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Posts posted by RRRBBBRRRGGG

  1. As the title says... are we going to see it anytime soon?

    It's not hard to find a ranked match on weekends but during the week in the afternoon the wait times are often 10 minutes and longer.

    All i can say is, remembering when blizzard changed their queuing system to a cross server one, the wait times imploded to a few seconds from what used to be sometimes half an hour of waiting.


    on a sidenote and not pvp related... i see people filing the fleetchat up with lfg ops all the time... maybe add a better queue system for that as well?

    i don't play pve myself but considering that many do...it would make things easier.


    and on a side-side note :p would the devs please have a good look at other mmos and update the game to the standard they have been setting in terms of queuing, average gear rating, implementing gear requirements for arena perhaps... these things. and peeerhaps make the ranking system a tiny bit more useful.

  2. i think i can top that. trooper, last guy on the enemy team.

    nowhere to be seen of course. thus i presume he's afk.

    after a while waiting whether he comes down finally, a guy on my team points out that his distance indicator shows that he is moving. so we chase him down and kill him.... turned out he was invisible the entire time.

    so there's that.

  3. situation one. a guy enters ranked pvp with greens and pve gear. does about 9k dmg and we loose against a team we could have won against if this guy had been replaced with a 158/162 player.


    situation two. a guy is ok-ish geared but plays like an absolute retard, by which i mean completely ignoring any reasonable strategy, exploiting a healer who does his best to keep that retard alive for over a minute and a half against a full team while he ignores the healer, ignores their main dmg dealer and whacks on someone of no importance.


    verbally abusing players who screw things up, considering the fact that you might have waited 8 to 10 minutes for ranked pvp to pop up, only to loose because of this one idiot, definitely helps people to realize their error early, go back to regular wz and at least come back with a full obroan set with augments.


    and that is all i will say to that.

    don't whine, but learn.

  4. So, option 2 then? Result is the same. An OP like this, with that kind of background, means credibility is gone in my eyes. If you've only been here a couple weeks and you raced to 55, you DON'T GET TO WHINE LIKE THIS. It's called perspective - and you don't get it in two weeks.



    i don't know how you play, or why it seems like a thing out of the world to you, but i just played a few hours a day and / or maybe simply enjoyed the storyline enough to keep me entertained.

    but if my credibility in your eyes is gone, well.....you have no idea how hard that hits me :)

    in any case, i am sure you have a lot of very interesting things to contribute, due to your superior perspective, that you must have acquired through playing this and other mmos not for 4 weeks but how many years of your life?

    personally i prefer to play less and enjoy my time rather than being a narcissistic pile of bantha poo (srsly i don't wanna get banned, so excuse my pretentiously careful choice of words).


    in any case, i am glad the majority of players i encountered, and the community in general on this game is very friendly, apart from that pocket of players who think they are living gods in their mothers basement, and mainly on screen :)


    but by all means, value your amazing "perspective"... it's the only thing you'll likely have in this life ;)

  5. ok in that case "quesh huttball".

    i have been here for a month, and hit 55 after 2 weeks and by now got about 60% pvp gear, still a bit to go.

    i wouldn't mind if i got huttball maybe twice a day or so in between the actual warzones, but the amount i have been getting lately is just pathetic.

    it has gone so far that i leave the warzone immediately and search again for that exact reason.

    since i don't know what kalular described, i can't judge it, but it does sound interesting, and if it was in the game before, it should be reintroduced.

    sheesh i would be happy with a simply expansion of tattoine with 2 holds only that you can take and maybe 3 outposts in between.

    but so far i have had zero fun with open world pvp.... except for one single day on which it was quiet fun and didn't end in a spawncamping session.

    anything really to give people rewards for revisiting planets and doing some pvp outside rather than the same warzones over and over.

    games like warhammer online were overly large with too few players and too much to hold for it to be fun but i think bioware, being 2014 by now, will be able to manage to keep a good amount of players in a pvp area without everything dropping to 1 fps.

  6. First of all, your efforts are appreciated, however i have to say, ever since huttball was introduced, i hate it.

    I hate it with a passion. out of 10 games 8 are hutball and i hate it.

    I hate that it has absolutely zero to do with killing the Republic but instead "Rotworms" and "Frogdogs".

    Generally i hate the entire gamemode. It is annoying, the commentator is annoying, everything about it is annoying.

    Arena matches are 1 in 100 even though i like them best, and the other game modes which are quiet fun to play come up more and more rare, thanks to... huttball. So yea. Let us opt it out, or make it a PvP mode of its own. I just don't wanna see it anymore.

