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Posts posted by caraniente

  1. The Banished are a small multi-national raiding guild on the Imperial side of Darth Malgus. We offer relaxed and friendly SM and HM raiding for all members regardless of experience, with regular training nights. We are a small guild but we are here to play together and talk together - not another silent guild where all you ever see in guild chat is 'gtz'!


    The guild’s main focus is raiding and we raid 4 nights per week. All players are welcome to sign up for as many or as few raids as they like, and we try to ensure everyone gets to raid as often as possible.

    • Friday & Saturday for ‘progression’ HM (ToS/Ravagers/GftM) and old NiM.
    • Sunday for "farm" HM content
    • Tuesday for SM (for training, alt-gearing and generally trolling each other/bosses)

    Raids are at 8/8.30pm UK time, except Sundays which are at 7pm.


    New players or those looking to get into raiding are always welcome to join our SM raids – we don’t mind if you watch cutscenes, we will explain the tactics, and we won’t throw a tantrum if you’re not top of the DPS charts! We also use these runs for silly things, like running EV naked with only weapons and testing how well the tank can hold aggro when the sorc keeps extricating them...


    We have a Discord server for chatter/LFG and winding each other up. Do expect to hear terrible jokes (especially puns), occasional drunken-ness which does not affect raid skills, and some friendly DPS competition :) After all, at the end of the day - it is a game and we are here to have fun!


    You can apply on our website at http://the-banished.enjin.com/ or /who 'banished' and ask for an invite.

  2. Bumping this!


    We are still looking for more members, especially healers. We are currently doing SM training runs for new/returning raiders on Sunday evenings, and we do joint HMs with another gild on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays - at least until we can field a full HM team of our own, which just requires another couple of people to give us the flexibility (real life aggro takes precedence!).

  3. <The Banished> are a multicultural PvE-focused guild on the Imperial side of Darth Malgus. We're a small but helpful guild, where people actually talk to each other and do content together. We have people who play in almost every aspect of the game (FPs, PvP, GSF) but our main focus is raiding.


    We are currently recruiting for our HM team, healers and tanks especially welcome! We raid Saturday evenings at 8.30 (possibly at 8 in the future) and are currently joint raiding with another guild during the lull of the holiday period, along with a couple of weekday raids. Our current members are experienced with HM content and have cleared almost everything (....curse you, Revan!) but we are also happy to take those new to HM if you know your class, as well as any vets out there! Healers especially welcome!


    We are also happy to teach anyone who wants to get into raiding, or who has been doing SM content for a while and wants to tackle something more than EV/KP HM over and over again. We're a friendly and easy-going group, so if you've always wanted to try raiding but you want to learn in a friendly environment without toxicity, people screaming about spacebarring, or everyone dropping group after the first wipe, come raid with us. All we ask is that you listen and that you either know your class or are willing to take tips.


    We use Discord for chat/co-ordination/terrible puns and we ask members to at least be able to log on and listen, though speaking is optional (we wouldn't want you to miss the puns).


    You can apply online at our website (http://the-banished.enjin.com/), whisper Salk-elan/Kilmandarôs/Lostara Yil, Harry Pearce/Jigglynaut or Arodes/Altheanne/Calithildes (or just search The Banished and ask for an officer!)

  4. Are you Rep or Imp side mostly?


    You're welcome to hit us up - we're a small Imperial-side guild made up of vets, returning players and total newbies. Not loads of people on at a time (about 5 or 6 at most!) but those that are and friendly, talkative and happy to answer questions/run stuff you need. Whle we're raid-focused we also run a fair amount of flashpoints and pvp between our various members and we're all happy to help out people still learning the ropes, explain tactics for fights, help you out with the crazy gearing system etc...


    We're also running story mode raids on Saturdays which you're welcome to join and are recruiting for HM - we have 5 members HM ready and who have cleared nearly everything on HM, so that should get going soon hopefully! We use Discord for general news/chat and raid banter, which mostly consists of winding each other up and our Sorc heal trying to kill us with their pull skill :)


    We're mostly only around evenings and weekends - I'm away tonight but I'll be on tomorrow evening if you want to give me a shout, Salk Elan/Salk-elan/Abrastal/Kalam Mekhâr or you can take a look at our website - http://the-banished.enjin.com/

  5. <The Banished> is a small multi-national guild rebuilding after many people left or took breaks shortly after 5.0 dropped. Our main focus is raiding, but we also do all the content the game offers, regularly levelling alts, running FPs, even a bit of PvP.


    We have a core group who have completed most if not all ops on HM and are looking for experienced/vet raiders to form a new HM team. Any role welcome, most of can play multiple roles. We currently have 4-6 of us geared and ready to go! Raid days/times are tbc but will likely be Wednesday/Thursday and Saturday evenings, dependent on everyone's availability. We aim to do fairly rapid progression through the older HMs, and get working on Gods From The Machine as quickly as possible.


