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Posts posted by SkywardShadow

  1. My partner and I decided that if Bioware ignored our questions in the Q&A this time around we would unsub until we hear further information on the subject. I'm really sad that its come to this but neither of us have logged in for weeks. Without being able to explore the otherwise enjoyable storyline with our characters the way we want to be able to play them this game might as well be a WoW clone. We both left WoW after seven years of playing to enjoy this story driven MMO only to feel that the story was tailored to other people.


    I will continue to follow this situation as this is an issue that is very important to me but for now I won't continue to pay for a game that I feel excluded from.


    Two more un-subs from us too, listing the same reasons. Hopefully they get enough of these to notice.

  2. No, we have NOT gotten a response


    This content was last addressed three months before launch with an announcement that same gender content for companion characters would be included as post-launch content.


    The questions are How and When, and Will this extend to other, more visible, features of game play, e.g. flirts.


    No one is telling people who want combat logs to go back to games that supply them. No one is telling them they don't need an answer.


    This content was promised, and requests for information are mocked. Not acceptable.




    I was going to be billed again in 2 days, but after today's Q&A I've cancelled, listing the lack of SGRAs as my reason. I encourage more of you to do the same.

  3. I still don't agree with this whole "toggles are offensive!" garbage. At this point I would think you would do cartwheels just to have it in the game PERIOD.


    Bioware has not even SPOKEN about it since before Early Game Access and people are already micro-complaining.


    I noticed that you failed to address the reason that the toggle would be offensive.


    Also, I'm not complaining, I'm offering constructive feedback about how an upcoming system should be implemented, without spamming the thread with arguments that fail to add to the discussion.

  4. I agree that this should be easy to implement for existing companions. I love the idea of a voluntary companion story reset, allowing you to make different conversation choices - perfect resolution.


    I really hope they don't enable a toggle, as that would be quite offensive. The next toggle implemented will hide characters of certain skin colors! (Blue.)

  5. Its not that they are supposed to be "Bi", but that they are supposed to be neutral till you push them towards a certain interest.


    A certain class companion is a good example of what I am talking about: Spoiler removed.


    And as said before for all the homophobes: "no character is going to hit on you unless you choose the dialogue options marked as [Flirt]" Which is currently how the OGRA's currently work. And if you don't even want to see ANY even possible [flirt] options with OGRA, well too bad and grow up.


    I believe it was stated that they want to only make the new companions and characters SGRA acceptable as the problem with making past characters acceptable to romance options would be too much work to add in. Plus many would feel like they might be forced into rerolling just to obtain such options as they have already gone through the majority of the conversations in game.


    I agree with this so much.


    Also, we don't really need new flashpoints and operations at this point, when most of us aren't yet experiencing those. We need our current experiences fixed, including these missing romance options.

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