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Posts posted by MERCBERSERK

  1. you did basically the same. tbh, what're you complaining about? i could just as easily complain in the same manner about your performance.
  2. Casira is 100% correct and you are being completely disingenuous. If you don't think the patch notes should have clarified that the 328 / 330 gear had to be prototype or artifact then I can only assume you are trolling. Surely that would have been a very easy and helpful clarification for Bioware to provide. There was even confusion about how artifact missions only unlocked enhancement modifications.


    The only reason I knew about this was because I went to Vulkk's and Xam Xam's gearing guides, respectively, and they both provided the same correct information. Players shouldn't have to rely on third parties to figure out gearing, though I'm grateful for the service they provide.


    Clarity would have been very helpful here. Even the clarification page says that there are separate missions for prototype and artifact gear to "get the best mods" -- which in English implies that there are lower mods available, essentially by definition.


    Sorry, Jackie, the Bioware team dropped the ball on this one and left a lot of those of us in Noble Decurion gear initially misled and confused, and frankly, annoyed. I know you take the brunt of this because you're the messenger / conduit, but your devs fed you misleading (at best) information.




    naw, i misunderstood. i thought they were complaining about not being able to get them due to refusal to play group content. i didn't know they stated it like that, if they didn't clarify which type of gear was needed then they should have done so.

  3. Why does a PVP player even need gear if they are going to be bolstered to max level regardless of their gear.


    because min/maxing. even if someone who is being bolstered up to 328 because they have sub 328 gear, or someone is being squished down to 328 because they have 330 or 340 gear, their gear will still be inferior to someone who has a perfectly optimized (min/maxed) 328 set. obtaining the optimal amount of alacrity, accuracy, and crit, as well as maximizing your stats is key to gearing.


    There should be only one gearing path, PVE (Story, Heroics, Flashpoints, Uprisings, and Operations). The other game modes don't even need gear with their bolsters (and being supposedly skill based).


    this is a moot suggestion because of what i already stated above. besides that fact, it's absolutely imperative that people be able to gear via different content. pvp especially, being the most skill based. i do however agree that it would be better if there weren't different sets though. they should have left it as it was in 6.x we could all get the same gear (306). which is why i suggested that 328 right now should be max ilvl.


    It would probably also cut down on the rampant cheating in PVP if everyone's stats were locked to the same values.


    what are you talking about? there is no stat based "cheating" to speak of, that i am aware of. if you think min/maxing and having optimal gear for pvp is cheating i would like to refer you to single player offline games.

  4. Have you actually tested bolster before posting that?

    Because with the increase of rating up to 340, it would be natural that pvp bolster goes there as well(*). I think Nim 330 were not better than 326 PvP/GSF

    (*) edit: Or is it capped?


    It still sucks that PvP goes only up to 328 and every other one goes to 330. I think BW did that just to avoid easier path for people to unlock 330 mods/enh. Right now you need at least one 330 rakata piece to unlock purple 330 enhancements. Good that we got good Tech fragments, if not the grind for GSF/PvP gear would have been a complete waste as you can currently get any alt to 330 (rakata stats) with credits and get better stats.


    absolutely not, max pvp gear in 7.0 was 326 which means gear below 326 was bolstered up to, and gear above 326 was bolstered down to. now with max ilvl for pvp being 328 in 7.1 the same is the case; everything being bolstered up to or down to 328.

  5. Then the wording should be changed to say "Some or most" because stating all is misleading and will cause problems.


    Note: Just for information, it doesn't bother me that much as I do run some group missions with my guild, when they are on.


    they stated it ("all") as such because that's exactly the case. ALL players indeed can get those mods. if you're strictly playing solo and won't do group content that doesn't mean that you can't or won't have access to the same opportunity as everyone else to acquire them, because you do possess that same opportunity, you're just refusing to do it. which is fine, but don't pretend you can't or don't have the same opportunity as everyone else, because you do.


    logic says; if you want it then do it. if you don't, then don't, and tough tatas.

