs will have the particulars announced prior to the release.


    Also state that from this day forward they will make doubly sure that the proper rarity is enabled in the item tooltip, and the collection costs will be listed for each item prior to sale.


    This is the only sensible solution to the current problem IMO.


    While that would be sensible and, indeed, polite, there is only a problem insofar as people believe they deserve to be treated like VIPs. There is nothing immoral or shady about Bioware acting to alter prices without warning as they see fit. This is well within their authority as per the ToS. Complaining has paid off here but only just.


    The onus is still on the customer to accept this reality or go elsewhere.


    Fortunately Bioware claims they've listened and learned. If Bioware was being as immoral and shady as everyone thinks they wouln't run damage control at all. Even in this case, not enough players would up and quit to make their displeasure known. A handful of people on the forum is misrepresentative of the player base.

  14. That wasn't the case with the droid in the quest, it was given emotional programming. My point still stands, droids such as these are autonomous weapons following programming, nothing more. We should be careful about anthropomorphizing these things.


    And you can't deny that returning a weapon to war is much more dark side than wiping an errant droid's emotions.

  15. Step 1: Alignment is independant from the Force, in this case. Connection to the Force and such are irrelevant, what counts are things like morality.


    Step 2: The droid is supposed to be reprogrammed because his "emotions" stop him from completing their mission as was originally intended. He doesn't want to continue without his "comrade". Morally speaking, you override the droid's free will and force him to do something he didn't want to do before. Hence why reprogramming is DS while repairing is LS.



    On the point of the quest "AWOL": The morally correct choice is clearly not to send them back into the fight against their will. If you listened to them, basically they've been through hell for the past 5 years and their commander is a *****. They basically have a PTSD and aren't even of any use in the field in their condition anyway. Sending them as far away from Taris as you can and getting them psychological treatment is what should be done with them.


    Although I have to point out that one of them is potentially infected by the rakghoul virus, meaning both options are somewhat dangerous :p


    But droids don't have free will, aren't living things, and therefore, I don't see how it's the more moral option. In fact, looking at it from the perspective of the harm principle, the choices as they are should still be reversed.


    It causes more harm to others to repair the droid and less to reprogram, ergo, repairing should be dark side and reprogram light.

  16. But the problem here was that stuff that wasn't supposed to be rare, was...

    The common "filler" sets are never very rare. But in this pack the top chests were super rare for most of the packs, while the lower and supplementary crates were super-mega-common...


    It was supposed to be rare, though, Eric said so.

  17. Nobody got screwed, no one is being taken for a mug, and Bioware were well within their rights as a business to do what they did as per the ToS that we all agreed to when we signed up. You did read it before you agreed to it, right?


    This thread should be considered a showcase for entitlement and the bad attitudes that gamers have which helped to create the present toxicity of the big budget gaming industry. The very reason companies have poor customer service is because a very vocal minority cannot be pleased. For every forum warrior there are dozens of people playing the game who don't care.


    And yes, you are a minority, or companies like EA wouldn't be so successful.

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