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Posts posted by Gonfire

  1. I think they are trying to get across how the Emperor has no redeeming qualities at all. He is a being of pure evil much like Sidious. My opinion is that even though.........




    The Jedi Knight's storyline has the jedi killing him I have a feeling he is going to be a raid boss for both Empire and Republic due to the fact that he wants to wipe out the galaxy of all living life. Even Sith dont want that crap.


    Wasnt the person the jedi knight killed actually the voice of the emperor? The Emperor is still alive and in hiding

  2. So i was playing~enjoying the game then got a random dc cause internet went out for like 30 seconds~i go to reconnect to my server and am now in a 1 hour queue? Seriously? Thats pretty bad in my opinion, surely if you get dced you should be able to reconnect without being in a queue
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