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Posts posted by Padreus

  1. You should be paying the full price just remember you had the choice to move before the merges for 90cc and Bioware is a Business and shouldn't be giving people free anything that were not smart enough to move before and set the home of choice before the merges.


    I was not talking about myself but about the community in general and how I think the transfers should go after the merge. That's my opinion and that does not mean I'm not smart enough. Why would you assume that everyone had a choice to move before the merge? You are completely wrong and they are not stupid because someone didn't move before. You have no idea why a player didn't move before. They don't need to give any reasons to you. You assume too much my friend. I'm very happy to know that you are so smart that you know all about someone else's life.

  2. Hope the transfers are allowed again soon. I want to move a few of my toons to the new server that I use the most after the merge. Because of the merge, transfers should be free for one week or so, so we can all get on the servers we want. After the one week, transfers should be allowed for a low fee. Why should we pay through the nose to move to the server of our choice? Move once for a low fee, moving back and forth for convenience should not be allowed.
  3. I have defeated her 5 times so far. What I do is a very quick hit and run, get behind the green healing circles so that she has to cross into them to get to you, she takes a lot of damage each time. Keep that up, a very quick hit then run, run in a circular pattern around the back of the stairs, keep drawing her into the green healing circles. Each time she gets weaker and eventually dies. Takes about 5 to 10 times to draw her into the healing circles for her to take enough damage to kill her. Heal yourself in the circles when needed, then run and keep drawing her in. Don't try to fight her for long, better to quick hit and run. Takes a while but it has worked for me 5 times so far.
  4. Annnd of course my subscription is scheduled to stop on the 17th....


    I'm the luckiest person alive!


    Meaning the 17th was the last time you were ever going to resub? Were you going to play for 6 days and then go F2P on the 17th? Maybe this is a good thing that they didn't release it with all the bugs and then you couldn't play at all? I'd rather wait a few days more to get the bugs ironed out.

  5. I have tried all sorts of ways to kill Vaylin. For me the only why I can get past her is to keep running away and draw her into the green rings were she takes damage. I just keep running from her, use the green rings for healing myself when needed and the rest of the time draw her into the green rings were she takes damage. After enough hits in the green rings she will die. Works for me, but takes awhile and a lot of running away. The key is to get her to walk into the green rings then run away again, repeat till she dies. :)
  6. I used to love this game, now I find it hard to enjoy it anymore. It's just a grind and I'm no longer happy with the daily grind. Where are the wide open planets I used to love exploring? The DvL contest turned me off and now... meh, Way to many story lines that are just funnels to the end, that are all the same for all the characters. It's getting harder and harder to resub to what used to be my favorite mmo. I still play but for how long. Hard to say. :( The SWTOR ship is floundering and is in danger of sinking.
  7. Yeah, not too much help for a light sider.

    I did not free him, as I felt this would be evil, him being a dark lord and what not.


    I did however find a way to actually group up, ans that did the trick for me


    What was the way to group up? As a light side toon that always went light side, I didn't free the dark lord either so I don't have the DC. I tried to kill her a few time then went looking for help... still dying. Maybe if I could group up somehow I could beat her. So, what is the way to group up? :eek:

  8. Yep, this workaround works.


    The abilities to use (under General) are:

    • Authorize Termination
    • Forbid Termination


    Yes, this works but there are 3 achievements associated with the recruiting HK-55 mission. I couldn't get them by using the workaround above. To get them, I guess I need to wait for the fix, whenever that will happen. :mad:

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