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Posts posted by Znozzy

  1. So let me first start by saying:

    I am not advocating for not recieving sub perks, I am going to argue, that punishing players that takes break from the game or start the game later, is not a well thought out business model.


    So, let's start by the HK-Chapter, I couldn't care less about the HK chapter personally, but I do like collecting achievements, and this because of the HK-Chapter, I can't get Veteran/Master achievement for KOTFE / KOTET

    Leaving it frankly useless to play on harder difficulties.


    If you're a hater by nature, I will break it down for you:



    How is punishing players a good business model to make new players?

    Infact the amount of uncollectables in this game is just insane, I mean is the game doing so well you don't need the money?


    If you make it *more* expensive than the sub cost, then you will make money, the sub perks will remain A LOT cheaper not to mention the 500 cc & all other perks you get from subbing.


    I can't for the life of me, understand why the Kakkrann is not available to all, given that it's been SO LONG since it was a sub perk, and there's been several expansions since then, and being an iconic KOTOR vehicle.


    It makes absolutely zero sense to me. It's disrespectful to new players, and returning players, and only benefits a business model that is based upon punishing everyone but strict loyal subscribers.

    Which by the way, is retarded.


    Stop feeling so overly entitled to bonus content. The subscriber REWARDS should stay the way they are, sometimes you miss out on things, it happens, it sucks and you might feel its unfair, but thats how it is. If you arent subscribed during the required time, you wont recieve the subscriber reward.

  2. So, for fun my guild decided to do a sm 16m The Ravagers.


    Seems like Sparky is one of the contributors to the RNG system seeing how he found half of our members unsuited to recieve CXP boosts.


    7 people recieved CXP packs from killing Sparky, the other 9 did not.


    Everyone is a sub, everyone except ONE player is 70.


    Thanks in advance.


    Edit: Everyone recieved cxp packs from Bulo.

    Edit: Everyone recieved cxp packs from Torque.

    Edit: Everyone recieved cxp packs from Master/Blaster

  3. Considering that from day 1 of early access there was Bestia farming for CXP, not only with deliberate intent to NOT complete the operation but doing so regardless of what the currently unlocked operation was,


    instead of blaming the devs for supposedly being "vague",


    players should be owning up to their disgusting hypocrisy around exploiting the game.


    Bestia grind is for XP up to level 70. Bestia's adds never gave cxp.

  4. Correct. For some users, resetting the phase/Mission seems to address the lack of clothing and the Vantage Point issue.




    However, upon being on "Evacuate Exile Homes" the 6th and final home does not add to the count, thus preventing further advancement of the quest.


    Tried sofar:

    Resetting phase - nada* worked second time?


    Edit: second resetting oh phase worked.

  5. Multiple reports on Red Eclipse general aswell, i also ran into the problem, tried the following:


    exiting and resetting phase - nothing

    Resetting quest - nothing

    going to guild ship > exit to zakuul - nothing.


    thanks for the naked cat-man though Bioware, it really helps to take your mind off the whole eternal championship bit.

  6. Hey folks,


    One of the things Ben mentioned on the live stream, is that the dev team is looking to get some feedback regarding rewards from the Eternal Championship. Currently there are weekly quests for defeating 5, 7, and 10 encounters. Here is what Ben was looking for:

    • What level of gear should be rewarded for clearing 5 encounters?
      10 data, 5 radiant crystals + 4 alliance boxes, 1 rank 6 companion gift
    • What level of gear should be rewarded for clearing 7 encounters?
      optimized 216 non modable Mainhand weapon token + stronghold decoration
    • What level of gear should be rewarded for clearing 10 encounters?
      216 non-modable set piece token
      Have the weekly mission reward a random story mode token, Mainhand/offhand excluded

    Feel free to answer by comparison (this should drop gear similar to a HM Flashpoint) or in Item Rating.


    Thanks everyone.



    This would motivate non-op running players to atleast try and progress on their own, the non-modable gear would be like the craftable 208 pieces with 216 stats and set bonuses (Stat wise, MK-4). Have a Eternal Championship token NPC outside the entrance to trade in the gear for.


    This way, you don't destroy the few remaining guilds and keep progression into operations without making the content obsolete, people would be able to get set bonuses but not on par with the current operation gear.


    Have the boss 10 difficulty be on par with the star fortress H2 bosses with some harder mechanics.

