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Posts posted by SithEBM-Reborn

  1. Calling the game mediocre and informing players that they are not allowed to stand for mediocrity. Those were your words in multiple threads. You are the one who made it sound like players are not allowed to think for themselves with your words. That's all on you.


    As for the second portion. You were suggesting that the player spend his time in game if he loved it so much instead of the forums. I simply pointed out that people can multitask. No need to get upset.

    So I guess the only non-trolly way of providing feedback on these forums is by blindly defending the game and EAware. :rolleyes:

  2. The game is bleeding subs en masse. Wildstar will prove to deal a huge blow to TOR. After that who knows, but I doubt the license will be renewed in 2016 or whenever it's due its expiration because of the mass exoduses in 2012 and ultimate switch to f2p in less than a year.
  3. Well TOR is sinking OP. Loss of subs, devs focusing all their attention to the cash shop to gouge the remaining playerbase, thus lack of focus on developing content on a regular basis. The future of this MMO is VERY grim.
  4. Umm.. yeah.. There is a reason everyone and their grandmama played Smash. While not necessarily being OP, it most certainly was flavor of the year.


    It was flavor of the year because of 3 things:


    1). Most people who play this game are bad and huddle together to make smash look OP when it takes out 2-4 people at once.

    2). Smash stacking was OP and THAT needed a nerf.

    3). BioWare's poor balancing methods made other classes/specs underpowered.


    Smash wasn't an OP spec at all(Aside from double smash and you acknowledged that smash wasn't necessarily an OP spec). Other classes were underpowered and nobody wanted to try to learn to actually counter the smash spec.

  5. Bioware has made some missteps,

    That's an understatement

    but *I* feel that PvP balance is not all that horrid (even with all the stealth and cc in the game).

    PvP balance is terrible because they balance classes around the QQers instead of listening to the people who know how to play their classes.

    I think the biggest complaints I have seen are lack of world pvp (I hate world PvP so take original statement with that in mind) and lack of cross-server queues.

    Yeah, I think these are the biggest complaints and that is why I don't see a future for PvP in this game.

    Biggest mistake they can do now, in *my* opinion, is ignore individual balance in favor of team or arena balance. That is, parity is needed, but don't eschew one for the other--try, within reason, for both. No, it's not going to be perfect.

    All they have to do is listen to the people who know how to play their classes but that's never going to happen.

    World PvP might be helped by Gree style events happening more often and on different planets. Oricon is a nice little place for World PvP, as has been demonstrated. Incidentally, I hate world PvP because it largely depends on who brings more fodder to the slaughter.

    Just copy/paste the outlands and you have successful world PvP. Of course that's not the only way to create world PvP but it would be easy to implement.

  6. This would have been a great start before season 1 started. I suppose it'll encourage some players to participate in ranked but it'll ultimately do nothing.


    Without fixing the core issues, this will do nothing to help Ranked PvP and it won't bring back most(if not all) of the PvPers who have unsubscribed.


    Before the community was destroyed, I would have liked exclusive color crystals(Is black still off the market?) and exclusive mounts/ not reskinned armor.

  7. Can the Commando get some actually useful stealth detection instead of a tiny circle that's so easily avoided it practically lacks purpose? The only way anyone ever gets revealed by this is because they walk straight into it/aka ignore it completely, or quite simply you already knew where they were to begin with.


    Seriously this thing is awful, it should either be way bigger or simply an expanding AOE from the Commando..


    If you're getting killed by a concealment operative, then you're garbage at this game and you need to learn to play. They're probably the worst spec in this game at this point.

  8. You're right, concealment ops trash me. That's why I came into this random and completely unrelated thread to qq about my class!


    I know that you didn't come into this thread to QQ about your class but:


    Cool. You should roll a sin/shadow. Good luck. Its a tough world when you can't hiddenstrike+acid blade/backstab/shiv your target to < 30% out of stealth.


    As soon as spinning kick hits for 3k+ we can talk. Just because you're a ****-tier op doesn't make it the universal truth, sir.


    There is obviously a problem here with how you play your class.

  9. Its a tough world when you can't hiddenstrike+acid blade/backstab/shiv your target to < 30% out of stealth.


    Lmfao. Yeah, the only possible way that could occur(With the knockdown) is if we crit on every single ability and you didn't use a CC breaker after Debilitate(Only a scrub wouldn't CC break at that point).


    You just need to learn to play your class.



    LOL. Oh man, this was a hilarious post. Hey, I'd gladly trade the knockdown for a maul like ability, a recklessness ability that resets(Or close enough anyway) when you exit combat, ASSASSINATE, basically auto crits with shock, an AOE reduction(Which isn't that necessary since smash got nerfed because of bads) and a reduced CC breaker.


    Let's not forget force shroud, force regen in and out of stealth + damage reduction abilities that reset upon exiting stealth, overcharge saber too(I think that's what it's called) and other stuff that I am forgetting.

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