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Posts posted by xThunderstorm

  1. Hi everyone,


    Following up on the post I made a couple days ago. We wanted to bring clarity to some of the feedback we’ve been reading. First, we would like to share our philosophy on reducing the number of defensive cooldowns available.


    Over several years and updates, more and more defensive cooldowns and abilities have been added to the game. Often times this was for class balance purposes, to allow some classes to keep up with others in terms of their defensive kit. Additionally, this was done without adjusting things like Operation boss mechanics which were designed around the class kits available at the time: mainly less defensive cooldowns. The sheer quantity of defensive cooldowns in the game today makes things more difficult to balance for both PvE and PvP. It has made some PvE mechanics completely avoidable, and made the time-to-kill metric in PvP grow steadily to the point where we are approaching tedious levels.


    In 7.0, we want to reduce the quantity of defensive skills overall, across all classes, making for a more balanced and enjoyable experience in both PvE and PvP content, while at the same time making the defensives that remain more impactful and fun.


    Agreed. My Vengeance Sith Juggernaut has, in my opinion, too much defensive abilities for a non-tank discipline. However, I feel like you are focussing only on defensive abilities. My Lightning Sith Sorcerer has a total of 5 (!) buff abilities to cast within the opener (4 if doing content at level 75, as you would not have a clickable Alacrity relic): Relic, Polarity Shift, Recklessness, Adrenal and Unlimited Power. Please tone this down to a maximum of 3, preferably 2 buff abilities. It is easy to miss one of these or simply forget to execute.


    What does this look like in both modes?

    • In PvP, our intent is balanced, more dynamic player encounters that move away from rotating defensive cooldowns and move more towards utilizing a broader set of skills in each class’s kit.
    • In PvE, our intent is to take into account these changes, and adjust NPC encounters as needed to compensate.

    Getting a bit more specific, we also intend to give upgraded versions of abilities when being presented as a choice. Here’s one example using Blade Blitz from the current PTS:

    • Blade Blitz in the Live game:
    • 45 second cooldown
    • Quickly rush forward 20 meters, dealing weapon damage to enemies in your path and increasing your defense chance by 100% while blitzing. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered.

    Blade Blitz on PTS:

    • 35 second cooldown
    • Quickly rush forward 20 meters, dealing weapon damage to enemies in your path and increasing your defense chance by 100% while blitzing. Can be used while immobilized and purges movement-impairing effects when activated.

    Instead of spending utility points to upgrade abilities, as in the current system, you will be presented with an already upgraded version of several abilities to choose between leading to more interesting decision making, customization, and greater choice for your kit.


    This is a good change, but do not remove iconic abilities from certain classes/disciplines that define their identity. (For clarification: in this case (Jedi Guardian) I am thinking of Saber Throw and Force Push for example, not necessarily Blade Blitz.)


    In addition to defensive cooldowns, we want to streamline other abilities where it makes sense. For example, instead of dedicating an entirely separate ability and button press to a particular effect, we want to merge or combine them with others in an intuitive way. We can see this in action on the PTS with Freezing Force:


    • Freezing Force is removed from Guardians on the PTS, but a modification to Blade Storm via the new ability choice tree upgrades Blade Storm into an AoE that also slows. This offers a similar effect to the old ability, but in a more efficient way.

    The intent of the new ability system, which will replace the current utility points system, is that players can make meaningful choices to accommodate their play style or situational needs. Players will be able to pick their own ability modifications and customize their skills in this manner, with all of those choices able to be saved to a Loadout. Loadouts will be able to be swapped with similar ease to the current Utility point system. While the ability choice interface and Loadout features are still in development, those experiences are core to the system and we are working hard to get them to a state where they can be shared on the PTS in a future update. We will share more details in the future on both of these features.


    I like the fact that you are moving away from the Utility point system. I have never particularly like it much, but also not hated it. I felt that these Utility points were more often than not just minor tweaks to abilities which would give extra damage, extra healing/shielding or extra utility (breaks immobilization, self-cleanse, extra movement speed, ...). While levelling, I generally did not pay attention to Utility points, simply because the effect was not noticeable. I welcome a more impactful choice.


