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Posts posted by Maatsplume

  1. Works fine, just have to kill a one of the gold droids on the first mining platform to get the cylinder. Highlighting them does not reveal they drop it but any gold droid there will. It gives 72,348 XP now., which isn't amazing but its not 7 xp like it used to be. lol

  2. Yeah I play mostly with one other girl and now we are forced to group with pugs if we want to do the FP weeklies. PUG groups are no fun with all the rushing and path of least resistance all the time. That is great for those that like that kind of thing, but some of us who enjoy playing our way are punished. The way weeklies are now and grouping really sucks atm and has sucked the fun right out of this game.
  3. One of the annoying changes is the forced grouping via Group Finder to get the weekly finished for flashpoints etc.

    I enjoy a lot soloing the various HM FPs I can to achieve that, some take quite a long time like Umbara. Now if I want the weekly reward I have to mindlessly run Fps with people who want to only use the least path of resistance to finish it. So my choice is, do challenging content solo for little reward except from the Fp itself (if I can even solo them anymore in 7.0, Reaper I did on PTS), or join the mindless brigades I had grown to dislike during my 8 years of playing this game. It is great the weeklies count for something but being forced to group on Group Finder to finish I don't like. People farm FPS and will find something to farm here. A lot of newer people don't get into that but if you are paying your sub why can't you just do the content you like to do? Also the fewer planetary weeklies on offer like on the PTS will be horrible on places like Oricon or CZ-198 with crowds. I will play the 7.0 but I expect my gearing will be much slower since I don't enjoy crowds or random speed FP runs. Hopefully I can find 3 friends to regular run Fps with on the group finder thing I almost never used past 5 years so we can enjoy the FPs as well as doing the weekly. We will see if their 10 year anniversary "expansion" pans out to be a positive one.

  4. Once again only straight people get to enjoy the romance story with Jaesa and Nadia. Thanks Bioware! I'll just get Jaesa back from the terminal in my base, same result from my perspective. This may seem petty to many but the discrimination gets old after a while, whole parts of the game's story some of us can't experience. It's just disappointing.
  5. All the money we spent and effort to maxing the rep all lazily lumped together. It seems those of us that worked on things in the past are continually slapped in the face. Why not put the various rep in command crates and certs in missions like HM FPs, Ops etc as rare drop or scarce drops?

    Seems lazy like what they did before with Makeb achievement and staged weeklies.

    All this is solely for the effort to make money off the new hypercrates, nothing else.

  6. What would surprised me more though, is that they would add a male romance option instead of a female one. Especially with the Scourge "speculation" Those who like females (especially females who like females) deserve more than just Lana!


    Indeed! Would be nice if Nadia could be romanced but us "unstraight" people.

  7. I am 60 crates past Rank 300 and still no 242 pieces. Heck I haven't even gotten a set of purple 240 yet. Since I despise PVP there seems to be no chance for a 242 piece for this girl. I have saved my handful of 236 shells so maybe if they come out with another way to get components besides PVP and GSF I will have a chance. As someone said earlier it is demoralizing and becoming so hard to find the will to gear my other chars or even get a tank set for my shadow. To work and grind for just a 'chance' at gear isn't working for me. The other thing is I have gotten nearly the exact same thing in the past 15 crates. 14 of the same pet 14/15 times is strange but I submitted a ticket and received the dreaded working as intended so there you have it.
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