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Posts posted by DomiSotto

  1. Hi Domi, how is the PVP there now, and how long did it take to lvl up to cap lvl for PVP? Glad you like it, and good to see you popping in still while you can. Takecare and have fun. :p


    Lhance, I was rushing for the event and met the cap in slightly under three weeks to level 45 that was a cap then. Took me a few more days to get to 50, but I was dawdling. The main problem is not leveling per se, it's keeping geared as you do so, as you need a lot of different odds and ends for it.


    Arena PvP technically have equalized stats, independently of gear, and has ELO matching from day 1, but does not match people by level, only ELO.


    PvP is 1vs1 arenas, or 3vs3 arenas (tag team). The classes are all a variant on a DPS some with more self-heals than others r more tankiness built into.


    From what I can surmise, 3 or 4 classes out of 8 are considered dominant (or 3/8 being not that great in PvP). But some classes PvP depends on the access to PvE materials, but I have heard a rumor that we'll be able to buy more of those skills with the currency earned in PvP (Zen Beans). All I can tell so far is that Summoner is very easy to play. I THINK it's Forcemaster, Warlock and Blade Dancer that underperform in PvP. Some classes are real opposites and brutal on one another.


    Open World is PvE quests in the areas you flag yourself to enter, and that's open to griefing by opposite faction, depending on your gear. The latest oWPvP area is an elaborate 40 min long battle that starts every hour on the hour, that requires really good PvE gear. PvE gear is acquired vs materials accumulation, meaning you need to run dungeons, best with the group of friends, up to 6 people, b/c you can split the loot instead of having to bid-war for it.


    The 6vs6 is supposed to have objectives play and pitch the groups against one another, but it is PvE gear dependent.


    Anyway, game is F2P without the content restrictions, so trying it is very easy. The restrictions are all related to basically how much gold you are making (and a very small penalty on XP). I've played literally till yesterday without the sub, but I am really interested in alting so I want to earn more per hour of play.


    Okay, that was a long post :)

  2. I miss her as well, but I'm sure that if she wants to, then she'll show up here one day. :)


    I miss you guys too. :) I've just dropped what I had with my SWTOR Harbie guild, queued for 30 min while at it without the pop, and subbed for BnS.


    I love BnS combat system, arenas and classes to bits, my server doesn't have the main problem that BnS suffers from (the bots) in a very pronounced way (thankfully), and the world is just absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. I just badly need to find a new gang to do 'em darned dungeons with to get the precious stuff. What drama they lack in PvP they make it up in PvE, even if their baddest dungeon is like a flashpoint. 6 vs 6 battlegrounds are coming there, and OW PvP also needs the @#NMRT$( PvE gear. Gearing and getting gold is, like, epic. No Huttball though. Just soulstones. :p


    Oh, yeah, in a predictable move, I went from a Sorc to Summoner, but gonna try to level one of my two 'bad' boys, Warlock and Destroyer, to see if they are CEWL. Should you happen on Iksunun, wave at anything that starts with Last (Spark, Cause and Ward)

  3. Nobody is forcing anybody to do anything, but providing a content for groups in a PvP area and restricting it for groups fosters community build-up, eliminate the whole "and then 3 sins and an operative jumped me as I was carrying a node in every instance", and allows more interesting tasks with less consideration given to "oh, but can a Merc Healer solo it?". We did not lack solo content in this game last time I've checked. PvE guilds are much more numerous, welcoming and better organized because they are tasked with fielding groups of 8s and 16s.
  4. There is a portion of the PvP guilds that farms to level 41 in premmies, delete alt, starts a new alt. They will find a way into Forexers tier, fear not, since it's not beneath them to harvest the level 12s on the Intro to WZs quest.


    Based on how the bolster works, BioWARE seems to be under the assumption that the high end PvE gear is competitive against PvP gear.


    To be honest, it would be much easier to bolster the PvE gear to 2018 expertise as they did do for a short time... not sure why 1936 is a thing now.

  5. I think I would not mind the OwPvP if:


    it continued on the ‘free for all’ trend, but assigned on entry “rotworm’ and ‘frogdog’ tag that will be dynamically switched based on the surviving population in the area;


    eliminate companions from it completely;


    provide attractive and changing goals to be achieved by questing in the OwPvP areas such as earning tokens for the OMG items, and yep, give participation-consolation prizes too.


    give a huge incentive for coming to an aid of a player that is against uneven odds and give a solo player an immediate access for cover from powerful NPCs if attacked by a group and mask their escape or trail, let them surrender and teleport to a completely different part of the area after death… whatever so they can’t be chain-killed;


    provide stealth busting accessories that can be activated to reduce the initiative of the stealth classes


    make the area concentric/staged with the more and more rewards gained as ventured closer to the center/end point but you have to be in a larger and larger group to pass a checkpoint to get to the next level


    aim to stratify the players in the area by how often they get killed by a sort of an ELO, and either provide temporary respites and immunities, or when possible instance out the leets to pick on the guys of their own size.


