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Posts posted by Adovir

  1. I did like 10x veiled strike on a training dummy without it proccing.

    As I said earlier I usually open with backstab substance veiled strike 3x laceration.


    It often crits but it sometimes does not (even though I have my autocrit proc.)


    not calling you stupid man but i was just making sure that you knew which proc you were talking about, you wouldnt believe the amount of stupid that ive seen here....sword in box not withstanding. Im not having a problem with my auto proc so i dont know what to tell you man, in all my years of playing this game ive only had the glitch where ive been stuck in my holo terminal.... so much so that back when the game was released the people from the ticket team actually said "Youre that guy who always gets stuck in his terminal, ill have you out in a second"

  2. operatives are incredibly fun when youre doing regs but when you start to play against much better players, you realize that while the roll is fundamentally one of the most powerful skills in the game that it is also one of the easiest to make worthless. Honestly all of swtor needs a rework imo because the balance of power is just too skewed in one classes favor(we dont talk about those dirty players who play that class), almost no class feels unique anymore and no amount of tiny changes will be enough to make everything fine again. but then again we all know that our EA overlords will never allow something that would cost them actual money, hence them keeping a minimal budget dev team and maintenance
  3. What? It most definitely procs off of Veiled Strike.


    The usual opener is:


    Backstab > Volatile Sub > Veiled Strike > Laceration > Laceration *vol sub explodes* > Laceration.


    Vol sub takes 2 GCDs to "prime", so it will go off on your 2nd laceration unless you're just stacking a **** ton of alacrity.


    alacrity would affect the priming time, it will always go off on the second laceration unless you purposely delay your volatile substance one GCD to do veiled strike instead

  4. heres a question, are you sure you know what proc youre talking about, the 2 set bonus is a buff which is only given by using laceration and the 6 set bonus is only given through shiv/veiled strike. The laceration proc is a 2% damage boost for 15 seconds on a 30 second cooldown and the shiv/veiled strike is the auto crit so the BS>VoS>VS>laceration ect is still fine for opening
  5. The major problem ive had with the dps specs for this class is that the skills which we have are very strong but take too much to execute in a "real" match. If you put what operatives and scoundrels have as their tool kit compared to what other classes have it is lacking, the simple fact that a single root can destroy the class completely is some what unacceptable. the biggest problem with the class though has always been the roll, in theory it is arguably the strongest ability in the whole game but the amount of timing and some times luck factor that goes into it is what makes it flawed. SWTOR is a game that has a messed up skill cap to reward ratio, where classes with a very low skill cap preform better or on par to a class that has a much higher skill cap.


    I love this class/spec because i know i can play it better than my opponents so the feeling you get from the ability to out play your opponent is incredible but when you try to fight players that are closer to or equal to your skill it quickly becomes very one sided for you

  6. Keyboards are for bads. I use telepathy and mind-control.


    Hmm I wonder which is faster because I choose to plug everything directly through my brain so is this kind of like Ethernet cables vs wifi?


    I have been considering a keypad for awhile now, but I am not sure about the angle of the thing. All keyboards, be they gamer or normal, go upwards at an angle whereas keypads go downwards. It seems like a huge adjustment.


    It's not nearly as bad as you might think, after about a week or two of playing with it you'll remember where the keys are and it makes everything more convient IMO, my father used an Anansi keyboard and then I got him to use a Nostromo and while it took him some time to figure it out he prefers the game pad over the keyboard because he has access to the WASD keys on the mouse Dpad 15 programable keys in a 5x3 lay out in a straight line down instead of slightly diagonally which I think makes motion faster, an easy tab and space bar key because right above and below the Dpad is an additional key which can be used to tab while still using your 4 other fingers to hit your action keys and lastly a much more natural feel to the game pad over a key board, because of the shape of the game pad it forms in the palm of your hand like your holding a tennis ball so you don't feel as much pressure on the bottom of your wrist.

  7. So my generally worthless opinion is


    2piece : keep it how it is, it just keeps everything in line and there is no reason to get all crazy


    4piece: worthless, for both specs, energy management is something that can be done in your sleep because it's too easy, in most fights where there is any sort of motion your regen is fine and not to mention the fact that leth has C-grenade on more than 1 target so the chances of the energy proc to happen is much higher, this set bonus is only good for the parse heros who get off on their perfect rotations.


    Something for conc could be it increases the damage of acid blade by a % because it's generall a tickle of a dot now, or something really crazy, lower the cool down of back stab by 3 seconds :rak_03:(Ik a pipe dream) this would probably throw something's out of Wack with rotations but I pvp mainly so more stabby stabby;)


    For leth I really couldn't tell you what a good 4 piece change would be, it's not really coming to me ATM


    6piece: for conc it's fine but for leth, ehh it's really under whelming while I do like the idea of having the double charge critical chance for leth as the 6 set bonus I think it would be a bit too bursty for the actual design, I think it would be better though for leth to lower the internal cool down of the proc from 1 minuet to 30 seconds, this way they can get more damage out of it with out throwing the burst out of Wack

  8. Here's my understanding of why roll doesn't take damage from the fire or acid traps(sometimes) when abilities are activated there is usually an animation followed by a damage interval, for example for death field/FiB, it's an "instant" ability but there is a delay between activation and damage, another example that makes more sense is force lightning and TkT which have 6 damage instances in .5 second intervals so it's possible to get between those damage instances. With the case of the fire/acid it does damage every .5 seconds so if damage instance 1 is a 0.0 and you enter and exit between.01-.49 you are safe from damage, as "unlikely" as this sounds think for a second how fast the roll is, 12m with in 1 second and then take into consideration how large the fire/acid platform is you spend only maybe .25 seconds on it. Now if you wanted to "fix" it you would need to change the damage instances, time between the instances and damage per instance, ie instead of 20k every .5 seconds 5k every .1 seconds
  9. Only had to take one. So glad I was an accounting major.


