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Posts posted by Lirtoo

  1. I have a one-man guild and was dependent on the CQ Reputation points to reach 500k a week. I am a casual player who play what I enjoy when I feel like it. GS with reputation made me log in and play more content. I accepted the grind of recycled content during GS1-5, but the new update requires me to grind four times more content to reach 500k to get guild rewards. However, I won't do it. Personally, doing GS6 has completely lost its purpose because you removed CQ reputation. I won't unsub, but play less because of this change, which I assume is the opposite of what you intended with this update.

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  2. It's not just that it logs you out of the game, but when you login again, you are automatically in a WZ/Arena queue (but not really), and it's impossible to exit the queue. You have to relog your character again to fix that. I also had an experience just now that, when I clicked the exit button, I was logged out of the server, then when I logged back in to queue, I had a 5 min penalty for" leaving the match early" which is BS. Please fix this.

  3. It's not just that it logs you out of the game, but when you login again, you are automatically in a WZ/Arena queue (but not really), and it's impossible to exit the queue. You have to relog your character again to fix that.

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  4. I had a sorcerer on imp side that was tier 5 light side. When I chose Shadow as my second discipline, my original sorcerer discipline changed into Sage. I was very surprised, and my theory is that it was either a bug or caused by my light side tier 5.

    Now I want to change a smuggler into an operative by choosing powertech as my second discipline. I have reached tier 5 dark side, but the light side points is not subtracting after reaching tier 5. At this point my character is 8,857 light side and 23,641 dark side (it was light side tier 4 when I started grind the dark side points). I thought that when I reach tier 5 dark side, that the light side would start to subtract, but they don't, and I'm afraid it will affect the outcome when I pick powertech as a second discipline. How do I get rid of the light side points?

  5. People used to keep a last boss lock to finish an ops faster in previous patches, so I see why BW changed the rules. But there are some cons that affect the players.


    1: BW stop people from completing missions via last boss lock.


    1: If someone rage quit in the middle of the ops, which often happens in veteran mode, it will be hard to recruit a new player since the new player won't be able to complete the OPS mission, because he will be missing previous boss kills.

    2: If someone does join and kills the last boss, he will not be able to enter the OPS to kill the missing bosses, since he gets a lockout for all the bosses in the ops.

    This is not so much an issue with story mode OPS since they reset every day, but really bad if it's veteran mode with weekly lockout. Also, the same OPS will not likely be on the OPS terminal the next week.


  6. I just bought the Tatooine Arena Decoration Bundle for my Tatooine stronghold. Nice! Let's make a cool gladiator arena with a gate, lights and an arena grandstand next to it! But hold on... There are no hooks allowing that setup anywhere in the stronghold??... The Gladiators Dueling Arena requires a starship hook, the Arena Grandstand and the Arena Gate require centerpiece hooks. I'm sad to say this, but the bundle is actually useless for the Tatooine stronghold.


    I wish you could just cover the floor, walls and ceiling with green hooks and allow us to place anything there, regardless of size. Sure, large decorations will cover the entire hook so we can’t pick them up, but how about making us able to click the decoration and pick them up that way instead. It would make a lot of players happy.

    • Like 2
  7. On 10/27/2022 at 11:58 PM, ShenLongKazama said:

    Wish we could explore the underwater area around the Manaan Stronghold. Could work like you click on a panel in the Underwater Reserve and then you can explore the ocean floor. There was a glitch that enabled you to walk around underwater but it got patched.

    I loved that glitch. I was exploring areas not only on Manaan and other planets, but also OPS. I felt like Neo in the Matrix.

  8. I know you can drag and drop decorations in the guild bank, but that doesn't work for the decorations that are unlocked for your strongholds. You have to purchase one at the time, and purchasing 999 means I have to click 1998 times with my mouse, which is rather time consuming and boring. Is it possible to get an option where we can pick a number of decorations to purchase?