    And there are a few who share that sentiment.


    Open RvR

    Something i saw in other games, which was a lot of fun, captivating and would give the whole galactic war idea a feeling. Since it has become impossible to even reach Anchorhead on Tattoine thanks to the "Exhaustion zone" Real Open PvP happens near the outposts and that is it. Mainly to the annoyance of the lvl 30-40 players who can't do anything except die often and frustrating them until they log off for the day.

    So yea. Strongholds, Outposts, Fortresses etc... inside a RvR zone, on each planet, or at least some and i would be very happy. Make it rewarding for people and factionwide, because all else tends to become a boring grind after a while. Especially now thanks to.... Huttball :cool: .


    So yea. Give it a serious thought, and give some feedback.

    I wanna start a petition or something of the sort on here for Open PvP areas so yea. Let's hear it....

  7. Well that is the whole endgame issue. MMO's usually differ a lot when it comes to the leveling and character building progress, and this one is the best imo in that regard... but after all that, they all really become the same. Or in this case have the chance to differ. Though yea, if people really enjoy the grinding... and i can't comprehend why. If after 10 rounds of PvP or 10 days of doing the same quests ones brain doesn't go numb and says "nope" then i really don't know what to say lol. For me, if the levelling is more interesting than the endgame, even creating alts looses its appeal. (Story wise they differ a bit but the main quests are the same again). The game has a lot of potential and being 3 years old, the engine can be updated to some degree. Learning from other developers and games is an idea :rolleyes: . I mean i know there is the standard core of players who will really do the same thing everywhere and i've met a few, but strangely only on this game have i met a great number of people who would appreciate diversity.

    Anyways...so far my experience and opinion really. But if you're right and i'm pretty much the only one then well. They won't mind one less subscriber.

  8. So far it is the only MMO i can say that has gotten better and better with time.

    I do have a lot of confidence in the developers really, and i think the sky ..ok... the engine :p ... is the limit.

    As for the Cartel Market. So far i don't mind it. 500(+100) coins each month just for being a subscriber is a very fair and nice gesture. And otherwise most items are really just cosmetic. Also a lot of people will buy them and resell them for credits so even without coins access to most items remains :)

    Also the prices seem fair enough to me.

    As long as it stays that way, and won't turn into a money drain... like some other games (forcing you to buy equipment to even remotely stay competitive) it can stay for all i care.

    Personally i'm looking forward to the Strongholds and the new content from may up until june :)

    After that.... maybe my new RvR suggestions will be taken into consideration :p

  9. Short and simple.


    I loved the story and the levelling from 1-55. I love almost everything about this game.

    But at 55 this game makes the same mistakes of almost all other MMO's.

    Endless repetitive grinding for the sake of...more repetitive grinding.

    I have stopped playing my 55 now since i see no point or rather fun in doing the same things every day over and over and might start a new alt.


    So here is what i thought.


    Add an RvR Area to every planet. Strongholds, cities, outposts etc. Reward the ownership of these planet areas factionwide and for the players who took it. Give guilds the ability to hold some of these cities or strongholds.

    We can still keep the normal pvp as it is obviously and it's all good fun but it just isn't enough to keep a lot of people interested for very long.


    PvE grinding.

    I suppose this is the less tedious part, if still..rather tedious. PvP grinding is a mindless repetition, where here at least the dailies vary etc. However.... would it be so impossible to for once set the difficulty of operations and flashpoints not based on the entry gear? How about rewarding brain and tactics instead of...grinding? I really DO NOT want to see the good gear on everyone who just dinged 55 a week ago, it should stay hard to get.....BUT not through the time invested in grinding but rather into forming a proper group and new boss tactics.


    Really these two points. Open RvR and a final solution to the grinding issue....*without* turning this into a "the whiners have won" situation where everyone runs around with the best loot. RvR will give people something to do and have fun in the endgame content... while PvE remains as challenging or becomes more challenging in fact, just without the time consuming grinding.... which really is as brainless as can be.

  10. So whatever ad you released around the end of March 2014, was definitely successful. Me alongside many others started the game for the first time and i was overwhelmed. It has everything other MMO's i played didn't have. The Sith Story line... starting on Korriban and what follows is utterly superb. So keep it up :D

    Otherwise the game has massive potential and i think with Galactic Starfighter we have only seen a glimpse of that.

    Anyways the only things that i immediately found were lacking were... faster and flying mounts on planets... larger planet areas to explore, and free spaceflight as it is in EVE. I know it's probably dumb to mention it.... but it would give this game the edge from great to amazing.... not to mention secure even more subscribers ;)

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