  6. :rolleyes: Really, you think people who don't like the gearing are claiming we're 'victims?' There are victims of: crime, fire, flood (other natural disasters) accidents, and illness. Hey, wait, I'm a victim of my illness. :p but I am not a "victim" of the gearing system it just stinks.


    that's not even remotely what i said. i was referring to the dude who was complaining about a previous poster' statement and perceived it as an attack on anyone who doesn't like the current gearing system. ofc, i did so because the person he was responding to did no such thing in the first.

  7. Couldn't just say you liked it but had to take a shot at other players.


    don't try to claim you're some sort of victim, it's detestable. besides, he did no such thing. he simply stated a fact, and he's correct. at least about MMOs being made to play for extended periods of time.


    anyway, it doesn't take even a week to get fully geared. hell, especially not if you only pvp, it took me all of 30 seconds to fully upgrade all my gear to full 328 since i was already maxed out on everything. :D


    what is completely ridiculous is that there is higher tiered gear for pve than pvp at all. tbh, 328 should be the maximum ilvl, either that or pvp gear should be obtainable up to 340. the content that requires the most skill should have the highest ilvl gear, and i don't care what anyone thinks. pvp requiring more skill than nim raiding is not an opinion, it's an irrefutable fact, as it is in every mmo ever.

  8. They are working. Before crit would be capped at like 3.5k and u couldn't reach 10k power. I'm at 12k power and 4k crit and I haven't fully min maxed my gear. I did a wz as soon as I logged in tho just to test, and yup my stats were better than Monday night and I hadn't swapped any gear at all.


    i have over 12k power now as well and i had over 10k before the patch. all 300 augs working.

  9. I noticed that the secondary stats do not change inside a warzone now. Alacrity, Crit, Accuracy, etc.

    I entered a warzone with augmented gear and without it. Augmented gear is superior now becuase of the secondary stats.


    PVP gear rating is 328 and implants have 334.

    PVE gear has 340 rating (gear from the new operation, correct me if i'm wrong, i do not PVE). Implants at 334.


    Again please correct me if i'm wrong but that will make PVE gear superior to PVP gear. Even if the power/mastery/endurance does scale down (no idea if it does or how it works atm), the secondary stats will be superior for the 340 PVE gear.


    Any thoughts on that?


    it shouldn't be superior to 328, if it is it's bugged again. same thing with implants, anything above 328 should not be superior to 328. i don't have any 328+ gear though, so will have to wait for someone to verify to make sure.

  10. That explains the general, I'm curious about specifics. :)


    For instance; "you can not name your character Revan or Yoda, as those are official Star Wars names already."


    But 'Calo Nord' is fine, I've seen 'Bandon' with the title Darth earned in game. 'Nomi Sunrider' is allowed, but not 'Han'. So SOME Star Wars names are fine, but not others.


    technically i think you're mainly not supposed to use names of IRL people, i.e. celebrities and/or political figures, etc. but if it's preventing you from naming your characters after fictional characters too then they must be doing it for a reason. probably due to TOS and/or IP issues.


    tbh, it's not a big deal. just name your character whatever you want that it will let you. if your name turns out to be unacceptable or inappropriate then they'll force rename it and you can simply name it something else.

  11. Exactly, it needs to be rebalanced so orbs matter more than kills. Change it so orbs count retroactively towards every round the same way kills do.


    absolutely not, it is as it should be. if anything they should get rid of the orbs entirely so that noobs don't try to PvE the entire game as opposed to PvPing. tbh though, AHG is trash in general so... /shrug

  12. Will 328 implants get me full strength in Warzones though? That's all I care about, having full power in warzones without bolster or downscaling kicking in.


    why don't you just get on the PTS and find out, as opposed to asking a million questions on the forums.


    the only logical thing to do: either log onto the PTS find out now and hope it's the same in the live patch, or wait for the live patch, find out then and act accordingly.

  13. That’s why I hope threads like this stay up on the top of the forums for a couple days because the people who really want to know it will have read it. I’ve played for 9 or 10 years now and I learn new things all the time. I think that’s how you always get better. You’ll never be so upper echelon there’s nothing to learn anymore and the moment I start feeling that way, will be the moment I’ll never improve past that!


    everything in here is completely useless information, it doesn't matter whatsoever. if you truly want to get better you should start making an effort to start PvPing in PvP zones in the first place rather than chasing the PvE functions in them. again, just like many have already alluded to; objectives are NOT PvP, at all. if you want to "get better" at anything start PvPing to begin with. then just maybe you might start to see some improvement, depending on whether you're even capable of it or not.