    In other words, to populate an area it gotta have things to do there and ways to preserve dignity of the losers. And as much as possible to get away from the cancer that is the permanent affiliation with a faction and abject irrational hatred of those who are not it.


    EDIT: And, yeah, make it unrestricted access for anyone on the end level, so you can quest while PvP'ing there as a preferred player :)

  6. I want a game that:


    Is set in a bright exotic setting that does not in any way resemble medieval Europe. I want to play in a verse that is populated by PCs and NPCs more unusual than elves in chain-mail bikini. I don’t want to ever strung another virtual bow in my life.


    Is questing along the lines of spiritual and political problems, and the character’s self-discovery rather than against the Ancient Evil


    Has entertaining dialogues for the actual story-telling but generates the “kill 20 of this, and pick up 5 of that because….” without the burden of canvassing it in words.


    Is build to adapt to the rapid advance in technology of the current world


    Is intuitive in combat, learning the class intricacies and guides the progression clearly


    Finds subtle way to play on psychology and make it appealing to play in mixed groups of the leet and the average, so it's cooler to carry than to solo, and doing a carry in a quality way is rewarded


    Employs the ways to promote a culture of recruitment and training of the new and the undergeared over fighting for the small pool of the veterans


    Makes gear/stuff acquisition period sufficient for gaining experience but not extended far beyond having fun while at it


    Place emphasis on lateral ways to have fun in the end-game that are less repetitive and more seasonal/periodic


    Develops a PvP system that is minimally demeaning to a loser, while still rewarding a winner, and is appealing past the point of the crashed delusions of grandeur


    I don’t think it’s impossible. It seems that television moved past cheesy recycling of the same old of the movie industry and is actually capable of creating characters and plots that are novel and events that are unpredictable, so why not the gaming?


    I kindda would like to see a MMO that inherits ideas from Arcanum, Torment, Jade Empire….

  7. It's just matchmaking that does not work properly.


    Matchmaking algoritm; check expertise value if < 2018 match only with < 2018 player if > 2018 match with 2018 players.


    Don't see why can't be done.


    Because that will open the doors to exploits and easy wins by the experienced folks who will band together, and put on one piece of 190 gear to have expertise just slightly under 2018, and go farm the noobs. And if you don't think it's going to happen, well, you might need to play PvP for another 30 minutes or so....

  8. Yep. I ran 3 or 4 games with Domi tonight. Don't let her fool you! ;)


    I ran one 65 in my lvl 60 pvp gear, where I found out that "yes Virginia, gear level does make a difference". :o


    Damn, I am trying here! BnS is really good.


    At least you managed to get your node. I, like, had a wonderful time against three heals on the mid, almost killing a sorc, and and almost outdpdsing a sage. 2.3K DPS, what a joke.


    As for Gunslinger, I was not as bad as I remembered it.


    I was worse.


    Apparently, I have a full Obroan on her. And a Dark Reaver MH. So, not only I did a proud 924 DPS, I also used all my utilities and defenses... except the KB. (Facepalm). And I ended up a bar over level 60, while Banderal hit 65.

  9. Of course, because Flint's a tank and so needs DPS gear with them power mods (obviously!). I'll try to log in around your normal play time and queue you up, while I am looking in utter dismay and stupefaction at my Gunslinger's keybinds and abilities, and see how far we can get you in levels/comms and just how low I can go on DPS. My Slinger's name is Tishujen, and omg, I think she is in 186 purples with 168 Obroan guns. It is seriously like going right back to square one of this thread. That character, that undergeared, and that clueless.
  10. OMG, you are leveling Flint! Dart. If you need zone buddy to get you around that wonderful 5 wz per week restriction, let me know, I can dust my Gunslinger, respec her back into DF and be totally useless in the background. I know, it sounds totally awesome, but my only other midbies toon is my Guardian and I probably would contribute to victory by AFK'ing on it more than by attempting to actually play the darned class.
  11. Ah, thank you, things are super-good :) My sub is lasting a bit longer, I am just not playing, and you know what not playing means... means I can, like, heal on a sorc. Maybe. :rolleyes: probably just need to take a gaming break all together to be honest. Summer is coming!
  12. Whatever you want. You can adjust the settings. :p All the plot important NPCs are either babes or males of the rodent species. Ah, the deep mysteries of Orient! SWTOR is a bastion of gender equality in comparison. But I now go straight to creating a minority gender chars, 'em opressed males.
  13. Ah, if there be a game in an exotic NOT-medieval-Europe-again setting with a bunch of species that ain't just humans of different sizes and awesome story; blended experience PvP; an interesting combat system; easy regional grouping and lateral and event oriented progression; that doesn't require a life-time commitment to L2P every class to succeed, I will be there :) Bonus will be it's not overtly cratering to teenage males.... but that's too much to ask.
  14. I'll probably come back to this game in a few months, or when some things change - whichever comes first. I think we all know which will come first.