    Toss in some achievements on the side like the "one and only" achievement for the star fortress.


    If not, have it drop eternal championship tokens (like rakghoul,gree,BBA events) that can be traded in for the same rewards as above. 10 tokens a piece or something, you'll figure it out, add two mounts and some stronghold decorations to keep people interested after they got their armor pieces.


    That's my two cents!

  7. Done is as marauder(Carnage) with 208com/216op piece mixed gear, rank 7 companion (Healer) with no issues.

    Also done it on my main assassin (Deception) with full 216/220 op gear with rank 1-50 companions before and after nerf with no issues. with and without alliance buffs.


    The game isnt too hard if you can't do it, focus on improving and learning your own class rotation/defensive abilities and you wont have any issue doing it. I'd strongly recommend getting the alliance commanders to rank 10+ if you are having trouble with it.

  8. First, I disagree that most of the playerbase is entitled. In fact, I don't think it's doing you any favours by using that word at all. It's been bandied about way too much since KotFE dropped, and it doesn't encourage a discussion.

    That's where our opinions differ - the one thing you need to improve yourself as a player is perspective. Lots of people in both general chat/forums and in guild cry out for nerfs when they die to story content mobs and are wearing gear thats 20 levels lower than their current level. Same thing applies to players who say they wont read up on the strategy because it takes time or gets hostile when you ask them if its their first time.


    However I do agree about there not being enough of an introduction to group content in-game. It's too easy to get partway through the game without understanding how to use interrupts etc. There should be some content that introduces players to their skills, and the trinity, for example. I also think it would be a good idea to have gear-check for the harder content too. That way newer players aren't subjected to abuse when they end up in group content, and experienced players won't have issues with multiple wipes.

    This is one of the major issues of the game, new players hit a brick wall when they attempt end game content due to the complete lack of middle difficulty content. Lots of casual players end up crying for nerfs because they think it's too hard, it's more of a shock and not a difficulty problem i'd say. It also ties in with the need to read up on mechanics and rotations.


    I disagree about having to study guides though. I think the game should have enough info already in it so that players understand their class and gear etc, and tactics should be learnt by doing the content. If players want to improve, then the guides are there, of course. But by trying to make them a necessity, it becomes too much like a real-life job. No game should feel like that.

    The info is in the game - people skip tutorials, they attempted it again with the rotation tutorial for chapter 1 of KOTFE, but most players skip that. It's a lack of knowledge and the will to improve that is currently driving most people to shout out for nerfs instead of taking 5 minutes to ead up on something. Even with most mechanics nerfed in Story mode content operations you still meet groups that have a hard problem nailing the underlurker's cross phase. Players needs to realize that you have to take the extra step and read up on content before you attempt it when it comes to end game - a game cant be made to spoonfeed you all the information, there is no challenge in that.


    Perhaps there should be missions, similar to the intro. to group finder for each flashpoint. For example, intro to hard mode Hammer Station. That way, new players could all group up and attempt/learn the content, without it affecting more experienced players, and without having to take a test before playing.

    The problem isnt new players, it's the obvious difference in difficulty when it comes to flashpoints.


    A group of new players entering kuat drive yards is going to have a good time, if they got lost island for example they are going to hit a brick wall and leave in most cases. The problem is that you have entry level content together with tactic heavy content. it needs to be kept separate so you have a stable learning curve for new players.

  9. Introduction:


    Greetings! My name is Znozzy. I'm from Sweden in my mid-twenties and i've played swtor on and off since the launch of the hutt cartel and i'm enjoying the game quite a bit. I'm currently in two guilds, one op oriented and a casual social guild on the Red eclipse, originally from tomb of freedon nadd.


    i've played MMO's for the past 10 years, previous games include Lineage 2,Vanilla World of warcraft, Final fantasy XI + XIV and EVE online. I identify myself as a casual player that enjoys doing all content including a bit of PVP on the side. i currently have all imperial classes at 65 with a few republic characters that i'm slowly leveling up whenever i have time to spare. My previous experiences with endgame MMO content is quite big, i was a Linkshell leader (guildname in FFXI) for several years with a very big success when it came to hunting endgame content, the system there was very different and brutal compared to swtor. for an example: http://www.destructoid.com/final-fantasy-xi-boss-causes-vomiting-takes-18-hours-to-beat-99391.phtml End game content in that game also involved hunting monsters with 36-72 hour respawn timers with spawnwindows every 30/60 minutes that could pop in multiple areas.