    We will also run at least 1 SM training night each week for players interested in raiding who find it hard to get started, and bring those who are interested through from SM to HM. So if you've always wanted to give ops a go but find it difficult to get a group, aren't sure what to do, or just want to give it a go and see if it's for you - we will explain all the fights, all we ask is that you're willing to show up and give it your best shot! Or, if you've been doing SM and aren't sure how to take the next step to HM - we'll help you with that too. SM runs will probably take place on a weeknight (tbc) or perhaps Sunday evening and will usually be the groupfinder op of the day, for the extra CXP so the vets get their weekly and trainees get gear and experience!


    Vets - training runs won't be required but if you are willing to help out (repairs will be funded!) or to advise newbies on how to get the best out of their class, it's for everyone;s benefits - we all know the HM/NiM raider pool is only getting smaller, so anything we can do to bring in new people and show them how much fun an ops can be is only gonna help the guild and the game!


    If you're interested, you can apply on our website (http://the-banished.enjin.com/) or whisper Salk-elan/Abrastal, Arodes/Calaerwen/Altheanne or Harry Pearce/Jigglynaut in-game (evenings and weekends - sadly work severely cuts into our gaming time!)

  6. Pretty much as the title says. I get that extra voicing costs money, but... why in important scenes (like sending a message to the traitor, and back in KotFE etc talking to our Alliance and so on) are we suddenly being restricted to 2 options instead of 3?


    Worse, the two options (which might seem reasonable when you see them written) are then voiced as either goody-two-shoes or complete-d*ck. I realise with the new light vs dark pick-a-side crap that apparently being neutral is no longer an option, but it's disappointing we seem to have reverted back to lawful-good/chaotic-evil as the only 2 options :p


    One thing that would help with this - in the case of romances, at least, could we at least have the option to use the non-romance 'nice' option as well as the romance option? As a case in point, when the traitor's identity is revealed - the choice for romance options is "I'll always love you" (pushover) or "I'll enjoy hunting you down" (bloodthirsty) - no "Don't do this, lets work together" like you get as a non-LI. Similarly, at the ending, when you send out a message on the net - you're either a big sap or a bloodthirsty menace as a romance option.


    Seriously, it's hard enough trying to keep my toons character when all of them have been reduced to a single story. Cutting us down to light-side-jedi or dark-side-sith isn't helping the non-force-user toons.

  7. They should add all CM decorations to our collection and allow us to use Cartel Coins or In game currency to add more copies of the unlocked decorations to our strongholds. Much like how a player can add a copy of the decoration to their guild ship. However, this would be from our collection to the strongholds. Decorations from the CM are far to rare and the pricing is way out of control. This would be a good way SWTOR could make more money through the sale of cartel coins for unlocking more copies of decorations.


    Edit: Also I do like the OP idea.


    Rock on!


    This, so much this. Even when you are lucky enough to get a deco at the prohibitively expensive prices or crap odds, you can only have 1.


    Why bother introducing 2 new strongholds if we can't have the decorations to put in it? If you want players to care about strongholds, you need to make it possible to actually do something with them - and it's a great extra way for Bioware to make some more money, since a lot of people would rather pay to unlock extra copies/buy guaranteed decos than buy them from the GTN where virtual currency just moves around.


    I love decorating but there's no way I'm buying gambling packs just for those. Not to mention a lot of the recent stuff has just not been to my taste. Iokath stuff is just ugly...

  8. /signed.


    My partner plays Sorc heals and complains that the bubble is so bright he can't always see what's going on in a raid (and if we're all clustered around a corner for a LOS pull I can;t see through his bubble either!). it's worse on low graphical settings because it makes it even more opaque.


    Apparently it's the utility that makes the bubble damage people who hit you that does it, but it'd be nice to have the utility without the eye strain.

  9. With so many strongholds, decoration limits are really starting to hurt.


    I saw this suggestion in another thread - I apologise to the original poster cuz I can't remember who it was - but it should really be possible to unlock duplicates of decorations we already own for a credit cost, rather like the 'purchase for guild' button. If we can't put a single decoration into multiple strongholds or have it in collections - this would be really useful.


    At least if we spend millions of credits on a rare armor set we can unlock it and use it on any toon. If you spend millions on a rare deco? Tough, you can use it once and once only. While strongholds are shared between your legacy, with 7 strongholds there's a good chance I'm going to want to use that rare statue/ship/whatever in more than just one!

  10. Interested - me and my partner (dps and heals respectively) returned to the game recently after a break when 5.0 killed our raid team. We've done everything on SM and were moving into HM before then. Only problem is with the break we're not especially geared and a bit rusty, plus we're not familiar with the HM tactics (but willing to do our homework).


    Think you have space for us? Not for the prog team obvs (we need more experience for that!) but we'd really like to get back to raiding and make some progress.

  11. I can think of two explanations:

    1) Lethality / Ruffian is going to get nerfed as well in the not-so-distant future.

