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Posts posted by iosdg

  1. Hey guys just a quick question. I’ve been exclusively playing Pub side for about a year now, but due to some guild expansions, I’m going back to imp side exclusively for a while and was wondering what I should make my “main”. On pub I have a healing smuggler as my main. By main I mean grinding best gear, doing trades, etc. It has an RP element to it I suppose lol. Anyways I have a couple characters at 65 ready to make the jump but can’t decide on what is most fun to play as currently. I have these in mind. Mercenary as DPS or Heals, Marauder as DPS, Agent as Healer, or BH as tank. Eventually I’ll get most to 75 and have decent gear but ultimately only one of each role will have perfect gear/builds. And out of those three only one will be my go-to sooooo thoughts?
  2. Yeaaah but like i mentioned, hes missing the utility in his skills. He has the stun, but lacks any extra effects in his abilities that make other companions better to use. If you take a look at his damage skills, they only do base damage of however much it is and that is it. While others have effects like lowering armor, putting burn damage, etc. Which when it comes to some of the harder battles, stacking these debilitation makes the difference.
  3. I’ve been playing and have been tired of the usual companions, usually I play with Theron, so I went back to the original boi, HK-51. However, he hasn’t received a buff to match current companions, my lv 36 Theron far outmatches my lv 50 HK-51, kinda sad cause I’m sure there’s others that would like to exterminate in style.
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