    One of the reasons we wanted to share these class changes with our players so early is because we wanted to get your feedback as we are still in the design phase of several other classes. As stated previously, you are not playing a final product. While very rough around the edges, the earlier we can share impactful changes like this the more we can take into account your feedback as we continue building out the remaining classes and iterating on ones you’re able to try out on the PTS.


    Lastly, for this phase of PTS, the Jedi Guardian was missing both their breaker (Resolute) and interrupt (Force Kick). We understand that players may be worried about what that means for 7.0. It was never our intention to completely remove these from the game. We realize this has caused confusion, so we are going to add these back for the next phase of PTS with the caveat that they may change form in the future. We are currently iterating on different ways of utilizing breaker functionality that doesn’t necessarily require an independent icon on your hotbar as well as considering where interrupts fit in with the overall class and encounter design of 7.0. Because of this, we didn’t include these in the testable ability sets on PTS.


    Please keep in mind that breakers and Interrupts will remain in-game, they just might not appear in the same form as they are now.


    Thank you for playing PTS and giving us your constructive feedback.


    I was going to say: "As long as they remain in the game," but that thought was clearly unnecessary. It remains to be seen what will happen with these two abilities. We cannot give feedback on changes we know nothing about.


    Thank you for clarifying some of the changes for us.

  2. After 7 years of playing, with most of them subscribed, I finally decided to install the PTS to try something out. The reason for this is that I was kind of shocked when I read how the combat style for the Jedi Guardian, as of this moment, would look like. So I wanted to see for myself why people have such hard opinions about this. I have tried the Vigilance Jedi Guardian (path A), I have no experience with the Focus path (not on the live server nor on the PTS) and a little experience with the Defense path (live server only).


    Does this feel like a Jedi Guardian? Please explain why or why not.

    Personally, I have to say that I still feel like a Jedi Guardian. In my mind, I'm a Jedi who wants to be up close for melee combat with attacks that are based around using my Lightsaber. This core idea did not change. However, when reading through the Focus Jedi Guardian path, I couldn't help but notice that something iconic (i.e. Saber Throw) is now optional and not a basic ability granted through leveling. I find it highly regrettable that an iconic ability will be optional, furthermore, if we want it, we would have to sacrifice one of the other passives, which could be very useful PvE-/PvP-wise. If I'm correct, then (for the Vigilance path) Energy Barrage will probably be mandatory (taking into consideration the rotation as of 6.0), meaning we would lose Saber Throw entirely (in 7.0). The the core idea of a Jedi Guardian did not change, its identity in my opinion did. When I picture a Jedi Guardian, I think of abilities such as Saber Throw and Force Push, which are present in any Star Wars game. Whether it being The Force Unleashed, Star Wars Battlefront II, SWTOR or any other game. It's like imagining a Sith Warrior without the Force Choke ability or a Sith Sorcerer without the lightning. Please do not remove iconic abilities which give characters their identity.


    Is there anything that feels missing or out of place in the combat rotation?

    As of right now, no. Our core abilities seem to have remained the same and the same goes for our rotation. The rotation is the Vigilance we are used to, which I like. Of course this depends on possibly new tactical items and set bonuses released with 7.0.


    What are your initial thoughts with the effectiveness of the Jedi Guardian against enemies?

    I find this a hard one to answer. If I'm correct, there will be less abilities to use in combat at level 75 (I assume this also applies at level 80). On the one hand I like the idea of simplifying classes. I have never been an advocate for overloaded classes with stealth scans, cleanses, leaps, pulls, teleports, heals, operation buffs and the like. For example: as a Jedi Guardian (Vigilance) I want to have sustained DPS. This did not change, meaning my effectiveness against enemies also did not change. On the other hand there's the fact that I would have less defensive options, but then again, my goal as Vigilance is to deal damage, not to absorb it and have some mobility to keep up with the target or change targets quickly. As a Defense Jedi Guardian I want to absorb damage and keep enemies interested in focussing me. I feel this will be controversial, but in my opinion, Defense does not need mobility. I can see Blade Blitz being removed from Defense, as in my opinion one mobility ability should be enough (that being Force Leap). However, as Vigilance I expect to have both Force Leap and Blade Blitz. If the path remains as it is now, it would mean we would give up a defensive ability for more mobility or the other way around. I think it remains to be seen how this will all work out. I would advise to carefully identify the characteristics of each combat style and fit abilities and passives accordingly. Simplifying disciplines is in my opinion a good goal, but please do not take away the identity of the discipline by having us choose between 3 abilities and/or passives of which at least 2 are very iconic or simply mandatory. This will hurt our character's identity.