    Star wars the old republic:

    Star wars the old republic is a different MMO with heavy emphasis on the story content, which is something i like about this game, it's different from other MMO's in that it has no obligations for anyone to join raids or participate in end game content unless they want to. With the launch of Knights of the fallen empire and 4.0, we saw quite a bit of changes. Some good, some bad.

    Personally, i am one of those who enjoyed having overpowered companions, not that i needed it to survive but more because of the paths it opened up inside the game. It made queuing for group finder content a breeze since you only needed to grab a friend to run off and do Hard mode flashpoints instead of waiting for the holy triage to pop up in group finder making the weekly a breeze to finish. This, of course caused alot of controversy in the playerbase.


    The problems:

    With the companions being strong at the launch of 4.0, we saw a huge rift in the playerbase, some people embracing and enjoying it and some players who rejected the companion buff and started to call out for a nerf, mainly due to companions being so strong they could take a player slot in hard mode flashpoints.

    Was this really the problem though? no, it wasnt. The problem with the playerbase in this game is the lack of knowledge of endgame mechanics and the self-entitled attitude of most of the players. People feel entitled to the hardest content and gear in this game without actually putting in the work to reach it.

    One can use the old saying that its not about the destination, it's about the journey - the mindset of this games playerbase is the complete opposite. Players feel entitled to having "the best" gear and want to go through the content in this game with a breeze because they feel that the story content is the main focus, i'm sure we've all heard the KOTOR3 reference by now.


    Let's give an example that i'm sure most of us have met in group finder/pick up group's for operations/flashpoints.


    Tactical flashpoints (Entry level content)

    Mixed levels, 10-65, varied knowledge about the game. Since 4.0, lots of wipes are common in tactical flashpoints due to people not knowing the tactics and certain mechanics in most flashpoints, mainly due to the reintroduction of old content. People are skipping CC's and just bumrush the mobs as hard as possible, kill or be killed is a common strategy here, with various results. This usually results in vote kicks and someone being replaced by a healing companion in 4.0, personally, i still kick people out if they dont listen to the strategy and gladly replace them with a healing companion to get it over with as soon as possible.


    Planetary heroic 2+'s (Casual solo content)

    Solo content, Heroics are a way to test yourself to see if you can handle slightly stronger content. Here is where you either learn to play your character or die trying.


    Star fortress heroic 2+'s (Hard Casual solo content)

    This would be the end of your solo journey - if you know how to play your character, got a few pieces of gear and grab a companion with decent influense you will have a challenging and fun experience.


    Hard mode flashpoints (Entrylevel endgame content)

    This is where most players really hit the brick wall. Hard mode flashpoints are alot harder than their tactical counterparts. Mainly due to the introduction and requirement to follow certain mechanics and not use the "kill or be killed" tactic thats very common in tactical flashpoints. Wipes are common, People being undergeared is common. People knowing the strategy is almost unheard off in some group finder groups. Advices are met with hostility and vote kicks are tossed around like a kitten chasing a yarnball.


    Operations (Endgame content)

    Varied knowledge, lots of first timers which is a good thing, people usually listens to advices and tactics when they are given out, wipes are common in certain operations like the Temple of sacrifice,explosive conflict,Scum and Villany and the Terror from beyond where certain bosses are more like mini games than actual bossfights. Here is where the playerbase also hit a brick wall. You have to read up on things to do it?


    Hard mode operations (Medium level endgame content)

    This is where the end game players really start to shine, you have to follow mechanics, if you slack of you can/will cause a wipe in the end if you don't pay attention.


    Nightmare mode operations (Hard endgame content)

    is perfectly fine the way it is, this is the end of your journey not as a player but as a group together.


    The solution:


    The playerbase - To realize you can't do everything without being prepared for it is up to us players. We need to read up - we have fantastic sites like dulfy.net that puts up strategies among others, The problem is that it's not common knowledge. I'd suggest adding a required rating system for Hard mode flashpoints like the ranked PVP warzones currently have with Power instead of expertise and adding a strategy section to the official website for easy navigation. We all have a responsibility to do our part in group content especially when it comes to endgame parts of a game. Being a self entitled jerk isnt going to help you improve your character and will most likely end up with you getting kicked out.


    when it comes to solo content you are free to do as you please, however, you can't dump your KOTOR3 and story references upon 3-15 other players who do not share your view of the game. If you sign up for group content, you need to do whats best for the group. If you don't, you will be replaced by another player or by a companion depending on the content you are trying to do. This isn't something wrong - it's something good. You need to stand on your own and be open for suggestions when it comes to group content. Your lack of knowledge will get you in trouble in the end. Be honest, Be nice, Be prepared to learn and drop the hostility. You are always going to run into bad eggs in a MMO - don't be one of them.


