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Posts posted by assatrap

  1. On 2/10/2024 at 11:22 PM, sithBracer said:

    We tested it out, in the best circumstance we never broke 100k without blade. I'm sure in the most ideal circumstance it might be possible to barely break 100k, but it's probably not going to happen. This is in PvP of course where stats are capped to 336 and we don't get guild/ship bonuses.

    I stopped using the maul opener since it was just too unreliable and I would always have to worry about sorc stun bubbles screwing me up. Opening with awakened flame ball lightning really gives me more success in damage and pressure. The DoT autocrits during the duration adding a lot. The distance of ball lightning puts me at ease when attacking sorcs with stun bubble, attacking with a non stun move from 10m doesn't attract attention to me, and I get to keep overload. In warzones, it's ok.

    Death knell would've been ok, when we had a decent energized blade talent. But after they secretly nerfed it (and didn't even tell us why), I don't think death knell would be that good. One maul autocrit isn't doing anything. And an extra 30% on subpar melee damage isn't going to fix anything either.

    The class is just bad because it's playstyle doesn't fit this meta. It's really only good for quick skirmishes like 4dps arenas, but pretty terrible everywhere else.

    you pre-activate recklessness and Force Shroud before quickly opening with maul after phantom striding to mitigate sorc bubble.  Then you can follow it up with low slash, hard stun etc depending if you like a stun-lock rotation or max burst.

    One of the most fun activites in PVP is when you premade 2 good sins and burst in sync you can literaly global within a few seconds a class like sorc with light armor.

    But yeh sins are basically poor mans version of AP PT. Decent burst but less defensives, dps, range and burst vs AP PT but compensate it with double stealth. So its really in 4vs4 dps arenas where it only really shines. Range and mobility is very limited vs other melee specs.


    • Like 1
  2. On 1/8/2023 at 6:36 PM, Farstrider said:

    Hi all,

    I'd love to hear how Shadow is post update 7.2, and for any recommendations around PvP builds.

    I've had a look around but there are scarce any PvP builds from the usual suspects.


    As others have said deception with shadowcraft is decent. Its basically the stealth version of AP PT... but with less burst and less range but you can make it up with stunlock rotation.

    Also with double cloak - this is pretty advanced but if you have judged the situation to be safe - you can cloak in for offensive stealth to trigger shadowcraft again. So you can x2 shadowcraft sometimes - or use offensive stealth to finish a enemy when you need that extra final burst.

    The introduction of the implant shadowcraft has made assasin interesting and fun to play again even though they removed Spike.

    IN Arenas 4vs4 dps you will shine as long as there isnt too many ranged classes (sins bad vs kiters). IN healer-tank games you will suffer since your sustained dps is bad as deception and your attacks are mostly 4m attacks ... you dont have a 30m filler attack ability like PT or Operative.

    So the class is not as a easy as just jump in as Jugg or Merc and you will do fine. It requires a lot of skills to get the most out of assasin in pvp. Because your squishy af so you have to rely a lot on cc and positional awareness.

    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:

    Definitely don't need a server merge, and stacking a bonus based on the same mob needed for a quest update on top of an non-instanced area isn't the way to fashion a heroic.


    Face merchants consists of 3 areas: the outer area where the 15 guys are, the inner area with 2 guys and a warbot, and the instanced area.  If instancing is out of the question for whatever reason:

    1. Move the drone floating around in the outer area necessary for a completely unrelated quest update to anywhere else on Coruscant.

    2. Change the quest bonus from killing 15 guys to killing the warbot in the inner area. With tagged targeting, it won't matter if someone hits it first, anyone hitting it before it goes down gets credit.

    3. Break the 15 guys up from their current groupings of 3-to-5 man encounters to 15 individual encounters, creating 15 possibilities to get the quest update, not 4.


    so the decision to server merge or not.. should solely be based on and revolve around 1 single quest (bonus quest even) in the game.

    Basically the game should be catered to the 1% of the players that treat this game as a singleplayer althought its explicity stated as MMO. So that they can get their bonus quests on heroics done with zero hassle when they in the mood for it.

    BUt the other 95% of the playerbase in the game their needs and wants.. those who makeup the majority of the game should ofc be completly neglected and disregarded. They dont understand the pain of the players who play this game like a single player rpg with chat turned off... OHHH the HORROR of the sight of another Player at a heroic area!!!!

    finally we found the voice of reason in swtor forums.

