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Posts posted by Ikthanos

  1. it ain't just 12 gigs for me it's 17 by know and i don't know will it stop after this or it will continue download so there is a real good possibility that i will download a full game again. Now i don't mind that i m losing time that i paid or that you made a mistake it happens i understand though if made mistakes at my job as often as you do them i would have to explain a lot of people why their houses burned down but that's beside the point. What i mind is that i I'm forced to download possibly the whole game because from my point of view that promise of yours that we will only have to download 12 gigs ( which i can take ) is ******** ( pardon my language). If i must of course i will download the whole game again but i want confirmation that it will work after that not that i will log in and the game will crash or something else and i will be forced to do reinstall or download it again also i m sorry for my English i ain't a native speaker and its a bit rusty.


    I was in the same boat as other individuals who had the ~12gig d/l issue yesterday. I decided to wait until today to download per the dev post but was sad to see it still required me to d/l the 12 gigs. I bit the bullet, and re-d/l the entire 12 gig asset plus another 5 gig asset. After playing around on the new planet I have exited the game completely, restarted the launcher and logged in again without being required to download any new assets/patches.


    Although painful, it seems like if you're able to d/l the 17gigs you should be good to go. Hope this helps with your concerns.

  2. Juggernaut. I dreamed of playing a Vanguard trooper tank since pre-launch. When the game finally released, I leveled him all the way to 46 before trying out a Sith Warrior on a whim. I was hooked on the Jugg tank AC and story, as well as the overall Imperial faction from that point forward. Since then, I've played every class to 50+/55 except Jedi Consular.


    And my poor Vanguard is still sitting in the character menu at L46, waiting to finish his class story...alas, that day may never come...

  3. This idea was toyed around with in beta a long time ago. I remember the developer response regarding why it was never implemented having to do with the Trooper droid companion M1-4X and Jedi Knight companion T7-01.


    They never fully explained it, but I'm assuming it has to do with them not being humanoid and associated animation issues. Why they could not create an exception for those two companions and allow all others to travel with us in the taxis, I will never know.

  4. Simple - I think every planet has a soundtrack, but they just top playing after the tracks finished. I'd really like to hear some music to add to the atmosphere of the planets. Just hearing your speeder as you drive to your next quest objective is soo.. boring. Of course you could just play music (and I mostly do because ther eis none in game) but I have to pause it every time for conversations (if I want to listen to them).


    Music really helps with immersion, I remember hearing a very beautfiul melody on Hoth in the beginning and then it just disaappeared, it would be SO awesome if the track could just be looped, for those that don't like - you could just toggle it on and off, I don't think it's that hard to implement, too. The music is already there, just needs a repeat button.


    Just want to add another vote to this. The lack of background music tends to make the worlds feel quite dull, especially when it's just me and Jaesa running around doing dailies. It has gotten to the point where I occasionally activate my Heroic Moment ability just to hear some Star Wars music.

  5. Well, you know. When the elite of the Republic ignore a quarantine order and all...you'd think the Empire would be a mite more ruthless.


    I sorta wish that at "Feverish" friendly NPC's would go hostile and gun you down. It'd be so appropriate!


    Actually, when my character was Feverish with the glowing eyes, on my way to board my ship inside my character's hanger there was a containment droid and two containment officers. When I ran by, the droid scanned me, and then the two containment officers tried to kill me. Unfortunately for them, they failed at their duty, lol.


    Still, it was very cool to see that happen.

  6. -Troopers get their companion after completing the last class mission on Ord Mantell, so keep questing and you'll get him.


    -Troopers can't use cover, only Smugglers & Imperial Agents can use the cover mechanic.

  7. 300 million? I heard it was 150 million. Can you send your sources for that?

    150 million would mean it cost 50 million more than GTA 4


    300 million is inaccurate. It was a value fabricated by "EA Louse" a disgruntled former employee of Mythic in 2010. Unfortunately, this is still sometimes quoted as fact.


    I don't think there have been any direct values provided by official BioWare sources, only analyst estimates that have ranged from $80 to $150 million.

  8. I have a bad feeling that come launch day we're still going to have the same issues that every MMO has on launch day, server crashes, massive queues, lag, etc....


    I obviously hope this isn't true and BW actually manage to avoid what very few (if any) popular MMORPG's haven't. But if it is true I think this'll come back to haunt BW, as any issues could have been sorted out in those couple of extra days they gave us, and come the actual launch things might have gone smoother.


    I will not be surprised if there are queues on launch day b/c Bioware isn't doing EA to primarily prevent queues. They are doing EA to create servers with adequate server populations across the board. That way there aren't extensively long queues to get into individual servers on launch day and more importantly they don't have to worry about merging servers in the future. SR's tracker post makes this clear. For the long term health of the game, what they are doing makes perfect sense.

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