    How are you enjoying or not enjoying this class?

    This is too early to tell for me. My first impression is that I will still be enjoying this class as it is right now on the PTS. It will simply be adapting to fewer abilities. I would predict that I would not be enjoying the class if the identity of my Jedi Guardian and its core and iconic abilities are optional or removed.


    If you have feedback on the different disciplines and ability paths, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it.

    I see people having strong opinions about simplifying disciplines by simply removing abilities. While I do not fully support that opinion (as in yes, I would also see certain abilities for certain classes simply removed), please simplify in a way that does not harm the identity and core of the class. My favourite discipline in 6.0 is Lightning Sorcerer. It is visually very pleasing (thank you, Stormwatch :D), but I would rather have less buff abilities to cast before my actual core damaging ablities. Allow me to exaggerate to clarify my point: I absolutely disgust having to cast up to 4 buff abilities before I can even begin casting my first actual core damaging ability. Simply have a maximum of 2 buff abilities (maybe for example Recklessness and Polarity Shift) followed by your opener and rotation. Why do I need to cast a buff to my group members, why do I need to cast an adrenal (which is not even an ability exclusive to sorcerers), why do I need to activate a relic for extra alacrity (in sub-75 content)? Simplify in a way that, for example, I would get the extra alacrity as a passive that triggers every x amount of seconds from your first damaging ability. I am not a game developer, so I don't know how to balance that, if it would be balanced at all. My point is to simplify by sticking to core class abilities and remove extra activations as much as possible.


    In addition (but this is very in depth and just my opinion), why make Unlimited Power for example a Corruption exclusive group buff? Aren't healers supposed to be the class that heals, shields, empowers, amplifies and such? Outside of having Operations utility, I don't see why Unlimited Power should be on the Lightning and Madness disciplines. In my honest opinion their buff abilities should be focussed on themselves, like Recklessness and Polarity Shift.


    I hope this is useful feedback for both developers and players alike. Please keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion, it's what I think and I know not everyone has the same idea.

  3. I'm very pleased with all the upcoming changes which are in the roadmap. There really isn't any issue to me!

    However, there's one thing that troubles me and that's the possibility of a forced rename of one of your characters. Every time I create a character, I try to come up with a name which fits the character as a whole, it goes with his/her appearance, it goes with his/her armour, goes with his/her class and subclass etc.


    I'm very attached to my character names and I really don't want to lose any of them. I currently have 14 characters and to me they're like virtual beings, renaming them would feel like a disaster to me, I'd be killing them. At this moment I already know that 3 out of those 14 characters will be forced to be renamed, if you ask me, that's a lot... Anyway, to some that might not be much of an issue, but to me it means this: delete the character, find new armour, create a new appearance and find a new name. Basicly, I'd have to recreate 3 characters, 3 characters I really don't want to delete... I spend an awful high amount of time when creating a character, I think of everything there has to be, I think of the smallest details. Every character I create is unique in it's way, renaming them means they're dead to me!


    If this is the price for server merges, then I'd rather like to not have them at all. I don't want to destroy 3 characters I deeply care for...

  4. Yeah, you are very right and most people share the dissapointment and dissaproval. There are a lot of threads on it already though so it might be better to post in one of those.


    You have a source which confirms most people are dissapointed? A lot of threads? Honestly, this and another I remember are the only threads which are complaining about it, in fact I've seen several threads THANKING BW for the 16 chapters and that they look forward to KotET. Compared to these threads, there is also a lot more posting in it (mainly from people who share the same idea).


    I will not argue about your opinion about KotFE, I for one think this is the best expansion yet, I think this is how SWTOR should've been from the beginning, a SW story game with little, but good group content (and maybe pvp, idc about that). However, you are saying that your feeling about KotFE is what most of the community think, which I think is very contradictory to what people in other threads say... If you complained about the lack of group content, I would understand, as SWTOR is advertised as an MMO, but this is about the latest story expansion in the game.

