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Posts posted by KevinQCowart

  1. At this point they should just drop elo-rating for SR and run with a strict "winning gives X points"-system. I swear it would be more enjoyable for everyone.

    That is actually a great idea. No need to punish people scores when so many factors are out of their control.


    +1 for a win


    Highest score per class gets a unique title

    top 50 get a cool title or flair

    200 wins get a mount

    300 wins get a weapon box


    I wish this game would switch to 3v3 with one round like WoW. I don't think its a better for worse system, but it keeps the que moving.

  2. Hello just returning from a long break from SWTOR, decided to play a LS Female Smuggler since my last one years ago was a DS male smuggler.


    I have run into a large amount of mostly cinematic and animation related bugs I have never seen before.


    Here is a working list, I may add to this as I keep playing


    1. Ord Mantell Smuggler story The war widows are missing from cinematic even though the are

    referenced multiple times and have the camera panned towards them


    2. The beast on the smugglers ship is missing both in and out of cinematic


    3. Risha has a clone during ship cinematic


    4. The ship droid cutscene no longer plays


    5. Coruscant, The Works security forces are facing backward from the targets they are shooting at

    and their blaster fire is doing a 180 degree arc backwards


    6. Sometimes most of my UI just disappears, minimap and mission pane is there but everything else disappears.

    No this is not Alt-Z, logging out is the only way to fix this, which sucks during group content when you

    are healing


    7. Worst of all during most cutscenes my Twileks lekku are constantly shaking like they are having muscle spasms


    8. Companions movement is severely glitched, they seem to lag behind and sometimes sprint or teleport back. Sometimes they have a long delay when told to gather material nodes and sometimes completely fail to reach the target. Then there is the long time favorite bug where they stand on tables and look down on you like a weirdo.


    9. Thermal Grenade aggros the mobs before the animation launches or the damage is registered.

  3. Just came back to SWTOR yesterday. Vandin is ok but there are some serious flaws.


    The huttball explosion timer should be doubled or just removed. I was utterly confused as to why I randomly died 5meters from a score. These unexplained "features" baffle me.


    Also yes there are to many traps and there duration is to long. And the stun trap is just dumb, I would actually rather it kill then just have to sit there and do nothing for 5 secs, not fun.


    Change all the traps to posion(to match the RP) and remove huttball explosion and I would actually love the map.

  4. Playing PT/VG till the servers shut down, and if anyone doesn't like it, they can suck it.


    Besides, I almost always have top damage or close to it, and usually top 3-4 in objective points for regs. And yes, AP PT is a globaling machine.


    But Pyro / Plasma is where the fun is.


    You're my new favorite person here.


    Pyro can actually do respectable pressure in competent hands and with good team support. I've made top DPS in healer/tank matches by a significant margin. And not many people understand that Pyro can get Kolto/CCbreaker every 45secs if you tunnel them.

  5. Re-read my post. I am not trying to kick a player solely because they are playing an underperforming class or being bad. I specified that it would be because they die within 15 seconds. That was not hyperbole. If someone a) plays an underperforming class, b) doesn't know their class, c) has terrible gear, d) is only there for mats, then that player is a liability and is in-directly harassing the rest of us. Besides, it takes 3 to tango i.e. I can not vote kick a player myself. If all 3 of us agree that said player should be removed, maybe, just maybe the action has merit.


    I've played only PT the last two seasons and I always have Star Parse running to exam the fight.


    Against four highly competent DPS tunneling.. PT last about 20 seconds, which is usually about 200-240k taken depending you take some of the passive damage utilities. That is the best you can do timing and cycling your cooldowns perfectly. And forget about whitebar->HO kiting as PT just doesn't work in arena against good players, everyone else has caught up to the mobility arms race.


    TLDR minimum PT TTK is 20sec thats not the players fault and is not a kickable offense.

  6. Theres a lot of awful people playing this game.

    Surprisingly, the best players I've seen, don't harass others, cause they will get that ELO back in a few matches.

    Of course if you're being retarded they will still complain, but far from harass you.


    That is a great point! I have played with godtier players and they never complain about getting a PT, they say, "We will peel/heal/guard if you can just keep them chasing you" I serve as a diversion and we win. The real good players look for opportunity against adversity and NEVER demoralize their teammates.

  7. If you run with a PT in SR, then you better be epic on the class. Throughout the entire season I have only met 1 or 2 that wasn't a complete liability to the team. If you queue with a PT and do 50k damage and die within the first 15 seconds then yes, I will try to get the team to vote kick you :)


    If you vote kick a player for their class choice or under performing that is blatant harassment and an abuse of the vote kick system.


    Besides being against the ToS its a complete jerk move. Its pretty sad we need legal documents to enforce sportsmanship.

