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Posts posted by crawfunk

  1. I do not know what to think of PVP in this game sometimes. I have very thick skin which allows me to do PVP where others avoid& treat it like a passing disease. However these are the things I keep seeing & the ELABORATE/Constructive CHEATING on the PVE servers not just a PVP server only.


    1. People who are playing against an Imperial friend who knowingly throw the match & do little to nothing to help the Republic effort. This is really bad & I know for a fact it is going on. There are too many times where I know something shouldn't have gone the way it did & it's because someone is throwing the match for their IMP ALT GUILD friend(s) ESPECIALLY in RANKED.

    2. People who DO play Republic but are only there to also little to nothing because they're frustrated that this PUB toon just probably isn't the same as their IMPerial toon so they also end up throwing the match then LOGGING OUT only to log back in on IMperial side because now they know they have found somewhat of an backdoor. I pick up on this in UNRANKED a lot.

    3. I know people are still line switching & smurfing & I notice this a lot when I am doing IMP vs PUB which is what I do regardless.

    People playing against their Imperial friend I have no problem with but when the match is thrown then they log off & log back on with their Imperial toon needs to be restricted to a certain extent.

  2. Here's another aspect that could possibly have me cancelling my subscription.

    There are a few Heroic +2 missions with such low re spawn rates such as MUTATIONS on Taris

    & HIt 'Em Where They Live on Balmorra that if the level syncing doesn't get you in a bind the re-spawn rate takes too long!

    & then to make it worse just about everyone in the area is doing the mission by themselves! So we are forced to fight over the re-spawn spots all the while only one instance will be up.


    Perhaps some suggestion on the mission box stating that Republic/Imperial forces highly recommend doing in a team for faster results. Or speeding up the re-spawn rates in these two H+2s Republic side sure would help. Ever since these H+2s have become more relevant to do these are two missions I lose a lot of time with. & I know for sure I am not the only one who sees this.

  3. Ever since this new expansion pack has been out it has been very good & interesting with a new turn in events with the Empire & the Republic coming together to defeat the Eternal Empire. Whether this is somewhere in the original lore I have yet to discover but I will be looking into it. Gear is good. PVP gear is really good. I get to work with companions from the Imperial/Empire side which is good because I WILL NEVER EVER start another Imperial character ever again. I like the money that we can make just from opening up the crates. All in all very good. Good job! We no longer have to grind for the gear for the companion & the character, just right click VOILA they're healing, tanking or DPS. Now that's nice. I never had a problem gearing both me & the companion that much but this is a very good perk now.


    However, what I am starting to see is a trend where someone is just going through the motions particularly on Odessen & what not just to get a mission done so they can log off & back on another character or faction. I have had to suffer from this time & time again where I had to work with an Alliance player who's just running through the mission or flashpoint. Some who are very effective & some who are not so effective. I am sure that this is working for the benefit of all parties involved such as the player & the developer of the game... As for me who chooses NOT to play both factions I am often forced to turn down teaming up with someone because I know for sure they will just try to steamroll the operation let alone being in such low leveled gear that they have managed to roll for on other characters. They go down in a fight then I go down. Then why are there people who think that just because the classes SEEM to be mirrored they attempt to play their character the same as they do on the opposite faction?

    I do not know if others are experiencing this but I would be hard-pressed to not think so. Please do something to encourage this to curtail somewhat or else I will have to leave the galaxy all together.

  4. Unfortunately the Jedi Guardian I am working on will be the last character I level up. While sitting on Belsavis going through the motions of doing class missions & getting the good XP I thought nothing could go wrong. It turned into a grueling up hill battle in the sand on a hot day. Seems I was doing more wiping than defeating.


    I was having a hard time in the Holocaust part of the class mission story there & wasn't getting that much in help from fellow people on the planet.


    Is there a way we can incorporate a HELP ME BULLETIN BOARD that you can post on for needing help on the planet without randomly spamming General Chat for help. They would post but expire after a while. Also offer a bonus pay in credits or something for helping. Quite possibly this could really promote running in teams. It's really not a one person with their comp game that much. Please promote and foster more team play

  5. You can tell who's using the hack and who isn't.


    If you have lag, everyone is running fast or frozen in place. including yourself.