  5. I've got 3 characters who are dps characters and I want to do something different. So I've been thinking about a Jedi Sage, a healer. But I don't have any experience and don't know how good/bad dps companions are. Therefore my question is: are dps companions any good? At least good enough to justify my Sage to be a healer? :rak_02:


    Small sidenote: I picked Sage healer because I wanted something different than dps, but also just because I want my Sage to be the healing, non-violent, respectful, good Jedi. :)

  6. I haven't read all the posts here, actually, post of OP and that's it :D

    But I just wanted to express my opninion on KotFE and as you all probably expect: I love it.

    I'm very curious to KotET, I really hope they keep the chapter system, I'd rather have one big mission with the chapter title as the name, rather than a lot of mission names under a HUGE chapter (like the original class stories: 3 chapters, each chapter with a lot of different missions). It really helps to see the "structure" of the story.

  7. For Europe the choice is simple: The Red Eclipse.

    And as people already mentioned above, for the Americas, it really depends on the time zone you are living in. That being said, I think the most populated server is The Harbinger.

    If you want to have a look yourself, you might want to take a look at this website: http://www.torstatus.net/

  8. I hope the dark side wins simply because which side wins changes the "State of the galaxy." Light usually wins in the novels/books/etc. It'd be nice for dark to win.


    I've been thinking about that... I just hope they don't make MASSIVE story changes to their next expansion(s) just because dark side won by just a tiny bit (or light side)... I hope it's just the companion really, and in that case, let it be the Chiss Jedi, I think it's much more interesting then, ooh, another Zabrak Sith Lord.

  9. The XP Bonus on the set stops working at level 50. I don't know if its bugged, but my toon hit 50 and the gear bonus dissappeared and adding/dropping the armor had no effect in getting the bonus buff.


    I have a strange feeling that this is intended. I always had the feeling I leveled up a lot faster after 50. Also because I usually skip Makeb and immediately go to SoR (the prelude with FP's SOLO, Rishi and Yavin 4). And that even was the case before the armor set, with only EXP boost...

    I'm don't know if that is normal or not, idc really, as a mostly solo player I just need healer companions, hue hue hue :D

  10. I have a problem with the achievement "Flashpoint Expert." I'll explain soon, but firs of all, let's make sure that what I'm saying is correct. Therefore, I'd like to refer to this page: http://www.swtor.com/blog/champion-level-guide. I used these exact steps for every Flashpoint.


    The problem is this: I ran all the listed Flashpoints (on tactical mode). Every last one of them is now checked in the achievements, except for "Depths of Manaan." Although I ran it twice and once in Solo Mode, it just doesn't want to be completed. I have done the exact steps as explained in the link (see above), I used Groupfinder, I finished the Flashpoint, on tactical mode, etc.


    This is the first time I encounter such a problem and I'd like to know, am I the only one, are others also experiencing the same problem (maybe with another Flashpoint)? Can this issue be resolved?


    Off-topic question: because this is the first time I encounter such a problem, is this a bug? Should I report it as a bug? I don't know what it exactly is, as said before, this is the first time I experience it...

  11. You might find your armor in the dark vs light event reward packs. I got several pieces from the old nightlife event packs which have always been super rare. Unfortunately several armor pieces I got in these packs are doubles. E. g. I have 3 x BoP belt/bracers of Darth Kreia's set now on one char. What am I supposed to do with them? ;)


    delete, they are useless, unless you just want to have less space in your inventories so you feel rich or something XD

  12. The older something gets, the rarer it becomes and the more credits people want for it, especially when it's a very nice armor set. Take for example Tulak Hord's Armor Set, I bought that set for say 27M credits, when I search it up now, it is around 200M credits (server: The Red Eclipse). Your problem is exactly the case why BioWare should re-release those gold/silver/bronze armor set packs, I loved them... AND they would give you the chance to get that older, nice looking armor set.

    (Yes, I might have had some luck with a golden armor set pack: I got Dathomir Shaman's Armor Set. But who cares, right? Those things were good, right? Even if you didn't like it, you could sell it...)