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 1
  4. Why would you ever play DPS now In Warzones 7.2 other then if your into S&M? =

    You get zero points for dps'ing. Killing others means barely anything and doing highest dps barely gets noticed or feel meaningful.
    Since the game mode revolves around objectives and rewards only that: 
    Tanks = can defend endlessly longer then dps, be on the objective a lot longer, handle the ball a lot longer  and stand against premades a lot longer. In every single game mode in WZ - tanks are infinitely more useful then dps especially for newbies&mediocre players. And easy points for taunting as a bonus.

    I'm seeing A LOT more tanks then usual in Warzones. Because if your a mediocre or newbie player... there is literaly zero reason to play any dps class - and every reason to play a tank. 

    Even a 12 year old can play PT tank or Jugg tank and do reasonably well. A simple rotation and do some clicking on dcds once hp gets low. You dont have to worry about getting stunlocked,
    play smart with dcd's, out duel your enemy... just outlast your opponent by simply just standing there and face tank everything in sight and hold up the enemy team as result. 

    Then once you exhausted the enemy teams burst, dps and they finally managed to bring you down. You can simply respawn back and get back in there fairly quickly and do it all over again.
    Easy points end of the round and you can give yourself a pat on the shoulder for meaningfully "contributing" to your team. Its tanks vs tanks vs tanks and some clueless players playing dps and healers very soon if the current medal system continues. I dont blame them... this is what is very rewarding right now and makes no sense to play anything else. 

    Playing tanks is the only logical choice in WZ for the large majority of the players. Skank tanking is the meta in 7.2 and what it seems for the foreseeable future. Fun times!

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/29/2022 at 3:54 PM, DrRepulsor said:

      Good morning or good evening to everyone! Been playing this game from a long long while was original beta tester. Been rank 1 vg/pt and multiply gold holder on multiple toons. Now that does not matter. As battle record current arena 75% win rate and WZs 90% win rate across the toons. So what I'm trying to say I know thing or two about PvP.

      I'm going to list only broken abilities/specs/items aka tacticals in game. Please let me know if I'm wrong but most people would agree with me who actually know what they are doing and PvP and high skill level.

    1. Since I play that class often. VG/PT - I do not have problem with vg dmg and actually survivability became just a little better but just a little compare to old days. However tactical "Neural Trigger" has to be removed from the game or make it at very least proc only every 30 sec and fill 3x more resolve compare to how small it fills resolve and 15 sec. For people who has no clue what that tactical does: VG/PTs single target stun on 15 sec cd is removed by any dmg of yours and target get stunned for 2 sec. If you stack 2 or 3 pts = death to anyone and they do not have even fighting chance.

    2. Madness/Balance sorc/sage self heals is way too too tuned. I do not have problem with dmg on madness sorcs even many many people would agree its broken atm. However, I do have problem with their selfheal's.  It has to be reduced.

    3. Jugg/Guardian tank dmg in pvp way too high to be exactly is guardian slash/crushing blow ability hits for over 90k crits very very often in pvp and with self heals and endless dcds, we do have problem. I believe if you chose to play tank in pvp which I do play it too I should not be doing more than 50k crits. Plus taunt self heals becomes very very unkillable raid boss.

    4. Gunslinger/sniper  Saboteur/engineering spec -  with already spammble no cd AOE 50% slow which does decent dmg explosive probe can hit 140k+ on very very consistent basis. If you combine 2+ engi snipers  on one target with 35 meters 2 sec stun which does not fill a lot of resolve become very impossible and practically no chance fighting against. Tactical TO-RO Ionic discharge which give 50% crit dmg to explosive probe has to be tuned down to very least 25% crit dmg to explosive probe. Incendiary grenade has to be at least 5 sec cd. 

      Full disclose I play every single class but classes I listed above I play a little more. I mean who does not like OP/BROKEN specs/class/items. 

      BW needs to fix that because its getting out of control. 7.2 is the worst PvP balance patch I've seen or very close to one of the worst.

    BW FIX your stuff!


    100% correct assessment of the overtuned/broken elements of certain classes in 7.2

    I would also add Operative Lethality in the Jugg/Guardian category - just too much extreme raw dps

    Madness self-heals combined with extreme mobility and range dps, Jugg raw DPS combined with their heals and endless dcds, and Sniper non-stop AOE with Huge range - EXPLOSIVE PROBE needs urgently a nerf on the tactical I lost count how many times I think im safe and suddenly im dead because of those huge abnormal crits. Regularly 120k+ while other classes crits are 60-80k.

