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Posts posted by leoprietobombero

  1. even if you have a legacy on the new server if the legacy on the server your coming from is higher than the one your going to it will be copied with the character to the new server.


    Thanks. Yeah, I though that was going to be that way.



    Tranfer toon from Bastion to another server -> I do the tasks (fp hm, gsf, wb) -> I come back to Bastion ...


    I will have the achivements and rewards in there?

  2. Hi there...


    I have a question regarding the Dark vs. Light event and I hope you can help me...


    Here's the thing. Due to the low population on the server (The Bastion) it's really hard to find people to do the Flashpoints HM, World Bosses and to do Galactic Starfighter.


    My question is ... can I transfer the toon that I'm using for the event to another server (one with more population), do those achievements (Flashpoint Master, Giant Killer and Ace Starfighter) and come back to my original server (Bastion) and get the rewards in there or when I transfer it again I will lose the rewards and achievements??



  3. Hello community !


    I just came back from a 4 months break I took from the game. The last time I played (February 2016) there was an average of 100/150 people online (on Fleet) in the rush hour (mostly on weekends / saturday night).


    I knew that the population was dropping, but I never thought that it will be that lower as I saw last night.


    So, last night, (saturday night) when always was the critical time of being online, with 100/150 people online on fleet, with pop of WZ, FP every 5 minutes, 3 or 4 groups looking for people to do an ops and more...


    But, OH BOY I WAS SURPRISED. :eek:


    Only 10/15 people on fleet (which 3 were bots spammers) :(



    So, I was thinking (and ASKING) to Bioware/EA (and the people who still plays in 'The Bastion) to merge this server with another one for more population (for example 'The Harbringer').


    It's just an idea and I would like to know what you guys (people who still plays in the server) think. I really hope you agree with me and make it happen.



    More post about this topic:


    Petition: Cross Server Queue/Server Merge must happen, & not Server Transfer of 90cc. - by JE-BLAZAR-

    Did The Bastion die? - by OPRaider

    The Bastion Status as a Server - by apinson

    Possible Server Merge? - by TimesChampion





    Thanks for reading!

  4. Sorry, this post is duplicated


    Here's the original one!: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=886720




    Hello community !


    I just came back from a 4 months break I took from the game. The last time I played (February 2016) there was an average of 100/150 people online (on Fleet) in the rush hour (mostly on weekends / saturday night).


    I knew that the population was dropping, but I never thought that it will be that lower as I saw last night.


    So, last night, (saturday night) when always was the critical time of being online, with 100/150 people online on fleet, with pop of WZ, FP every 5 minutes, 3 or 4 groups looking for people to do an ops and more...


    But, OH BOY I WAS SURPRISED. :eek:


    Only 10/15 people on fleet (which 3 were bots spammers) :(



    So, I was thinking (and ASKING) to Bioware/EA (and the people who still plays in 'The Bastion) to merge this server with another one for more population (for example 'The Harbringer').


    It's just an idea and I would like to know what you guys (people who still plays in the server) think. I really hope you agree with me and make it happen.



    More post about this topic:


    Petition: Cross Server Queue/Server Merge must happen, & not Server Transfer of 90cc. - by JE-BLAZAR-

    Did The Bastion die? - by OPRaider

    The Bastion Status as a Server - by apinson

    Possible Server Merge? - by TimesChampion





    Thanks for reading!

  5. That being said, I strongly support server mergers. Instances have replaced the need for multiple servers in one region (west coast / east coast).



    I'm with you. I really hope that they merge 'The Bastion' with some other server for more population.

  6. Please BW, stop losing players!

    Make it retroactive and permanent event.


    You can't just ask old players to make ALL the stuff again in that short amount of time ...


    In the 'open letter to the players' you said that you were gamers too ...


    Are you? Are you really gamers? Did you even play sometime swtor?

  7. So, just for clarify ...


    We have 3 months (until November) for:


    • Reach Level 50 with all 8 classes

    • Earn 1M Credits on a Character

    • Reach Dark 5 Alignment

    • Reach Light 5 Alignment

    • Kill 5 Specific World Bosses

    • Kill 5 Specific Operations Bosses

    • Complete all Hard Mode Flashpoints

    • Complete the Eternal Championship

    ….and more! ...

    Oh boy! What's that 'more' will be? :confused:



    Oh yeah, this stuff http://www.swtor.com/blog/legendary-level-guide


    I really hope this will be a permanent event ... if not, it's impossible to do it

  8. I would be absolutely fine with doing one new LS and one new DS character, and all the other stuff (it actually might get me to finally finish the flashpoint achievements), but doing all 8 classes and crafting again is a bit of a overkill.


    Besides, (and if this is true, don't know about it, I just read it here) we only have until November to do ALL that ... I mean, come on... give us a little more time .. so we can do it in our time .. Don't know .. give us like a year or something

  9. ok, so... just to verify... none of the rewards are retroactive? like... if I say wanted that mount from legendary reward tier.. I would have to not only level AND gear a whole new character - but redo all the flashpoints etc on them? do they even have a way to track it? since once you do it the first time, achievement is legacywide.


    holy mother of "well - you wanted new content? how about you grind through all the old content you already did - have fuuun!"


    Besides, they said that we only have time until November ... so ...

    Maybe if that was for a unlimited time we can do it on our time and not doing it in a rush just because the rewards ... You know, create a toon, enjoy the story, doing the fp/ops when we can / want ...


    But only 3 / 4 months to do ALL that stuff ....

  10. It seems to be a filler until Season 2 of KotFE comes out. Scuttlebutt about that is around November, I believe.


    So, we have like ... what? 4 monthS? to do ALL THE STUFF they required for the legendary ... oh man ... It's going to be a hell of a work

  11. Allright guys, i came back after 2 months of not playing.. now i am back on TOFN and EVERYONE is gone?

    What happend? Can someone please explain it to me? because i have no idea what is going on ;(.


    Thanks in advance


    I'm in the exact position as you. I was off for a couple of months (since February). And looks like 'The Bastion' is in the same place as TOFN.


    I hope they merge some servers soon. It would be awesome. :p

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