  14. Whats a quadruple premade? And how does that happen when solo queueing?

    And just incase you aren't trolling, no one believes you "farm" premeds solo. Got any SS or vids to back it up?


    you think i keep screenshots of all the countless groups of incels that i've purged from these servers over the last decade "archived" on my server or something? do you? if so, that's f'in sad dude. the only "pics and vids" i have on my RAIDs are those of my family.


    regardless if you believe it or not, good players do farm whole premades out of queue themselves all the time. it's about as much fun as one can possibly have playing swtor.

  15. i go up against quadruple premades all the time. solo'd 'em all every time, git gud. especially the win trade crews, holy cow are they bad; almost as bad as the obj crews.
  16. That's a very selfish way of looking at it. Basically without premades the average amount the vast majority of players would need is 7 or 8 matches to get the 4 wins. But with premades you have a smaller group only needing 4 matches, and a larger group needing more matches to get the 4 wins due to the auto-losses against premades.


    However I really don't care about that, what I care about is that matches with a premade are so lobsided it saps all the fun out of that match even when you are on the team with the premade. I honestly don't understand why people even queue up as a premade vs randoms, but they sure as hell aren't true pvp'ers as we are looking for a challenge in PvP, that's the whole point of it; fighting intelligent opponents with the victor being decided by a combination of luck/skill/class balance. If you just want to stack things so much in your favor that you can roll over everything you may as well just farm npc's as it amounts to the same thing.:rolleyes:


    false, false, false, and false. even if there were no premades the same people who complain about them would still get farmed just the same.

  17. you can fill these lines full of your bull all you want, you'll never convince me though. BTW I read about 3 lines before I realized it wasn't even worth reading.


    of course i'm not going to convince you, i already stated that you're irrational. it's not worth reading to you because you don't care about facts or rationale, and you're not responding to any of it because you can't respond to rationale with biased delusions and you know it.

  18. And what you say makes no sense either


    makes no sense? doesn't really matter if it makes sense to you or not. he's right, it's the fact of the matter. you guys are so irrational.


    I see GOOD and BAD players getting Steam Rolled, the problem is even 1 or 2 GOOD players in a match can only do so much.


    that's right, 1-2 good players can only do so much against 4-8 good players. premade or not, it is of little consequence.


    Me personally I'm sick to death of having to go through 10 matches or more for 1 win, after the 5th I just start raging.


    it sounds like you just don't like pvp. if you don't like it you have two options; either stop pvping or stop paying your sub, no one is making you pvp. tim was correct, pvp is competitive. the actual pvpers (people who pvp because they enjoy it) do not care about the rewards. i could never receive a single reward in a warzone and i would still play, because i enjoy pvping, the reward is pvping in itself, not tech fragments or thyrsians. you would probably win far more often if you concentrated on your performance in said warzones instead of blaming the game for all your losses.


    I pay for this game I don't want to have to blow 8 hours for a win because some greedy arse is on the other side bringing his friends in.


    this has absolutely nothing to do with greed whatsoever, they have every right to pvp with their friends. it is you who are self-projecting and being greedy by trying to tell them all that they shouldn't pvp with their friends when in fact that's exactly what they should do.


    I've tried the build your own group aproach but I can only usually get them interested about once a week. SO THEY NEED OPTIONS! WHY ARE PEOPLE SAYING NO TO OPTIONS? why? because you're having fun steam rolling with no compition thats why.


    people probably aren't interested in grouping with you because you're not a good player. i'm not trying to be mean, it's just the most likely reason as to why you're having issues getting people to play with you. again, if you focused on your own performance this would be a nonissue.


    people are not saying "no to no options", SWTOR DOES NOT HAVE THE POPULATION TO SEGREGATE QUEUES people have already stated this in this and almost every other pvp thread a million times, because it's the fact of the matter. and even if swtor did have the population it still wouldn't be a thing because people should be able to queue with their friends.

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