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Posts posted by blackhartssorrow

  1. I'm on Belsavis right now getting my *** kicked because I'm fighting tough enemies.


    Well stop posting on the forum while fighting. No wonder your not getting it done. Lol :D

  2. I have played WoW since before Burning Crusades came out. When I first started I was reading every quest loving the whole aspect of the game. As time went on I didn't care what the quest said. I knew what I had to do. Then when expansions came out. I didn't care about that storyline. I just did the quests and kept on moving. With this game, I am able to interact with the quest giver. I place myself in my characters shoes. If I am playing a bounty hunter then guess what. Your going to pay me for my time. If I am a Jedi knight. I will donate my time to you if it's for a just cause. If I am wanting to be a Sith inquisitor but I don't like the way the imperials or the emperor is running things. I base my choices off of my feelings with that character. I have come up with back stories for each of my toons. It makes me love this game so much more then just a game. I am writing my own story. I have the options and I get to choose my destiny.


    But this is my personal feelings and thoughts

  3. I have read the forums above as far as pvping goes. I am still fairly new as I just quite wow and joined the dark side. Teehee. Anywho, I joined my first pvp match at level 15 and noticed higher and higher and much higher levels then me in the same pvp battle. My eyes went from o_o to O_O! Is there not level caps like their are in wow? How is this fair to lower levels? We don't have as many abilities or gear or anything close to people that are twice our level or even 10 levels higher. Can someone explain?
  4. But what you are not taking into account is that one can buy those 4TRs at 70k craft an augment in 45 minutes and then sell that augment for 85K (after GTN cut). That's a net of 15k for 45mins work. Even if you add in the GTN value and vendor cost of other materials - ~4000 credits - that's still 11k net profit in 45 min for a 244.44cr/min WITHOUT crits.


    Now throw in crits. with a 28% crit chance (+5 crit comp, +3 legacy, +5 max affection, 15% base) that's better than one in four crafts will crit. For easy math let's call it one in four so for 180 minutes work (4*45mins) you net 129k (11k*4 + 85k) profit. That's 716.667 cr/min :eek::eek::eek::eek:


    I want to make babies with your mind!

  5. So, I am still fairly new to this game. I currently have a level 11 inquisitor and for crew skills I gave him, Synthweaving, archeology, and slicing. What I am wondering if these are good to have together and also what would the best money making crew skills be? cause I have to save up for that expensive mount.
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