    • Like 4
  9. The only benefit of these mods is to buy e.g 330 gear for alts if they feel too lazy to use legacy gear. It has the same stats as the Rakata gear. What I am missing are more versions of the mods with different stats, so you can experiment and reach maximum numbers like the gear in the 6.0 patch. The new gear feels like an IQ-lock with no alternative stats to work with. I guess BW wants normal players to do the same numbers as the smart players (who knew how to utilize stats from mods in e.g the 6.0 patch).

  10. I tried this mission and find it very frustration for several reasons. The first issue is that the gambler takes exactly 5 min to respawn. Doing this 20 times equals 100 min of just standing stationary waiting, which is not fun gamplay. I could travel to a different planet, but the time it takes to get there is the same as staying one place and wait for the gambler to respawn. Second issue is that there are many players trying to bust the gambler, so chances are high that you will loose that battle. Some of us tried to group up to see if we all got count, but we didn't.

    My suggestion is to make the respawn timer shorter or that it counts in a group, because the way it is now is not fun and just a waste of time.


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  11. I clearly says in the GF ops sheet that ops require lvl 70 - 80. I'm lvl 76 atm and wanted to join to lvl up, but it didn't let me enter the ops. The other guy at lvl 70 was also rejected. It says in the patch notes that only lvl 80 can enter, so maybe remove the misleading "70 - 80" text? I used to lvl up with ops in previous patches, so not sure what your intention is with this change.
  12. I swear do you guys not read the patch notes. If something is not right after playing always read the notes they will answer your questions a good 50% of the time.


    I usually do, but I just expected it since it says here.

    It doesn't say it will be granted in the 7.1 patch or whatever in their post. And why do we have to wait till next patch? It's just disappointing.

  13. CQ... that's my main issue. I do CQ on all my characters too and I'm very disappointed that they 1) added a weekly cap to the rewards.


    They added a cap? I didn't know that. And is it a legacy cap? If so, then the purpose of having alts is diminished, because I use my alts to farm CQ rewards.


    I like the idea of playing two combat styles on one character, but then it might make people create less alts. Maybe their intention is to save server space, who knows. But I love the change where you can play a jedi on the imp side, and vise versa. I did play all the content to get the rewards, but from my experience it was really buggy, so didn't dare to explore too much of it. Like the different combat styles you can play. When I switched combat style, I could not change it back by clicking the tab in the character sheet. So I had to re-transfer it to do the content for the rewards. But I'm sure it will be fixed before it goes live.


    My experience is that humans hate changes, but they get used to it and then grows to love it. But not sure about the "set gear" system. I saw the abilities shadows use in pvp was attached to an accuracy implat, but pvp'ers don't use accuracy. That was really weird.

  14. I started playing on the PTS yesterday and completed weekly Flashpoints and PVP. I did Weekly Alderaan and Taris Heroics today and noticed the same. I saw the weekly of both came up after completing them. When I accepted the mission, it granted me the reward a second time. After I closed the menu and re-opened it, it was still there. I accepted it again and was rewarded, but it didn't show the third time I re-opened it. So I think you have to accept it three times before it goes away. Is this a bug or intended? It seems like the game rewards you from the PTS patch was launched as in three weeks ago (or when it was?). If this is the case, I assume they won't show up more than once after next reset. Anyway, I hope this doesn't bug the achievement like you say.
  15. Just a few experiences...


    Utility tree:

    The utility "tree" seems to have a bug. I can select utilities, then when I close and open the sheet again, the utilities are different from what I selected. However, some utilities it says I have (which I didn't select) are not granted, so it could be that I got the utilities I wanted, but the tree shows different and has no effect on my original choices.


    Combat styles:

    I also noticed that when I switched between my primary and secondary combat style (sentinel) a few times, it suddenly stopped working, so I was stuck with sentinel. Re-logging didn't fix it. I had to delete the character and re-copy it to the server.

  16. I just reached level 50 on Altuur, (as in completed the last missing achievement of Galactic Seasons), but I'm still not meeting the requirements to purchase anything at the Ki'at Thavo vendor. Is this another bug?
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