    PT stun is also a big problem in Arenas (cheap way to win for premades) but most often requires some coordination.

    Not calling for a 30% nerf across the board. More like 15% to make them inline with other classes similar to what they did with the AP dps burts in 7.1. 

  6. 12 hours ago, Monterone said:

    What a silly rhetorical question. Of course you can't kill and do objectives at the same time. That would be multitasking and that is completely nerd behavior. Arena playing takes singular focus and it hones you into a killing machine, unable to process any other concurrent stimuli. This is called leetness.

    When leet players queue for warzones, they can only operate in areas that are far away from objectives. You see, it is nearly impossible to fight on objectives and focus both on killing people AND interrupting caps. This is stuff of geekdom. A leet player knows the farther you are from the node when you fight, the more leet you become. Every other leet player will appreciate this greatness in you when they witness it.

    This is just basic facts. Many, many, very smart people agree with this.

    if you are serious about objective game play in 8vs8 you only really have 1 option.

    Play a "stealth" class: has the highest probability to have a outsized impact in 8vs8 games as solo player why:

    Ancient hypergate: This is the best map for stealthers where you can have biggest influence: stealing nodes 1vs1 (important to do with under 1min left) which is super easy as long as no vg/pt This is a art form few know. Or distracting and drawing enemy resources to get their first pylon leaving the mid area empty for orbs. 

    Huttball: stay stealthed in enemy area waiting for the ball - or Do 1 man show as operative if your skilled. One of the game modes you can have a very outsized influence as stealther like hypergate.

    Novare coast: rush out as stealth to enemy east/west start of the game and hinder enemy capping and withdrawing their resources away from mid/south: (if your good at 1vs1 you can takeover enemy node at the start)

    Civil War/ Yavin Ruins: Rush out as stealth to the enemy node in the beginning- and distracting and withdrawing enemy resources away from the mid. (if your good at 1vs1 you can takeover enemy node at the start)

    Voidstar: sneaking in on the doors when everyone fights away from the doors or force your own team to do 7-1 (everyone to left/right) and 1 stealth alone on the side and quickly stealth out and rush when door opens to escalate the win. Or constantly harass door defenders forcing multiple enemy forces to fight a single stealther.

    Odessen Proving grounds: the only map in 8vs8 where you as a stealther cannot have a major outsized influence.

    You have to be VERY skilled at 1vs1 against all classes, kiting, los'ing, stealthing out and in and surviving as long as possible 1vs2, 1vs3 situations etc for most of the tactics mentioned above (aka forcing multiple enemyteamplayers to fight a single stealther leaving other areas exposed to vulnerability) . Most regstars dont have a clue to do it because you need Arena experience for this. So yeah hehe food for thought for all the objective hardos, it seems afterall you need to be a arena expert to do the most amount of heavylifting "objectives" for your team in 8vs8.

    • Haha 1
  7. 7.2 my feedback


    1. No creativity is allowed. No risk taking or out of the box thinking.
    2. Defend doors, be on the ball, defend and cap pylons etc. Play like a obedient robot and you will get your points when its over. Any small deviation from that is not encouraged and almost punished.
    3. Die as much as you want without any repercussion and ideally don't kill anyone because you might hurt their feelings. Basically treat Warzone as a flashpoint now.
    4. I bet casual players love these new changes and raving about it makes sense. Under the disguise of "objective gameplay" you can be as Clueless and skill-less as you are but you will get away with it with the new system and be rewarded handsomely. Individual skill is frowned upon severely in every aspect of 7.2.
    5. They finally managed to turn PVP into Children's playground. Ofc everyone gets a "participation trophy" too now! we are in 2022 after all.


    1. I have had fun, already done 5 weeklies and its barely friday (https://imgur.com/a/sviYege). But its the same old people that I have already met so many times throughout the years + with added some new and clueless players that are basically throwing since they have no chance of doing well for the foreseeable future. The new Arena is decent I like it.

    2. Matchmaking is sketchy (healer in 1 team and tank another) but most of the time ok when there are no premades in que. Biggest difference now is that those same SR players that you met now doing premades - and basically steamrolling the que. So unless you are in a equally good premade (pt/juggtank/mara trio etc) etc you basically have 3 choices. 

