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Posts posted by Ruddertail

  1. Not precise at all, the margin of allowed errors is quite huge comparing with certain datacron hunts. Yes, it's something new and unusual to do, but it doesn't mean it's stupid, just require some additional skills.


    Jumping in this game just isn't fun. I can do it, but it isn't fun and I can understand how people wouldn't be able to, because it's downright weird.


    When I did that mission I had to pull a groupmate along with my Extricate. I didn't mind doing it though, the less people put through that experience the better.

  2. I'm pretty sure that the very hardcore fans of WoW-style MMOs will dislike TESO. And I have the feeling that many diehard ES fans will be disappointed. I was personally very pleasantly surprised by it, and lots of the people in the beta seemed to be enjoying it. I'm sure that short-term it will be very successful, but in the long term... I'm not so sure, it will depend on the end game (something I personally don't care about but it's understandably critical to most hardcore MMOers).


    I am big TES fan, and I greatly enjoy MMORPGs that try something different (like The Secret World).


    TESO disappointed me on both counts. It felt as if they took Skyrim, picked out all the worst parts of it, and made a new game out of those.

  3. It's against the ToS to do this, just so you know.


    When it comes to automation/macros the rule is "it's ok as long as you're actively playing, and each active ability use is a keystroke."


    It isn't. Every skill executed by spamming the same button. :p


    edit: As in, the keyboard doesn't do the next step without me actively doing a keystroke. It just automatically decides which ability to use.

  4. This is reason why neither addons or macros can't be allowed to run free.

    If it would allow to increase one's performance, it would be used by most people, providing advantage over anyone not using it, altering gameplay for everyone. And since those addons would not be made by BW, they would lose control over their own game.


    I hate to break it to you, but making macros in this game is already quite doable, if you feel like it. I can have my keyboard automatically do my whole rotation perfectly if I feel like it. :p


    WoW did allow me to set up a macro that used multiple abilities on one button though I did have to press that one button multiple times to actually launch the abilities. My Pally tank was set up for two buttons for the rotation where I would spam the first button until a certain proc and then hit the second button twice before going back to spamming the first. I could eat dinner while tanking a raid boss because of that macro set.


    This is also doable.

  5. Khem is my personal favorite. I'd marry him if I could. His storyline is great with you gradually earning his respect - this being a creature that basically views you as food at first - and at the end,

    him holding a speech telling everyone to bow down to you, the heir of Tulak Hord (that's him putting you at the level of his former master, finally) and heir of Lord Kallig

    was goddamn amazing. Not to mention his own story and how it ends.

    Ideally with you telling him you're not helping him at all, he has to fight Zash off on his own. And that's what he does, liking you more for it.



    Xalek seems like he's not going to backstab you despite being your apprentice. I can appreciate that. Or maybe he's just more cunning than me and I end up with a lightsaber through my face, I can't really be sure about my fellow Sith. Oh well, that's how it goes, if he pulls it off he's earned it.


    Who do I not like?


    Ashara. I could only tolerate that terrible twi'lek by reading the romance as my inquisitor ruthlessly manipulating her. She has absolutely nothing interesting to say and I'd sacrifice her loving arse the first chance I get.


    Vette. Yes, please give me rage-fueled warrior a quirky, snarky idiot who disapproves of everything I want to be as a Sith. That doesn't feel limiting at all.


    Corso. Creep-tastic, even as a male smuggler.

  6. My goodness gracious


    Glad I left this cesspool. Going from LI to "tactical" is pathetic. What is even more pathetic is the dated design of this game and how incompetent the devs are - I'm not saying that "tactical" (oh god, I hate this word, talk about the greatest euphemism in the MMO industry) FPs were designed because of the lack of cross server technology and, in effect, lack of tanks and healers, but it was one of the main incentives. Instead of this MMO actually keeping up with the standards of today's MMOs, they had to come up with a half-cocked solution and appealed to the lowest common denominator. What's worse, "tactical" also means lack of imagination and brilliant mechanics - bosses are simple as they come, meaning it's all generic now ... and boring.