  13. Class quests alone won't be enough. I tried it once (with constant 25% exp boost up and legacy perks), you'll have to do some Heroics/FP's/PvP. I am curious if it'll work once that Victorious Pioneer's Armor Set is out, maybe then you can only do class quests, although I do not think it is possible, even with the armor.
  14. So I'm kind of bored doing the Heroics for credits... Anyone got an alternative that doesn't involve crafting (I dont understand the system, don't want to, too lazy trying to understand :D). I'm actually looking for something I can do for, say, a month or so, to then return to the Heroics. Just so I get rid of my boredom. What are you guys doing to make credits, except for Heroics ofc ;)
  15. So even though i am not really a fan of the event, thought I would give it a go. I have 2 toons so far, a 40 sniper, and also a 30 maurader. I have to say that only giving 1 crate per legacy at 25 is a pretty cheap way to go. I mean what is the actual incentive to continue? Why not let all new toons get a crate at 25, and if not there, have other toons get them at 30 or 40? It gives bound items that you have to pay CC to unlock, I mean honestly it was a stupid decision, wnd limits poesible CM income.


    If only they made those packs bound to legacy, so people can have the nice armor/weapon tunings/weapons... on their main character... I'm just doing 2 characters for the companion (we'll probably have the ugly sith, but ok...) and the armor sets you get (victorious pioneer and the victorious trailblazer). Not doing Legendary Level though, so i'll miss those packs...

  16. If you're planning to read this complete post: good luck. If you did it: congratulations :D.


    I'll probably do everything, except for the Legendary Level (that's just over the top, I thought BioWare at least could see that... And I've been thinking they were doing good with KotFE, but that's another discussion, yes, I like it, every last pixel/byte/whatever). So I really wasn't all that angry when I saw the post of that event, but it is a real hard F*** YOU from BioWare to the veterans!


    Those Force-bound packs seem appealing to me, I only have Tulak Hord's Armor Set and those weapon tunings do draw my attention, so I might just have 1 character slot preserved to level just for the packs, delete it and start over again until I have what I wanted. BTW, is there someone who knows if those packs will contain those Grand Chance Cubes? If so, I will certainly open as much of those packs as possible, free stuff from CM. I don't own that much of the armor sets, weapons...


    That Victorious Pioneer's Armor Set is something I really want, I've been wondering when they would implement bonus EXP on armor. Plus, I only have 3 lvl 65's at this moment (my only 3 characters so far :D), so I could use the bonus EXP for future characters. I think it's great that it's moddable and bound to legacy!

    On the other side, this reward is utterly useless to those veterans who already have 40 characters on a server, but I'll come back to that later.


    I'm not a fan of companions that don't have something to do with in-game story or recruitement (like in KotFE), at least as far as I know there isn't anything special about them (no romance, no actual story around them). Like Nico Okarr? I don't have him, wasn't subscribed back then, if someone could tell me if there is romance or something story wise, please do, but don't spoil for others! I assume it's the same case with Hexis and Ranos.

    However, as the objectives for the Eternal Level don't seem overly difficult, I think I'll certainly do that.


    No Legendary Level for me though, ooh hell no. That's just INSANE! Even though I only have 3 characters, 8 characters to level and do story, ops, flashpoints, crafting... with, no thanks! First of all, I don't do ops, nor crafting, nor HM flashpoints. I'm in here for the story, that's it.

    I don't like that "tank mount," but that's just my opinion, I prefer the smaller, more aerodynamic mounts. Besides, they should also match with my toon's personality, there is just one character I'd use it for: Republic Trooper. Even then, it's still ugly (my opinion).

    Don't know how the Victorious Titan’s Armor Set will look like and given there is probably nothing special added as a bonus (as with the Victorious Pioneer's Armor Set), I don't think I'll be going for Legendary Level for just that. And if I would go for it, I still don't know how it will actually look like, I might not like it in the end...


    And then there's this nice, hard F*** YOU towards the veterans. There's nothing in it for them. Except for the armor sets, mounts and pets (and other stuff people usually don't care about, but are always in the rewards). As if BioWare wanted to remind them that they are just another human being, paying money. At least try to do something for them, give them something exclusive all others can't have, maybe something like a cool armor set, I dont know... Instead, they just ignored you guys, I'm sorry for that...


    I think I've covered everything I wanted to say, I did this primarily for myself, to see if I actually like the event, even with it's flaws.

  17. For the G9-791 try the 359 mobility driver from the acer website (link)


    Well, this fix did it for me, I dont run into the black screen anymore!! Thank you so much!

    One last question: when a new update is available (I assume it will be installed automatically), do I just have it installed automatically to the newest version?

