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Posts posted by Dbohrius

  1. Hi folks,


    Thanks for the reports about the Saboteur bug in Relentless Ambitions Mission.


    To help our team verify this bug, could you tell me if you reset this Mission after the last patch?




    I did not reset the mission. I also did not press Escape to abort the cutscene, because I was distracted by RL stuff at the moment. That is on me, and while I don't expect you to change the choice for my Saboteur character, I'd really like to see this bug corrected, because I have other Saboteurs waiting to do the mission.


    Hi folks,


    To help our team in their investigation regarding the Saboteur option in the Relentless Ambitions Mission, could you answer the following questions and feel free to send me a PM to protect your privacy:

    • In which class is your affected character?
    • The name of your character?
    • On which server you're playing?

    Thank you!


    -Sith Warrior


    -Satele Shan

  2. I did it only once, on my IR 306 Vengeance Jugg. I liked the story bits very much, but the FP in itself is just a slog. Lots of Silver mobs, lots of healer mobs, mobs everywhere.


    Thankfully, I didn't run into any of the bugs people are reporting, but overall it's just... annoying.

  3. From the patch notes to version 6.2.1:



    The game’s intro movies and logos have been updated! Players’ “auto skip movies” setting has been reset so that everyone can see them at least once, though the option still exists to skip these after the first login post-patch.


    Apparently I blinked and then missed the new intro and logo, as I my attention was directed somewhere else when I logged in. How can I watch it again? Playing the cinematics doesn't seem to work.

  4. I'm back to the game after a long hiatus and I seem to have forgotten one of the last story choices for my Jedi Knight.



    Specifically, I don't remember if my Jedi remained independent or chose to return to the Republic after defending Meridian Shipyards.



    Is there any way to check the story choice status? I looked up my codex and the companion files, but there's nothing there. Any e-mails Lana or Theron sent are long gone, too. Any ideas?

  5. For the same reason Republic Troopers and Imperial Agents wield "phantom blaster pistols" in cutscenes - to save animation costs. Instead of doing one version of the cutscene for each Advanced Class / weapon type, they do just one.


    But hey, at least Sentinels *have* lightsabers. That phantom blaster thing really grates me.

  6. The Galactic Command system, with all its flaws, made possible for me to gear up four or five toons to BiS for the first time. It took very, very long, and then they made Ossus, and then they announced 6.0.


    The gearing system had a good run in the post-5.6 meta. I don't think I'll get on the gear treadmill so soon again. In fact, I'd rather they completely remove gear from the equation, but let's face it, it ain't happening.

  7. I got in for the latest trial runs but soon found out I don't like the PTS environment. I'd rather wait to see the full-fledged expansion.


    Since the PTS download is quite large I'd like to uninstall and remove it from my HD. How do I do that?

  8. 6.0 is free for all players regardless of sub status. a sub is not required to gain access to 6.0. Bioware already stated this fact.


    From the Onslaught launch article on the main page:


    Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught is coming September 2019, free for all subscribers!


    So yes, 6.0 will be free for all subs. Pay one month and you get access to it. Don't pay, and your max level will be 70 or 50 if you never paid for a sub before.


    I seem to remember someone saying they're giving Shadow of Revan for free to everyone, but I can't find the article right now.

  9. The easy/quick way of making money is running the planetary Heroics in a full group of 4 players and doing all the bonus missions. You can dig around the internet for guides pointing what are the quickest missions, though they are all really quick when you do them with four people who know their jobs.


    As someone pointed out earlier, as soon as you are level 66+ and complete KOTFE Chapter 9, you can turn in the alliance crates for even more loot you can vendor/ sell on the GTN for a good price.

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