    2) Lethality / Ruffian has some kind of glitch or trick that can only be used in a dummy parse scenario, that has little bearing on reality. This kind of thing happens sometimes.


    I do know that ops teams don't run full Lethality / Ruffian. So, clearly this is a case of parse glitch anomaly.


    As far as I know Lethality doesn't have a glitch (unless it's a recently-added one) BUT - there's a reason nobody is running full Lethality in ops and that's because those dummy parses don't translate to boss fights, and due to the horrific ramp-up time (3 GCDs to setup before doing any real damage) and terrible target-switching they're not much use outside of boss fights either.


    If you look at HM boss parses instead of dummy parses, while operative is riding high for a change (up to 5.0 they weren't considered viable for NiM ops by most teams and dubious for HM) they're rarely top of the charts. In fights with adds you'd prefer something that can target-switch and in fights without adds you usually have a tonne of knockbacks and ground-effects to avoid and want a ranged.


    I don't play much PvP these days but Lethality was largely useless in the last expansion - nice survivability but no damage. I can't imagine it's all that dangerous now, just because it takes so long to ramp up that it should be dead before it even does damage - or am I missing something?


    Don't get me wrong I still expect a nerf, just because of the parses, but there's a lot more to a class than what it puts out on a dummy - hence all the complaints about arsenal merc, no?

  12. Nobody else but me hates the new wave combat thing they're pushing in all the chapters? Seriously, they tried it in DA2, and players were so annoyed about mobs randomly teleporting in they had to patch the game to at least make them appear from reasonable places. Now we've got the same thing again?


    Tried playing in veteran mode. Was so unfun I logged out before I finished a chapter. Waves of pointless skytroopers, now with more health, for no worthwhile rewards. Come on Bioware, 'harder' dopes not have to mean 'more tedious'.


    Also hate the new forehead wrinkles, since

    a) there are no other wrinkles anywhere else

    b) there's no many wrinkles were the nose meets the forehead it looks like my toons face is trying to eat itself.


    I haven't even gotten to 70 yet on my main as playing the chapters was so meh, but from what my guildies tell me, Galactic Command is every bit as awful as expected. As someone who logs in to level toons and play ops, it looks unlikely I will get enough hours of play on my main to be able to play the HM ops my guild team was working through. Which means RIP raid team, me included :(

  13. Just look for me in game - I'm usually on Salk Elan, Salk-elan, Abrastal or Tavôre (alt-147 for the o). Or you can search 'banished' in /who and ask one of us :) You'll find me online most evenings and over the weekend.


    Alternatively you can send me a pm here to sort something, or if you register for the website you should be able to drop a msg via the forum or shoutbox (haven't had a chance yet to sort out the contact form on the website!)

  14. Sure - there's be a fair few of us on tonight, including myself (it's raid night lol) - look for Salk Elan. If I don't reply immediately it's because I suck at fighting and typing :)


    Alternatively I should be on tomorrow but not sure what toon, but I'll try and be around on my main a little while at least. Alternatively, pm me your character name and I'll look you up when I'm around.

  15. <The Banished> is looking for raiders to join our small but close guild. We’re a smaller group who talk to and help each other out in game, rather than a few hundred silent members. Our main focus is on our raiding side, but social members are also welcome, if you just want to come and hang out with us; we do a little bit of PvP, heroics, FPs and so on and many of us are frequently levelling alts.


    For experienced raiders, we currently run HMs on weekends and have a mix of newbies and people who’ve already completed a majority of HM. We're putting together a new regular HM team to start in 5.0, so come check us out and see if we’re the group for you. You're also not expected to teach SM unless you want to, it's entirely up to you :)


    For new raiders or those who want to start raiding – we run SM weeknights (currently Wednesday) for training/gearing purposes. Our raid leader is great at explaining the fights and very patient with mistakes (I can attest to this personally as I’d never done a raid before I joined :D). So if you’ve always fancied giving raiding a try come join in! It’s helpful if you have an understanding of your class and rotation for DPS, but we cover most classes between us and can point you in the right direction.


    We have teamspeak for fight explanations and general banter, and especially for new raiders it’s helpful if you at least can get on to listen, even if you don’t want to talk to us :p We also have all the usual mod-cons – 10% xp bonus, fully kitted-out guild ship and so on.


    Core guild members are online most evenings and weekends euro time; if interested drop me a message, ask for one of us in-game (look for Salk Elan, Cäitsith, Tavôre, Arodes, Abrastal, Si’ree or just search Banished in /who and ask for an invite!) or you can contact us via our website - http://www.the-banished.enjin.com/home


    Edited 17th Nov - we are still recruiting!!

  16. Absolutely none, and even less since you can only use them unarmed and it's amazing what else you can't do when you're unarmed (my operative can't roll without a weapon, apparently - you would assume that weapon was more hindrance than help there).


    That said, it can add a lot of fun to something like social points/affection grinding Black Talon if you strip your toons naked and just punch everyone to death :D

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