    You can spot the ones using the hack by their character constantly doing this weird vibrating jerking motion. On top of them running way to fast. Also, healers that use it seem to never go down in health. You hit them over and over and over and it seems like your barely making a dent. No, it has nothing to do with tanks guarding them. I play a healer so I know how fast you can cast heals. These guys heals are just zip, zip, zip over and over. Even if you hit them with whatever spell it is you have that says they can't use the same utility for 4 seconds, bam, their using it instantly. I've even seen them in the hutball pit run up the wall to the end zone. No, no one was there for them to jump to nor was there anyone there to pull them up. There's a few video's out there on Youtube that shows this exploit.


    It's because this speed hack application speed up their computer, which in turn, speeds up their game speed. No modifications are even done to the SWTOR app. They can turn it on and off in an instant. Which makes it almost impossible to catch them.


    It is a shame these people are using it cause it really is an unfair advantage and totally ruins the game. Only way to report them is to record your session and submit it to Bioware.


    & here I was all along thinking I was crazy for thinking what I was thinking but once again I have been proven right

  6. Players who log in on their Imperial char in WZs then turn around & log in on their Republic character after that match is over. I am also picking up on people using their Republic character to sabotage the Republic effort in WZs & also players fighting against their alt IMP/PUB guild mates and throwing the matches.
  7. First and for most I enjoy the game a lot! It will be the only MMO I will ever play due largely to the fact that I am a Star Wars movie fan. I am amazed at the detail at how it has been rendered and realized with great accuracy on the computer. I shunned from playing any MMO games for years due also largely to the fact that I knew people were cheating in them.


    More measures to stop this must be implemented!


    After playing SWTOR for about two years so far I can see it has grown into something very interesting & deep with lots of thought process that's needed to play it & get something out of it. I appreciate that a lot..


    However there are a few things I know that I am not the only one who has pondered upon...


    One is, that now since there are no more planetary commendations and the entry level form of currency is the Basic Commendation I find myself maxed out on them but nowhere to spend them or trade them in for credits. Furthermore, I don't find it all that much user-friendly that I have to buy Basic gear and mail it to an alt toon then sell it back, When it would be so much easier to mail the gear. However, I can see that if it doesn't bind upon pickup then some people can buy gear for folks without them working for it. I've owned a business before and know that the business and/or product is there to make a profit.. I know we can make it to where we transfer amongst only ourselves and not buy and then give it to someone else. Make no mistake I'll play the game but I do not have time to grind on all my toons to get gear.


    There should be a fine levied or some limit or time limit in so much radius of the pylon & on attacking your own faction during the Gree event. I'm all for PVP & I have the gear & the valor rank to prove it as well but other players trolling the pylon can get somewhat rude. To make it so much worse is how a certain or a group of certain of Republic players there but they're not attacking Imperial players... So my guess is that there is some degree of collusion going on... I find this very annoying along with other Republic players as well & the other players over there are full knowledge of what they are doing. I know this could be radical...


    Is it possible to have our protocol droid cook something for us that boosts some stat? Besides, so far the Republic droid is always eluding to cooking something anyway.


    If at all possible let us troopers have an ability acquired in higher levels such as a rocket launcher that deals just a little bit more damage and/or Thunderclap air strafe

  8. I do think it is Denial of Service because I'm picking up on people speed hacking channel hacking in war zones lately

    It's no telling what else could be going on because all west coast servers are down. Lately I've been thinking that I'm over thinking but then when two or more people mention what I'm thinking then I can't be too far from the truth of what I'm thinking.

    Today I was on Ilum and usually I don't like to think someone is hacking but somebody's doing something to get a upper hand on the planet for things I won't mention here

    This is a good game and the only MMO I play but popularity or trends won't destroy it for me but other players sure will

    Then again maybe I talk too much

  9. To have to learn a skill and pay for the materials that come along with requires a lot of time. Then upon deciding which new skills you wish to learn it requires that you must unlearn one skill which I can understand. However, what surprises me is that if you wish to re-learn a skill again you're back at the bottom again! In my opinion I would like to suggest that after learning the skill to the highest level after advanced training it should permanently unlocked for the player. To start all over putting time, credits, & resources is rather defeatist.
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