  8. As if PT/VG isn't in a bad enough position in PvP. Every few matches I get players will just say "GG" and afk matches because they think they can't win with a VG/PT. Or it gets worse I frequently get verbally accosted for just queuing, I've had to report a few players for saying things I can't even repeat on the forum, things that are illegal to say in some countries.


    This is how bad your class balance is Bioware. Do something already.

  9. Here is my observation of PvPing for years across multiple servers and factions.


    Both factions have an equal amount of skilled players. Lets just say 300 Silver+ equivalent players queue per faction per day.


    Its the medium to unskilled players that dilute the faction skill level. On that same day imps will have 900 mediocre players and 100 newbies. While the pubs will have 100 mediocre players and 900 newbies.

  10. It sounds ideal on paper. But if you actually implemented the system participation would decrease and people would complain about lack of customization and boring cookie cutter classes.


    I don't even need to argue the point there is a concrete example right now. WoW are reverting the template system used in Legion, Battle for Azeroth will be back to gear but with some kind of bolster system, just like SWTOR has now.

  11. Do critical hits bypass defenses as well? Because this should be changed or tanks would have to stack 48% defense to have a chance to deflect the common 47% crit chance many DPS have, plus auto-crit white damage. Otherwise shield/absorb gear would still be unattractive because the tacked on defense stat would still be useless.
  12. Crying for nerfs only erodes the credibility of your argument otherwise.

    If you are seriously implying that mercs are balanced and need no changes you are beyond reasoning with.


    I realize you are saying DPS mercs need a nerf to their DCDs and PTs need a buff... But you are saying mercs, as in all mercs need a nerf and I am saying healing mercs do not need a nerf at all.


    As said above by others, nearly every dps class outclasses PT dps atm. Why not lobby for improvements instead of demanding a nerf to one of the many classes that beat you?


    When you aim your thread at one specific class, not even a spec of the class it comes off as shortsighted and does nothing but sound like a vent thread, not a reasonable discussion thread.

    Merc and PT are extreme outliers. Merc is enormously overpowered and dps PT is basically a dead class. Everybody else is in the middle of the bell curve.


    Merc healer is a special case it never had a moment of glory in SWTOR PvP because its just lame. The ability set is generic and it does not bring any exciting group utility besides enet securing a kill, but thats not a healer/support function. Merc healer issues have never been with DCDs, it needs an entirely new rotation. I wish it would be centered more around the kolto shell heal-on-damage effect, that is a unqiue style but its just incredibly weak atm.

  13. Healing mercs are not OP'd. Removing what DCDs they got would gimp them. So if you want to create dialogue then do it proper and be specific.


    I agree PTs need to be improved, but crying for nerfs for a specific class then asking for buff on another sounds like you just got wiped all over a WZ by a merc while playing on your PT.


    When do PTs ever not get wiped by mercs? Seriously, a PT could time their CC and burst perfectly and it would not matter, Mercs will win through raw math, PTs will run out of HP before they can kill even a mediocre merc.

  14. This issue has been discussed ad nauseam, because it has not been fixed, its broken. PvP is not imbalanced its completely dysfunctional.


    There is no debate to be had, this is a glaring design flaw that has continued for a year and a half. Mercenary TTK is off the scale, they are tankier than Shieldtech or any melee class. There is no justification for this, no class should get 30k HSMs and 3 lifes, and electonet.


    I am thrilled at the recent attention to PvP, in fact, I returned to the game and bough a 6-month subscription. But, Bioware, you need to tackle the large issues before you do the fine tweaking. Desync and Mercenaries make this otherwise amazing game frustrating.

  15. I think it is worth noting that you cannot dodge/parry while stunned. So saber ward may be more effective once you are white barred so you get the maximum defense from it.


    I have not played Jugg DPS in solo ranked but I often play PT dps which is in a similar spot, they are both supposed to be heavy armor off-tank DPS, they are supposed to be designed to be frontline melee dps, no stealth, no offhealing, no teleports or kiting, they are supposed to jump in first and take the abuse. But sadly we are now in bizzaro world and Jugg/PT dps are the squishiest specs in the game.


    My point is kiting and trying to play evasively on Jugg/PT doesn't work well. You'll do no damage and die soon anyway. Jump in first and pop DCDs, you'll soak up the nasty openers for your teammates, possibly gaggle the enemy team into a good cleave for your team, and ultimately die while doing as much dps before you go down.


    This is all Jugg/PT can do now, its the only way the classes were designed to play, even though they still fail to accomplish their design goal.

  16. Bioware,


    Loook at everyones responses.




    PvP and PvE players do not want this. Why are you so intent on pissing off the few loyal players this game has left.