    Wait until they are out of Que, 
    Que dodge them, 
    or just keep getting steamrolled and hope they get tired of winning.

    Since the population of Arenas is significantly less then WZ I think overtime this is going to kill Arenas completely if some sort of fix/solution is not implemented very soon.

    3. There is just not enough motivation to do Arenas now - Already have most of the rewards I need But in order to make sure you want to have a good time in Arenas - being in a premade is basically obligatory/mandatory now. That was not the case in SR - it was basically some matchmaking lottery + indivudal skills. Now Arena's is just teamranked but with no worthwhile rewards and no repercussions for losing over and over again. Which severely dilutes the experience. 
    4. Pre 7.2 you had flairs, flags, rare exclusive items and the prestige of leaderboards and the dream of gold/platinum every season which made grinding worthwhile. Now - its a "legacy title" and the same old recycled armor which is just accessible just by participating over time. Im sure for newbies its more then enough motivation though.

    Disclaimer: This is my highly subjective point of view. And I belive im entitled to voice my opinion based on my exprience of the new changes. 
    Snave and Biggs my old friends. It's time for me to join you guys in saying farewell to Swtor. I gave it a shot. It was fun while it lasted indeed.

  8. 1 hour ago, Katushe said:

    Yesterday I had a new PVP experience. I had a teammate in an arena that gave advice that was both non-arrogant and useful. And I was so used to nonsense hatred that it puzzled me, I almost had no idea how to react.

    However, the combination of the limits of my skills/my interest in pvp/my computer hardware doesn't really allow me to improve. And for the lack of skill and for the lack of interest in improving my pvp game, I felt guilty. The guy was actually well intended and frank, and yet I was not able to reply to his level of interest. And although he had best of intentions, it was still a bad experience for me, since it made me feel guilty.

    I still want to have that annoying achievement of valor 100. After that, I promise I won't join a single pvp match. I don't want to ruin the joy for these kind of players. Although for the ones that shout "CLUELESS" in the group, I am loving it. And that experience is not new. And I had it twice in a day. Also yesterday.

    I'm sorry Katushe but you are sounding like a bit of a hypocrite.
    You clearly say you have no desire to improve in pvp/lack of interest but yet you still want to strongly pursure the Valor rank 100 (pretty much sole reason). 

    So there are pretty much 2 conslusions you can draw from this:

    1. No interest in pvp other then for extreme vanity/ego project and zero consideration for those who take pvp seriously
    2: Or you simply use the lack of interest/hardware as a crutch to justify your extreme vanity project

    Eitherware you should not be shocked then if you encounter toxic behavior considering your underlying motivations to pvp.

    And im not directing or inciting any "Hate" towards you. Just using your post as a example of recurring pattern/theme in PVP the root causes amongst many that drives toxic behavior amongst pvp players

    • Like 1
  9. Playerbase since like 2015: Premade is a problem. Pugs getting steamrolled by premades constantly.
    Devs: We finally fixed it!. Extra season objective points for queing as a group. And.
    We have Remove ranked... so that team ranked groups and ranked community have extra incentive to form premade and forced to play unranked only going forward. 

    Playerbase: Awesome exactly what we wanted!

    • Haha 1
  10. Now ofc there are a-holes in every gamemode... even with vet Hammerstation so that goes without saying. The only time it get really toxic with ranked:

    Entitled newbies who refuses to listen and follow instructions from the veterans:
    "I pay for this game = I'M EnTiTLeD To PlAy how I WaNt"

    and its pretty obvious on this thread who has those issues. Or people who are clearly undergeared, clueless and just there to farm "crystals" etc.  So essentially its the "entitled" behaviour from newbies is what triggers ranked player who pour in hundreds of hours to perfect hone their skills and effort to climb the ladders. If a newbie is clearly there wanting to get better and does it best to follow instructions&tips he/she would encounter minimum toxicity if none. A whole season can get destroyed in 2-3 games sometimes by these entitle newbies.

    Now lets translate that analogy&logic for the PVE try hards to make it relateable:

    Arrogant newbie manages to get into a "NiM Raid":
    Gear 324, wrong utilities and tacticals: very limited knowledge of the operation and having a hard time following Raid Leaders instructions. Because =

    " I don't care the players here at at the top of their game and expert on their class and knowledge of the operation". I do what I want.

