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Posts posted by CraigOnXD

  1. for basic info, im gonna talk from pvp pov.



    Imo the changes feell pretty good, but

    -energized blade resets a crap ton especially with lightning critical, imo needs a rate limit or has to be changed to "reset on direct force attack crits" (spamming the **** out of one button isnt something I consider fun)

    - force magnetism; i dont see anyone picking this ever except for trolling urself

    - overcharge saber; nothing wrong with it i guess but would have loved to see something like "also increases force damage by 10% over the duration" or something

    - speed surge; muuuch worse than force phase...dunno if it matters in pve anywhere

    - severing slash...im honestly sad that's still in the game


    offnote-I would have loved to see phasewalk again as a choice for sins (just do it devs); also, it would have been cool to get a way to choose between ball lightning and shock (let them do slightly different stuff)...maybe u could do that via tacticals later...rly loved the animation in deception



    rly like the new stuff there, gonna see how it plays out in matches

    -force magnetism/speed surge/ severing slash: refer to deception above


    Wont give any feedback abt darkness since im not a tank main

  2. Deception dps is too high on 6.0. clearly this spec required a bit defense buff but not dps. I see sins outdps'ing maras in 3x yet if sin has no guard or no healer it dies pretty quick. Why did you buffed sin's dps in 2x but left defenses unchanged?This is not what this spec required....


    also guard must be removed from dps specs. these cross-guarding from juggs with greet teeth is clearly ridiculous and makes teams with 2 guard dps and healer easily outplay team with no double guard...


    id rather have more dps instead of better dcds...the game doesnt need more dcds, this is smth that should be applied to more classes, also maras can rival deceptions dps but ok

  3. some things:

    Overcharge saber increases crit chance by 15% for 10s

    force speed and phantom stride increase range of your next ball lightning or discharge by 20m

    you can now phantom stride to friendly targets

    reaping strike builds a stack of recklessness

    discharge increases the damage of your next discharge by 50%...this effect can only occure once very 30 seconds

    ball lightning increases damage of your next maul by 10% and maul now adds a small dot



    and give me back all the abilities that u took away and also remove that dmg reduction from maul and put it back to this seperate ability cuz this is dumb af

  4. deception is not fine...it has no force management at all as the responsible passives have 100% uptime...same with its dr passives. i call that bad design.

    secondly its survivability isnt that good either since they removed stun dr (talking from a solo ranked point of view)

    hatred lost its ability to kite as it was a hybrid melee/range spec before same as ap pt


    i dont think i need to talk about dps sorcs...


    as for dps sins...................give them their old abilities back (like who came up with this LETS REMOVE PW AND PRETTY MUCH EVERY OTHER GOOD STUFF, that made no sense at all)

  5. thats a terrible bug.

    Has anyone tested to see if it works with Juggs/Maras ?


    wasnt working on imp side when we tested it today...havent spend much time on imp tho

  6. we are playing the same stuff for 2 years now...as far as i know u guys didnt even plan an expansion until some players started crying. did u plan to keep this forever?

    honestly as a pvper i care more about class changes than i care about new maps so id preferre an update where u actually change classes (and change more than just some fcking numbers)....


    next patch is supposed to be a pvp update too? make it class balance lol ik u guys have great plans for that kappa

  7. they just dumbed sins down completely.

    deceptions force management is a joke aka it doesnt exist anymore. just maul and u get everything on 100% uptime (blackout was 10 times better than this ****).

    it has good sustained damage but from a pvp point of view its burst is just §&$§&.

    removal of phasewalk didnt make any sense at all as they said they removed it cuz sin was too mobile but they buffed force speeds cooldown at the same time omegalul?

    removal of crushing darkness and force lightning took a bunch of skill away too so now u just mostly spam damage abilities without any diversity or tactics in ur play.


    just reintroduce those abilities ffs...u could even help hatred idk maybe if u use blackout the range of ur next deathfield and eradicate get increased by 20m or something...just add some knowledge to the classes again.


    as for deception ik reintroduced force management would drop overall dps in pve so just increase the damage of some abilities like DISCHARGE and/or ball lightning and/or maul....would also help in pvp rly.

  8. in end game Sins are the Counter class to snipers we can stand in sniper AOE for well over a min and take no damage do to DCds. with or with out roll a sin can roll a good sniper.


    made my day man

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