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Posts posted by peterhine

  1. 50% damage reduction, no cool down lasts until death.


    /stupid overpowered


    This is why healers are so hard to kill; healers without guard are not that hard to kill.


    To make it even more stupid DPS have this.

    facts, its so damn difficult to kill them and they are stupidly overpowered, instead of nerfing the characters easy to kill, they should nerf the characters impossible to kill

  2. my crazy idea would be to make it with cartel coins, instead of buying packs and having horrible rgn( think that's what its called) u use those coins to directly buy the armors from the cartel market, obviously the higher the rating, the more expensive it will be
  3. I second that.....

    I have chstic fibrosis and asthma, i have low muscle tone in my hands along with ADHD and i suffer from epilepsy whoch has almost killed me 4 times and put me in the hospital more than i can count, and this is one of my favorite games to play, even when im in the hospital so i feel like we should do something for those that suffer with disabilities

  4. If they nerf the merc and sorc it will be balanced, but it sucks for us actual mercs who worked our butts off to get to where we are just to be royally tossed into the dirt
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