    = then wonders why there is toxicity 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  11. People have no clue how toxic pvp is going to become in 7.2... NO CLUE haha. If your a ranked player you already comfortable with this competitiveness.

    with so MUCH potential reward gated behind pvp objectives&wins -its pretty much going to become SR Light.

    It wouldnt surprise me the least few days after 7.2... these regstar try hards going to start making topics on forum on how bad 7.2 is and that we should revert back to the old system. You asked for removal of rank and introduction of rewards in unranked. Don't complain now 🙂

  12. Keep it constructive and concise guys. These wall of texts don't help. This is the first time in ages devs engaging in PVP forums and open to feedback.

    I'm giving feedback after I play 7.2 for a few weeks. I will reserve my judgement for now. 

    I think the "Battle Record" idea is very good. Sorta like a "Valor" expanded. PVP players needs to be able to express their skill/flex
    somehow this is a good step lets see how it plays out.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. On 11/30/2022 at 10:42 PM, Christie_Swift said:

    Any Devs know when this might go live. As per the twitch presentation wasn't it supposed to be around together with New Life event?  Will this be in December or next year? 

    Sometime between 20 January to middle of February = 90% certainty. Thats been historically a very common release dates for major content updates.


    It won’t come before Christmas – just forget it. If it had been coming like 20december… they would have announced something like 5 December MONTHS ago like at that livestream. Then when that date approached pushed it 2 weeks into the future like 20-December thats always been the pattern.. 99% certainity its not coming this year.

    But 95% certainty sometime between end of January to mid February. 

  14. No matter how you twist and turn things. I can’t see any way other than that: toxicity will increase substantiality for PVP in 7.2 let me explain why:

    Now up to 7.1. Unranked Warzones, Regular pvp/warzone aka “regs” = there was NOTHING at stake except weeklies and techfrags. Which you would eventually get done anyways without much effort at least if you were semi-casual pvp player.

    Now in 7.2. Suddenly there are PVP seasons, countless season objectives, countless achievements and dailys&weeklys needed to get Done to progress and for accessing all the rewards. Then there is a Time limit for all of them to add to the tension. And Ofc the ranked rewards which these regstar hardos so dearly want. So stakes are higher than ever – to WIN Every single PVP game. So devs pretty much turning regs into “SR LIGHT”. Because there will be much more reasons to be “Competitive”.  NO one wants to spend 2 hours and have almost nothing to show for and on top of that get yelled at or feel unfairly treated by matchmaking. So you are going to put in the effort.  And whenever there is  increased “competition” things have a habit of turning toxic (hint SR).

     Arrival of 7.2 :

    1.       Huge influx of under geared & clueless f2p/pref players

    2.       Ranked players who mostly going to steamroll players with no regards to objective gameplay

    3.       Regstar hardos who have to Deal with the influx of f2p/pref players AND ranked players

    Now when you throw in those 3 player categories in the mix over and over again. BRACE YOURSELF!

    So you better believe all the regstar try hards will be acting like ticking powder kegs ready to explode at the slightest sign of injustice in matchmaking and underperforming players every time. First having to deal with the f2p people and then the ranked players. Because there will be a lot less patience for BS in 7.2 compared to 7.1

    Didn’t think I would write this but. I’m actually looking forward to how things play out in 7.2. Less casual BS and more things at stake makes everyone want to try harder. Effort = Reward. That’s when PVP is fun!

    • Like 2
  15. 8 hours ago, septru said:


    You're completely correct. Flashpoints, operations, rp, story, cartel market, UI.... every other thing in the game that passes for "content" should get 5x more resources since they have 5x the number of players. Hell, it should probably get 10x more resources.


    And it does. Do you know when the last true PvP patch was? Game update 5.9.3. 4 years ago. It's so sad, it's not even funny. All we (PvPers) ask, is that the promised, long awaited "PvP Revamp" bring new content, not remove existing content. 

    Been over half a decade. ANd yet they couldnt even release like a reskinned version of Voidstar? like you don't even have to go great lengths in originatlity or effort.

    Just make a Republic version of Voidstar with republic theme and layout thats enough. With the existing structure and layouts copied from republic flashpoints and story modes.
    Just Copy -P st existing design and use the original voidstar as reference simple as that. How long can that take?

    like no one is asking the devs to go above and beyond over expectations in terms of originality and innovation. Blow our minds. We know the resources are limited and personell too.
    So why not take the easy route of doing reskins with existing designs that already exist in the game. Thats better then nothing atleast. Baffles my mind.