  18. OP what are kind of system are you running for comparison?


    Acer Predator 17 G9-791:

    Intel Core i7-6700 @ 2.60GHz CPU

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M GPU

    16,0 GB RAM Memory

    Windows 10 (as already mentioned)


    Quotes from OwenbBrooks:


    This will likely be tied to the video driver if the latest driver versions dont help, try an older driver like 355.98


    The issue of CTRL ALT DEL and cancelling and things are ok I have seen before on laptops, reverting to an older driver sorted it by memory.


    Edit - Do you use AVG ? What you are seeing may actually be tied to a recent issue where AVG stopped the loading and it is possible a black screen may be a side affect.


    This issue has been fixed in the very latest AVG version and is detailed in the fixes list.


    Just to throw another possibility into the mix, and why to try an older driver


    There is an Open issue ticket currently listed in the latest Nvidia drivers release notes and may be related

    (Link) page 12

     StarWars TOR- Knights of the Fallen Empire hangs when in-game graphics settings

    changed in full-screen mode. [200169614]



    A friend of mine also referred to rolling back the GPU driver. However, when I try to do so, I can't click to roll back. I don't know what that could possibly mean... And I also don't use AVG.

    So if it is an issue that has to do with the video card, than it'll likely be solved when another update comes out or not?

    I've already had some trouble with SWTOR before (on my previous laptop, he needed a replacement) and actually, I'm happy it's not an issue where I can't play the game anymore :jawa_wink:

    If this issue is also typical for laptops, I haven't had the chance to check if it also is there on my desktop pc, but I'll try to check as soon as possible.


    If any more questions or suggestions come up, feel free to post, I'll happily answer/try them!

  19. Hi everyone,


    I'm having an issue where I get stuck on a black loading screen where only the cursor loading thing appears.

    So, I start the launcher, log in and click on play. Until here, everything goes as usual, then I see the KotFE loading screen for a split second and then I'm stuck on a black loading screen with only the windows cursor loading thing.

    I can't ALT + TAB, ALT + ENTER can't do anything really... However, when I CTR + ALT + DELETE, I can click on taskmanager to go back to the desktop. Once there, I can open SWTOR (which still is running, I never closed it) and the normal KotFE loading screen appears and when it is done loading I can just play the game as usual (select character, play...)


    Some things you might find useful:

    • This problem ONLY occurs when the game is in fullscreen, when I change the settings to fullscreen (windowed) or windowed, the problem does not occur. I would just run the game in fullscreen (windowed), if it weren't for the problem that I have some terrible tearing, which isn't there in fullscreen mode...

    • My pc is basicly new (almost 2 weeks old) and has Windows 10 on it, I just had my first (rather large) update. Before the update, everything worked perfectly fine, after the update, this problem first occured.

    • I uninstalled SWTOR and re-installed it. When the download and installation was ready, it all worked perfectly fine for 1 time, next day, the problem was back.


    So now you now the situation, here's what I've tried already:


    (see "3. Black Screen Issues") None of these worked out...


    For now, I don't mind doing the CTRL + ALT + DELETE thing, but I would like to see this fixed... Other than this issue, the game runs perfectly fine and I really don't know what could fix it, or what actually caused it (I suspect it has something to do with that update, but that could just be my distrust in Microsoft and Windows 8, 8.1 and maybe 10)

    Oh, and I'm no computer expert, I know basics, with good instructions I can do most stuff, but I'm definitely no expert.


    Thanks in advance!

  20. Thank you all for answering! My question has been answered and I even got extra information, so I'm very satisfied.

    As for the customer support.... I know how hard it can be, that is why I just asked it right away in the forums. Probably got a quicker, clearer answer than I'd get with customer support.


    Thank you all!

  21. Hi everyone,


    So I subscribed for a recurring 180 days subsription with a Mastercard. I now wonder, does the "recurring" mean that if the subscription ends (in this case, in 15 days) I need to re-subscribe and go to the store to pay another 180 days? Or does BioWare/EA charge another 180 days of subscription automatically the same day it ends?

    The subscription that is going on right now, was my first subscription, so i'm very new to this matter.


    The thing is, I don't want to miss any rewards of the KotFE expansion and expansions that might come in the future. It says that the account must be in a "continuously active subscription" and I just don't want to create a gap so I would miss rewards.

    I'm sorry for any English mistakes, it's not my native language.


    Thanks in advance!

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