    I am hoping a new super-cool game comes first. Gotta be something cool out eventually!

  15. I just want to go and play a non-epic, non-Emperor related adventure in Gree space. Tired of the same old Empire/Republic drivel, trivial DS and LS choices, Alliance, Revan, tragically misunderstood Sith, secretly passionate rebelous Jedi, and all the jazz. Just want something fresh and completely unrelated. Something that picks off from where the terror from beyond left it and goes on to create astounding landscapes and creatures, not long corridors full of CM-outfits dressed humans with CM haircuts. And get rid of all the 30-50 collectible companions, wipe the slate clean, and gimme torrent relationships with non-party NPCs that are grand in their own right.
  16. Well, I sort of stopped reading fantasy lately because real history is more interesting, and is written in fascinating ways nowadays, but I loved the following books:


    Joe Abercrombie’s First Law Trilogy and standalone novels save for Heroes (well you might like it, I did not)


    Scott Lynch’s Lies of Locke Lamora starts good, but went downhill by the Republic of Thieves (latest I’ve read)


    I like Scott Bakker’s Prince of Nothing/Aspect Emperor series, but they are a far tougher going than most fantasy genre


    I also absolutely adored the lovely Barry Huggart’s Number Ten Ox and Li Kao books 


    Lions of Al Rassan and anything but Fionavar by Kay


    Martin's and Co's Wild Cards

  17. It does, just like in PvE running with a good guild is awesome. But in both cases, you have to first find a guild, then convince it that you qualify for entry. You also end up playing at specific times of the day which makes gaming into a scheduled activity and it might not fit well with the rest of your life. Finally, if you wish to run both PvP and PvE on the same alt, you may have to chose one guild over another, and PvP vs PvE.


    The group activities geared more and more towards scheduled and organized is a sign of a declining community.

  18. In my experience, 2.5 million credits is what it took to pull the mods and fully augment a character from the GTN in the end game.


    Last time I looked it was 3-4 mln to buy a free 60 char.


    A lot of creds for me is 100+ mln for a Legacy after gearing all the characters in the Legacy. I ended the game at about maybe 20 mln for my Harby legacy without further demand for gearing, but I was throwing a million here and there into the guild bank.

  19. Thanks, folks :)


    why in the world are you click targeting?


    I've meant that an action is required to select a target, be that one of the key-bound targeting option or click on the op frames for heals, etc. Overall, I just like fewer binds/no double binds (there is a double-tap, but it's easier for me than Shift+bind) in general. I will obviously still suck, cause no reflexes, but playing on my sucky level is that much easier. Since PvP is 1vs1, and if you believe QQs is vs bots mainly, the yelling should be minimal. :D

  20. Well, folks, that's that. I picked BnS. After a few days of playing it, I just don't think I want to go back to click-to-target and 40+ binds in SWTOR. BnS has tons of its own problems, and all the same complaints, but it fits my lifestyle better, and it is a new toy.


    Folks, I had wonderful times chatting with you, and you have shown me again and again how to play this game with style and panache.


    I wish you all to team up with the best of the best and against as valiant opponents. May your numbers amaze, and your say amuse. Fast pop and balanced matchmaking to you. Hugs, guys and gals, you are the best, and if you all could win all the time, I’d wish you that too. But a woman gotta be realistic.


    I apologize for every mezz I broke and every inc call I’ve missed.


    You who main the Mercenaries and Commandos, I hope that you would get a focus break tool, and rule as FotM for as long as you were the charming underdogs.


    Harbinger, may your hamster never tire, and may your lights go out last.


    Logging Out,


    DS aka every other eager bad you see in the game. Be lenient :p

  21. Whatever target value they might ask for (which hopefully would be the average per match expected of the average player) It would most definitely NOT actually need to be earned all in the same match. (Though it would certainly be better for you if you can meet and exceed the target each match.)

    [etc, for brevity of quoting]


    My objection still remains, that should I care about the Conquest points, I would simply drop all Deathmatches, and sit the sats in my Razorwire to bulk up the medal count. While the discrepancy exists in how easy it is to get a medal by flying circles around a sat vs literally anything else, you open it up for the pointless farming for the Conquest.


    Right now I have a choice to try different things and get the same Conquest points and I get more comms for trying different ships.


    The stronger emphasis on the medals will drive the preference for Sats vs DMs, and Bombers vs Anything Else. Just like in ground PvP folks quit the arenas because they award far less and are harder to play than the 8s.

  22. Honestly this game really needs an Outbound Heal Debuff. Every single type in game now is inbound and thus only affects a single targeted player. Outbound affects the total heal number of said healer without the need to nerf the class and thus have a negative effect on PvE.


    EA did this in their previous MMO (Warhammer Online) and it worked quite well. Why they haven't done it here is beyond me.


    Could you explain what you mean?

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