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Posts posted by DyneTydrak

  1. Hi, played an operation yesterday which was pretty un-enjoyable (too much confusion - too much aggressiveness) but came away with to pieces of unassembked arkanian greaves.


    Can someone tell me where the vendor is to turn these in? I've looked and there were a few places I would expect them - but they only accepted commendations.


    I would like to spend them as wisely for my now 60 Sentinel - though I'm starting to think if I can get through some of the story stuff; I'll enjoy that and move onto another chr.


    Thanks :rak_02:

  2. So I'm playing a relatively good hero of tython who romanced Kira - It sounded like we were engaged or getting married. But having had a choice where you decide to force a reveal of a jedi romance to the council - and sorta out of spite told them to do so. This has me thinking - is your characters romance referenced at any point further to the final romance scene?


    If so its slightly ironic considering that Kira in fact at one point says something along the lines of 'the thing about secret relationships - its easy to forget you're in one.'

  3. Hi, I'm a little confused about the cartel packs - I was interested in buying one that had a chance of getting me a decent lightsaber crystal - but everywhere I've searched points me a packs that I can't see available.


    Which one is the best to try for the above goal? I've heard its Blockade Runner's Cartel Pack but couldn't see it.



  4. Hi,


    Having finished the main story missions I am left with only the Heroic missions left to play on Coruscant.


    What I would like advice on is what the suggested level for each of the missions is. I am a level 19 Sentinel and after wandering through the wrong green doorway and highly regretting it I wish to know if I should continue to level before attempting. I also wish to know if I am around the right level to take on the missions - what level should my group mates be to have a good chance of completing the mission.


    The other thing I would be grateful for advice on is my class role - I would believe my role would be damage dealing but just wanted to be sure. I believe I have an OK understanding of my character and its limitations and strengths so far but I am by no means an expert - so is there any particular etiquette that is required or am I free (within reason) to just whack away at enemies? I am not against taking advice and following orders but it would be nice to have some understanding on what the consensus is.


    Hopefully I've been clear on what I'm asking - if not let me know.


    Thanks for reading




    Sorry forgot to name the darn missions:


    Republics Most Wanted


    Face Merchants


    Enemies of the Republic


    Trouble In Deed

  5. Hi,


    Having been told on another post the presence can be integral to completing a heroic mission with just my companion - I need to increase this largely.


    I'm a level 14 Knight Sentinel who's just made it to Corusant. I have 92 presence and wish to increase this to 500 asap. Is there an easy/direct way to do this or will I have to wait to increase naturally? I have looked into buying gear to increase this stat but most seems outside of my current price range (or I'm looking in the wrong place).


    Can anyone offer advice?


    Thanks for reading.

  6. Hi,


    I've just started my first character and I wanted to know about the effects of this quest on player romances - if any.


    I've seen the effects of the choices in other posts but in one post someone mentioned that this quest can effect player romance. Can anyone confirm this? I'm tentatively interested in Kira for my character but I'm mainly focused on role playing at this stage.



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