    In case you were not aware, shield/absorb/defense are virtually useless in PvP due to the crit bloat. People who play tanks want to actually tank, but they have no choice, the only viable tank build is endurance>power to extend their TTK a few seconds and add some extra DPS pressure.


    Crit stat needs a stat squish, and absorb/shield/defense should work against crits, absorb should also have a stacking buff where every non-shielded attack builds it percent change to less the effects of RNG for mitigation.

  17. Bro, you got to stop caring, you know Bioware will never change.


    All you are doing is giving yourself gray/thinning hair and high blood pressure.


    Just let go.

  18. SWTOR's subscriber rewards is not just ineffective, its actually bad for the game. Instead of using items to incentivize people to stay subscribed they irritate their customers by having features that become permanently unobtainable. And I have all the rewards so don't criticize me for wanting handouts.


    All rewards should be permanently available via a veteran system that is based on cumulative subscription time, meaning someone could not subscribe during finals month without feeling that they are losing out, they only lose one month towards their total, they would not have to start over


    2 months: Black-Purple Crystal Box

    3 months: HK weapons set, please make this legacy bound

    6 months: Nico Okkar Companion, and weapon

    9 months: HK jetpack

    12 months: Shae Vizla companion

    15 months: HK Chapter



    This is just an example, you get the point.

  19. developers that do not play the game regularly, understand their community base, not paying customers


    That is really the underlying problem with Bioware Austin, they don't treat the players like customers and try to appease us.


    They act like some kind of pompous art film director or progressive rock band vocalist, if their work is not well received they can't accept their failure and adjust accordingly.


    I picture Bioware devs as a guy with a beret, cigarette holder and a scarf complaining to himself about how we're to stupid to understand Biowares brilliance, "they are just to stupid to appreciate my genius!"

  20. Hey folks,


    Any time that nerfs happen during Class balance, there is a common question we receive “Instead of nerfing <insert Class>, why not buff all of the other Classes up to their performance?” This is a really good question and we want to try to explain to you why we handle balance this way. For starters, if you haven’t read our detailed breakdown of how we balance Classes, please start there. From that thread, the main point you need to understand is that we balance Classes/Disciplines based on specific DPS, HPS, and DTPS targets.


    Now, those balance targets not only dictate Class/Discipline balance, but they dictate balance across all combat in the entire game. Every Mission, Operation boss, piece of gear, and more is all factored around those balance targets. Let’s say that our hypothetical target for Ranged Burst is 1000 DPS and that Arsenal Mercs are currently performing at 1,200 DPS. This means that they are killing everything in the game 20% faster than we intended them to. Again, that’s every boss and every Mission. The inverse is true of Classes that have lower than desired DPS.


    If we took every Class and moved it so that it was equal to the highest performing one, now everyone would be way stronger than we intended based on our balance targets. PvE content in general would become too easy, the “time to kill” in PvP would go down quite a bit making for less counter-play. The only way we would be able to “move everyone up to the best Class” is if we simultaneously rebalanced the entire game to be equal to that new target. That kind of thing typically only happens when we increase the level cap, as it is a massive undertaking.


    TLDR – The entire game’s combat revolves around balance targets. To keep things in-line we have to move Classes up or down to be around that target or it throws things off greatly from their intended balance.




    See, this is the problem, Bioware are not just to arrogant to admit they are wrong. They actually think they are right. The stubbornness is an organizational wide problem. This games demise accelerates everyday because Bioware refuses to be critical of itself or listen to its customers.


    If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll get getting what you've always gotten.

  21. Brilliant, you fixed something that wasn't broke, instead of fixing the mountain of severe bugs in SWTOR.


    Mercenary Trama Regulators: Broken, Overpowered

    Mercenary Kolto Surge: Broken, Overpowered

    Sniper Defensive Safeguards: Broken, Overpowered

    Sniper Tactical Retreat: Broken, Overpowered

    Marauder Ruthless Aggressor: Broken, Overpowered


    Powertech Jet Charge: Broken, periodically fails

    Operative Holotraverse: Broken, periodically fails or kills you

    Assassin Phantom Stride: Broken, periodically fails or kills you


    Warzones suffer from desync so bad that players randomly disappear or glitchs around map while being untargetable.


    Clean your mess up Bioware, you are an embarrassment.

  22. I think peoples would be more than happy to see these matters taken seriously and quickly. ;)


    Whoever is in charge of combat seriously needs to be fired. The quality and cadence of this work is what I would expect from a ramshackle noname game studio, not a big name like Bioware or Star Wars.


    Hang your head in shame combat "team" the game would have been better in maintence mode than this dumpster fire called 5.0

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