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Posts posted by frillzx

  1. Hey guys!


    I'm currently struggling to decide whether to focus on my Operative or my Assassin in PvP, and even though I MUCH prefer the aesthetic of the Assassin...I'm struggling to see what Assassin does better than Operative.


    I don't have enough gear on either to tell who has better damage, but the Operative kit is just crazy. Roll, off heals, a ranged autoattack to interrupt captures...what does Assassin have in comparison besides the tactical that gives two cloaks?

  2. Is there a specific way to be gearing for arsenal pvp? I can't seem to find any guides about what stats/augs to use :o I know how to build for PvE, but not how to build for pvp.
  3. I come from WoW, a game where in PvP, (almost) everything is viable up to high rating, and even there, most things are still very viable if played properly.


    I know that SWTOR's ladder works differently, and there's a "ranked solo queue", which doesn't exist in WoW. I assume this makes things different.


    With that in mind, how important is playing a meta class in SWTOR? Can off meta picks still be played in ranked if used effectively, or is there just no point in playing anything outside whatever's fotm?

  4. You have to be a lot more careful with guard, since you have less tankiness with a dps spec


    I'll have to give it some real thought! DPS warrior seems really fun, but being an unkillable tank who just annoys everybody also seems fun :p are both juggernaut specs viable for ranked as well?

  5. Veng: With Cut to Pieces tactical. Oh lawd. Fun.


    This is starting to sound fun to me :) I never thought I'd be interested in playing warrior, but here we are!!


    Jugger/Guardian tanks are, I believe, considered top of the heap for the 3 tanks right now.


    In that case, I think I'm definitely sold on warrior :D

  6. Vengeance jugg and annihilation mara can both be very strong


    really? :o vengeance juggernaut seems really fun. I've been worrying about leveling my sin because I feel so squishy! it would be dope to play a spec that's powerful AND tanky!


    (darkness and immortal both seem fun as well but I don't know if tanks are any good in pvp, haha)

  7. Unfortunately, Hatred is probably the worst spec in the game right now. It has very poor defenses and the lowest dps output of any of the DoT specs.


    Madness is very fun in regs, especially with Tempest of Roe tactical. It suffers from poor defenses and ability to deal damage under pressure so it isn't good for ranked.


    dang :(


    what about lightning and deception? I heard they just received some nerfs. Are they no longer viable?


    I'm really loving the sith inquisitor storyline, but I definitely want to play something that's good for PvP!

  8. Hello guys :) new player here, looking to choose what to level first for PvP purposes (I'm not all that interested in raids or dungeons)


    I come from WoW, where I play DoT based classes like warlock and rogue. I've done some research into SWTOR PvP and it seems like all the best classes are bursty, like Deception and Lightning, but I heard they were nerfed on Tuesday.


    Are Madness and Hatred viable specs at all for PvP? Are Deception/Lightning still the way to go?

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