    Sigh, civil engineering major... Has to take into to English, **** college sometimes

    One day I will be president and first order of business is nerf operatives and mercs


    *cheering applause* vote this man in now

  10. I'm bored and really tired and doing 1v1s. If you win best out of 5 you will receive any hypercrate of your choice.


    You got 3 hours to challenge me from the moment I post this. Shouldn't even be doing this since im exhausted but oh well, gives you a better chance of winning <3


    Come hang out at twitch.tv/mosh47 and let me know you're challenging me or just want to ask questions idc <3

    go find all the best players you know and find me challengers.


    use of consumables and sap healing will be your choice(you make the rules)


    1st duel will be considered warmup


    If no one wins the Hypercrate I'll be giving it away at 7PM EST


    **** me I missed it :(

  11. I once wrote a satire on an entire act of "The Darker Face of the Earth," which is a retelling of the Oedipus story, for my university literature class a few years ago. I got a good grade on it, but I still am unable to see satirical statements most of the time. I'm too literal.


    I take things too literally too, though sarcasm and staire are kinda my think irl :p thank god I don't have to take any English classes though when I go to university, I'd kill someone of I'd have to

  12. Yeah it would be a nightmare to make for a realatively low profit, you would have to redesign the animations for sents maras jugs guardians sorcs and sages(and companions) to have them make sense to using the weapon, then the whole thing will look awkward because the abilities were made for a 1m long lightsaber while light whips would have a 3-4m long(minimum Id say)and flexible so hit timers would be frustrating as all hell to make, new standing weapon drawn animations would need to be made. All this and more would be needed to make a saber whip which they would be marketing at ~10$ a piece, all these things together they would be suffering massive losses from this item, if they made a new class( another HUGE cost investment) they could make the whip an exclusive item for them but the cost of 2 new stories probably 20 voice actors and animations still apply.



    Tldr a lot of people have to understand business and realize that if profit can not be made or that only slight profit will be made the chances of it happening are slim to none when more thigs can be produced for cheaper and more profit

  13. Usually I take it over the low combat stealth cool down for arenas just because I find that matches don't last long enough that the 1:30 stealth is better than 2:00 compaired to the slow/root to keep people out of position. In regs I don't really think it's all that amazing but you could take it if you wanted I don't know what you would drop for it though
  14. Pretty sure they're referring to the combined time the devs spent working on it.


    That would make more sense


    Funny considering that he linked it. Not like he made the numbers up himself. Or did you not notice that? :rolleyes:


    Obviously you've never had to write a research paper, just because you have a source doesn't mean it's creditable and just thinking logically on it seeing 62,000 hours as 7 years makes the source seem flimsy, saying 62,000 combined hours with 7+ people would make it about a year that they've been working on it which is more reasonable. Devils in the details man, if you want someone to believe you clarity is needed

  15. We're doing fine in 4v4. Not at the same level as sorcs/sins/pts, but holding our own. Our excellent burst makes us quite good in the current season 4v4 setup.



    I wasn't too clear but yeah we do fine in solo, my point being that our skill set is much better in a larger enviroment where there is a lot more breathing room. In arenas, which are death matches, it's usually everyone stacked on one another the defenses that we have are not very optimal and you must decide to burst or stay alive or to keep an ally alive so your overall effectiveness is decided by how well the player can do a mix of healing/damage/defense at the same time without doing too much of one with it hurting the team too much. If you tunnel dps for 1-2 globals too long you will find yourself dead or you may have missed a key opertunity to keep an ally alive, thus being a detrement to your team for a lapse in thinking for a moment. They aren't bad it's just that they aren't optimal at all and most of your reg stars will die off quickly in ranked because they are 2 totally different play styles, one is to kill the other team as fast as possible and the other is to beat the team through objectives which killing isn't 100% needed

  16. all i know is concealment operatives are borrrrring only really because theres this weird counter-intuitive incentive to initiate combat from afar with Corrosive Dart on everybody, before actually engaging in melee. They need to remove corrosive dart and instead let one of our melee abilities apply a nice bleed. who cares if we suck at aoe damage, find a way to make it work, its better than having a paradoxical incentive.


    No... No... No please no never do this, this is wrong on many levels

  17. How Scoundrel(dps) is generally viewed, 8v8 stompers 4v4 hinderance. They have a great tool set for large spread out fights, which they are designed for, and in small death matches they fall off quick because everything is too crowded
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