    • Like 1
  16. On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:
    • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
    • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
    • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
    • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
    • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
    • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
    • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
    • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
    • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?


    If you had difficulties queueing, please answer the following: 

    • How long were you waiting in the queue for?
    • What was your group composition? 
    • Can you confirm if all players who made up this group have PvP-ed in the past? 


    EDIT: Added additional questions for queuing feedback. 

    *I will pvp likely a bit more then usual atleast first month to see how these changes playout
    *I think the rewards are motivating although I already have most of the ranked rewards I really wanted there are some stuff I could use
    *I will que 4vs4 only until I have done all the weeklies on my pvp toons then if time left do 8vs8.
    Individual skills should Matter and carrying your own weight. These people who only play 8vs8 shouldnt call themselves pvp players.
    *NO opinion on objective gameplay other then if you increase the requirments for other medals and objective medals reamin the same - that will work
    *It is imperative imo that if 20 tokens is the maximum achieveable/season 10 of them should be earned by Warzones (8vs8) and the other 10 by Arenas (4vs4). So that Each game rewards appropriately equal tokens
    *The Overall impression is getting better the more devs listen to the player base which it is doing. So positive.
    *The least positive aspect is removal of reasons to play Arenas - hence why it is imperative that if 20 tokens is the max obtainable. They should be split even across Arenas and Warzones.
    *I think 20 tokens is fair for max amount tokens achieveable considering there will be 3/seaosons a year. No more no less.

    if you accomplish every pvp objective every season.  You can get 3 very nice ranked items with 20% of the effort you would put in ranked to get similar reward.  Also a ranked season would take toughly 12 months from the day it starts to the day you get your rewards for that season. This seems fair and also those who get it will feel a sense of satisfaction and exclusivity just as it should be. But its Absolutly IMPERATIVE imo - that to get 20 tokens/seasons 50% of it should be earned by doing Warzones and 50% of it should be earned by doing Arenas. Otherwise Arenas will be DEAD and it will be impossible to complete those Arena objectives since everyone want to take the dumb easy route of doing 8vs8.

    To get the coveted rewards = you need to show you can do both Arenas and Warzones. As it should be. Anyone can semi-afk their way in 8vs8 hence why 4vs4 is imperative.

  17. So first of all you removed ranked pvp and that whole game mode with zero forewarning or hint.
    Then made ALL Ranked exclusive rewards available just by "Participating". Not even earning it zero skills involved just pure brute force grind.

    and if judging by PTS:

    Are you guys REALLY giving the Players choice to *Skip all Objectives&grinding with CC or Catch up with Credits*

    And you don't have to actually PVP at all NOT EVEN a SINGLE GAME to get ALL the pvp season Tokens? Yes I know there is a lot of money to be made that way and only 0.1% of the playerbase have it anyways. But think about the consequences of that decision devs. 

    Why is not:  Wings of the Architect and Crest of the Dread Masters etc included in the pve season objectives. Might as well do it next season and make it unlockable by credits or CC.  Put it in a SM ops by completing some objectives over a season.
    Same logic could be applied there 0.1% of the players have it and unlocking it by CC could make you guys a lot of money- so its about time more players should have access right?

    Shame on you devs really if you guys are going through with this on 7.2. You might as well just write in the 7.2 patchnotes:

    - Ranked players are no longer welcome or desired in the game. Get lost.

  18. 2 hours ago, septru said:


    So at first we thought they removed pvp flags because of toxicity. But the new PvP vendor sells new Season 1 Flags, which function exactly the same as the old flags. Can still be placed on a dead body, and even make the same explosion sound. Here's a preview: https://clips.twitch.tv/AffluentSavoryZucchiniNomNom-sHweRDcw5uyaDzr3


    @EricMuscoCan you explain why our old PvP flags were removed, but the vendor sells new ones? 

    what a joke.. planting a flag was privilege for the elite (those who deserved it)... now everyone and their dog can plant a flag. 10x more toxicity lmao.
    I don't mind it... but the touchy snowflakes on wz.. gonna be throwing fits left and right over this. Make the requirments much higher atleast to get one

  19. 3 hours ago, EricMusco said:

    Hey there,

    It looks it was answered elsewhere in the thread but I want to make sure to get yellow text on this. When 7.2 goes live all Ranked PvP Tokens are going away so please be sure to spend them ASAP.