    Hurray for blandness that is SWTOR!


    You could easily make a very hard tactical flashpoint, just have it adapt to the group in question. If it's all DPS, it'd be a DPS race; if it's all healers, then it could have the healers outlast the enemy, or have them heal an NPC fighting for them, and so on. The trinity idea is an outdated standard that SHOULD be challenged.


    Flashpoints don't need to be trinity-focused to be exciting, they just need some work put into them.

  7. If you don't take it at face value, Ashara + inquisitor is nauseatingly well written. I say nauseatingly, because she seems incredibly naive and the evil inquisitor is more or less manipulating her fragile mind into undying loyalty. What attachment? I don't feel the slightest bit attached to her despite all my "loving words".


    The game gives you so little reason to be attached to her, so little genuine affection from the inquisitor's side - it's an incredibly abusive relationship. You say all the right things to her, but the inquisitor is far too cold for it to appear genuine.

  8. The wraths "cushy" ride to the top? You realize the Wrath has the best feat out of anyone in the game right?


    I don't remember the warrior starting as a slave and through sheer willpower clawing his way up the ranks, with every single person he meets trying to kill him.


    That said I'm fairly sure Nox would win, given that he has five force ghosts enslaved within him. I have a hard time imagining the bloody emperor himself being more powerful than five ancient ghosts AND Nox himself. To say the lore paints him as being overpowered is understating it.


    Of course, when it actually comes to in-game combat I have the hardest time beating maras. :(

  9. Some of the necros are 18-20 months old.


    People see an original post that is no longer applicable due to changes in the game, and try to answer it, contradict it, argue against, etc. It's kinda of a time-waster, don't you think?


    This'd be more easily fixed by simply automatically locking topics that are, say, two months old.

  10. Are you a PvEer who wants a rancor mount? Are you a PvPer that wants a tank mount? Then stop being one or the other and do both.


    This game isn't PvP OR PvE. This game encompasses everything in it and to believe that as a "PvEer" or "PvPer" that you are owed some sort of special attention is ludicrous.


    If you only do one or the other, then you live with the consequences just the same as if you do if you only do FP's and not OP's, or only do class story missions and ignore the planetary stories, or if you don't do the daily areas like Oricon or CZ-198. If you choose not to do something, you can not expect to get the rewards from what you didn't do.


    If you don't like doing something...tough. It now totally depends on whether or not your dislike for doing whatever it is overcomes your desire for the reward for doing it. But to come to the forums and throw a tantrum because Billy gets a rancor and you want one but don't like PvP so EA has to give it to you for not doing PvP...yes, your argument is as childish as it sounds.


    Stop crying about the mount and start doing what it takes for you to get one. If you are good enough, you'll earn one and if you aren't you won't but don't expect it to be handed to you on a platter because it requires you to do something no matter how much you may dislike doing it.


    Thing here is a lot of classes are severely underpowered in PvP and I'd have to reroll to really have a shot at a great ranking. Any class can be good in PvE. This game isn't balanced around PvP in the slightest.

  11. I apologize for posting this here, but I figured it would be a good place to get a solid answer. So I'm looking to level up a new character, and am trying to decide between the Assassin and BH. I have had issues with both my Sniper and Sentinel (one at 50, the other at 55) with survivability in some of the harder fights during the course of leveling up (to point I HAVE to have my healer companion out or I can't do anything it seems). Will I have the same issues with the assassin or should I go with a different class? Yes I'm aware I probably suck at the game, but that doesn't mean I don't have fun playing it. Thanks for any advice.


    Assassin is a fair bit more durable than Sniper or Sentinel given that you have a tanking tree (in my experience, anyway). You'll do fine with a DPS or tank companion, more or less the whole way through.

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