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Posts posted by LordNaridir

  1. I am sure others will disagree but from what I seen on the game with talking to others, A lot of people think like me and believe that the Ossus Update was horrible and when they did 5.10a what did they fix? because all I see is more bugs, Which I have to start wondering who works at bioware... I am starting to think Bioware or at least the group looking over swtor in bioware are a bunch of highschoolers. Because they have no idea in how to do patches for MMO. I understand that Bioware careless about upgrading to a better engine, some say because its too much money.. haha yeah ok.. like they don't have money.... They must have something to come out with a new game called Anthem that looks awful.


    The way I see it is like this, Ossus will lead to another KoTET and KOTFE expansion,, Where they willl just release chapters every few months just to milk the playerbase.. But with how awful Ossus was I doubt the new expansion will be any better.. I mean we may get new bugs and get to see hackers... that they seem to thrive on...


    Bioware the company that knows how to bug MMO's and allow hackers to ruin their games. They should also just shut down their costumer service on the game because all they do is reply with the same robotic message... Go to forums with your issues.. then why have costumer service??? what a joke.

  2. Who at bioware had the bright idea to take Agent Operative and Bounty Hunter classes, Take some of their abilities tweak them and give them to Trooper Tactic Class. When I think of a Trooper I do not think of close combat, I think of them as a ranged class but this Tactic Trooper is just a horrible idea for a class, I doubt bioware actually cares and reads these because they are known to be an awful company who scams but if they do pay attention, change that tactic troopers class because its horrible, Either that or just make Trooper a commando only... because the other spec is awful and just a mix of Agent and BH combined into one.......
  3. The problem is, it takes a lot of work to upgrade an engine, from what other posters have said in the past it would cost BW a ton of $ to do this. So much $ that I'm not sure it would even be worth it at this stage of the game. Face the facts EA doesn't give enough of a budget for BW to make as much content as we the players hope for. We're getting what they can make. Try to just enjoy the game for what it is, and not what we all hope it would become.


    It would cost Bioware money??? The money WE give them?? They are a horrible company. The new Ossus update was *********** horrible also, But then again that is what we get from a horrible company. Soon as my time runs off I am done with this game and any game from Bioware. They are a bunch of rookies with no passion. I hope they go bankrupt,

  4. I am just making this post as a suggestion.


    If a developer reads this, Can you take this idea into consideration. For player versus player how about making a planet that is pvp an where both factions fight for resources or control of something, Similar to how Guild Wars 2 and ESO has their pvp zone, I also suggest maybe upgrading the game engine or moving swtor over to Anthem's engine so that the game system can handle pvp and it would also help improve the game and stop the constant bugs/glitches. I am just suggesting this as when this game had open world pvp although it was quite laggy it was very fun and made it feel more like a Star Wars game when you can either fight an Imperial or Republic or vice versa. Anywho this is just a suggestion/wish of mine for the game. :)

  5. It's great that you're able to vent and let everyone know how you feel and get it off your chest, but search these forums for every time someone held themselves hostage (i.e. threatened to cancel a sub) unless highly improbable changes they demanded were met (new engine), compared to whether those changes occurred, and you'll realize the chances are low to zero.




    I agree totally, but being a long time player and barely getting little in return is a let down. I know they will not upgrade the engine nor listen to their players, If they listened swtor would be a better game. But right now between the constant bugs/glitches porting npc's and cheaters, lack of content and pvp and no upgrading the engine I cannot see this game lasting. Which is a shame because they can do a lot more with this game and it's story, And with a improved game engine that would help with the porting npcs, constant bugs etc. I mean if they can use the swtor money and put it into Anthem then why not invest in a decent game engine to help our playing experience.

  6. Hello, long time swtor player and enjoy the story line. however with that said, I must ask what developers are looking over swtor because you people do a terrible job at fixing anything in this game. I am coming to a decision where I am going to stop paying for this game because of the lack of care from the development team.


    I suggest that you people look into updating the game engine, because the one it's on runs terrible, Every planet has porting npcs, We do pvp matches and the engine cannot handle 8v8... Every patch you do on this game new bugs and old ones come to be. The lack of story content is another piss job by you people, You have people who pay for subscription on the game and we are rewarded with very little in return, Then to find out, you people been working on another game called Anthem... Nice way to say screw you swtor player base. Anthem seems to have a better game engine too.. Why not move swtor over to Anthem's engine to give us players on swtor a better gaming experience.. The so called roadmap hype you people built up was bogus, Ossus sucks, short story but that doesn't surprise me, Took you almost 3 years to finish the last storyline, So what another 3 years of milking the players and giving little content? If you people truly cared about swtor, you would actually listen to the players.


    An engine Upgrade is badly needed, Bring back open world pvp, and put out more story for us instead of holding off every 6 months to a year. If nothing changes coming into 2019 I am un subbing from this game as it is pointless to give you people my money when you reward me with very little and an awful gaming experience, cannot even enjoy the storyline because of the bugs.......:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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