    The items that players could purchase with those tokens will be moved to the new PVP vendors where they will be purchasable with the new PvP seasonal currency. While these items will be available on the vendor, they will not be easy to obtain. The rate that players will be earning the new PvP currency will only allow them to purchase either new items or one to two replicas. Keep in mind that players can only earn a fixed amount of tokens per season and there will be new rewards added to that vendor with every new season as well.  Essentially, if a player who was not previously engaged in Ranked play focused all of their efforts into obtaining these replicas and none of the new items, it would take a really long time to do so.


    In short, players will not be able to buy everything quickly. If you don't have the old rewards, you will need to decide if you want to spend your tokens on older items or the newer ones.


    Thank you Eric. A VERY sensible suggestion. NOT only for Ranked players but also for non-Ranked players:

    All ranked items that cost currently over 50k = Only 1 ranked item should be "Obtainable" via "brute grind" Per SEASON. To retain their coveted status and not severely devalue the ranked items that the current players have grinded through hundred hours of blood, sweat and tears to earn them lol

     But if you complete some item special/extra difficult objectives and "earn" some objectives instead of brute grinding you can be instead capped to 2 ranked items/season. 

    This way ranked items retain their value whilst simultaneously they serve as a motivation for multiple seasons forward for regular pvp players. And once these warzone hardos Finally get their hands on them. It will feel almost as good as when ranked players first got these items. So win-win.

    EDIT: suggestions in ways you can "earn" that extra token vs brute grinding - player feedback is welcome.

  20. 8 hours ago, waisting said:

    I don't even participate in ranked and am sad to see it go. I don't like seeing the removal of the game modes other people enjoy. 

    I can't be bothered with HM raiding. I would never go into a thread saying too small a percent of players nim raid so they should just delete them all. Just a weird hill to die on. 

    I hope all the ranked pvpers are able to continue to have fun with the new system, or find another game you can go have fun in. 💚

    Might be the most kind post in pvp section this year.

    God Bless these casual pve players :)

    • Like 2
  21. My problem with GS3 is. Totally FINE.. they reduced the CC to HALF literaly while replacing it with the pretty useless "anniversary" bs like they try to claim as excuse

    But to increase the CC unlocks to x15 (10 vs 150) more what they cost past 2 seasons AND Reduce the CC rewards to HALF. Just brutal and stingy. Its like a slap to the face of dedicated players of Swtor who keeps showing support as subscribers. There was no need to both reduce the CC to half and increase the unlocks by ten fold at the same time.


    But hey I guess they have gotten the "player feedback" from last season and "adjusted".


  22. There is a fundamental problem in this statement. Fun is not an a measurement that is the same for everyone.


    Fun for me maybe spawn camping and killing you over and over all night.

    Fun you maybe spam clicking nodes to no end.


    My Ideal of fun in pvp is lots of trolling and talking crap. I also enjoy a good 1v1.


    totally agreed


    Fun for me is especially if UNRANKED (aka casual mode)


    1: spawn camping and killing objective tryhards.

    2: harass and 1vs1 objective tryhards especially node campers trying to elicit a angry response.

    3: trolling and harassing newbies and leaving them with minimum hp (important not to farm them, don't want to demoralize newbies)


    am I a bad person for this? or is this the logical consequence of being a objective tryhard for years then degenerating into depraved indifference putting personal amusement above all else. lol

  23. I'm sorry but that is just not true.


    A GCD can very well have the length of 1.36 or 1.42, its just that the distribution of these will be around 1.4


    I will still say that alacrity and accuracy are useless, the benefit from alacrity is ONLY useful when you are able to get more GCDs in than you are doing anyway, which will almost never be the case for story or solo content.


    Also I have the feeling that some abilities just get no bonus from alacrity, or that chaining two abilities will rrsult in a longer GCD, but that is really just boomer talk and I have barely anything to back that up. Focused Burst will always have a GCD of around 1.5, provided you do a blade barrage before. It is true, but I got no clue why.


    agreed with the underlying premises but you forgot one of the most important thing about high alacrity.


    if some has 2200 points in alacrity = they will have faster CD (many seconds) on a lot of main hard hitting abilities e.x hardstun, CC and vanish

    VS someone who has 0 points in alacrity.

    So you forgot to mention these points when you say "alacrity is useless". Its not only about how many attacks you can get in under a gcd. Faster CD VS default CD can be critical under some circumstances.

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