    Companions being strong wasnt the problem - it was most of the players being too weak and ignorant of game mechanics. Nerfing companions to try and force the playerbase to group up did not work, as we noticed by the major backlash on the official forums after the nerf. Lots of people enjoy playing this game for the story - having a overpowered companion isnt going to stop that, forcing difficulty on someone who isnt interested in it is going to alienate alot of people. People who DO NOT enjoy overpowered companions - don't cap out your influense on your favorite companion.


    Tactical flashpoints (Entry level content)

    Split it up tactical flashpoints again. It's too hard for entry level players. New players who just started playing the game has no idea how to do tactic heavy content like Lost island or The Foundry even if its a tactical flashpoint. Without a proper introduction to content in the game you are setting up the new players for a harsh smack in the face and a quick vote kick.


    Planetary heroic 2+'s (Casual content) - Keep it the way it is.


    Introducing Medium Flashpoints (Medium content)

    Move the current tactical heavy flashpoints to a new difficulty level with the level range of 40-65, Lost island, The foundry, Red reaper among others, Players needs to learn how to play their characters and read up on strategies to be able to do these without wiping and vote kicking out subpar players. Keep their difficulty at the same level as the tactical ones, just separate the hard ones from the real introduction content.


    Star fortress heroic 2+'s (Hard Casual content)

    Change the name to Heroic 4+ to highlight the difficulty, add a small description to highlight that it is a challenge solo.


    Hard mode flashpoints (Entrylevel endgame content)

    Add a gear rating requirement to be able to queue up for it to ensure that players atleast have the proper gear to be able to handle the challenge. People running around in 150 purple gear at level 65 isnt going to be able to keep up even with bolster adding some stats, with the constant shortage of tanks/healers, players are sometimes looking up towards 30 minutes before they get a replacement via group finder, The companion buff in 4.0 made players able to continue going even if you lost a vital slot like a tank or a healer, which is something that should be kept aswell.


    Introducing Nightmare mode flashpoints (Hard casual player content)

    Challenge is good, right? Nightmare mode flashpoints are needed, buff them slightly above Hard mode flashpoints and give them some new challenging mechanics - this way we can reuse old content and give both new and old players a challenge they wont overcome in the first day. The reward you ask? Operation level gear.



    Have all the bosses drop 216 gear with the final boss dropping a 216 set piece. Its a medium stage between Operations - Hard mode operations, with a reward to go with it. This will enable casual players the chance at operation gear at the cost of reading up and being prepared. Have a group of friends you've played with? Grab them and hit it. Companions should be blocked in these instances.

    Note: Difficulty should be above the level of the hard mode blood hunt's first boss, to give you a impression of the difficulty i was aiming for.


    Operations (Endgame content)

    Keep it the way it is. We really don't need another round of stealth-nerfs to every single Story mode operation, what people need to do is read up on tactics and be prepared to struggle sometimes. Something challenging isnt bad - it's fun to see yourself grow.


    Hard mode operations (Medium level endgame content)

    Keep it as it is. No change needs to be done here. Except some slight bug fixes!


    Nightmare mode operations (Hard endgame content)

    Keep it as it is if you can handle Nightmare mode operations - You are already there, the top level player of the game, congratulations on having a solid group of people who are well read and knows what they are doing.


    Conclusion and end statement:

    These are my two cents, after participating in daily operations due to a newly injured foot, i've had the privilige of playing nonstop the couple of months. This point is my perspective and my opinions, if someone feels offended, it is not my meaning, it is however our responsibility to build this community and keep it strong. The attitude of the playerbase i've stumbled upon the past few weeks is really concerning, vote kicks being tossed around for not saying hello, vote kicks being tossed around when questions are being asked. Then the uprising on the forums and the complete lack of listening from the dev team when it comes to the companions and the 180 they took after they saw the backlash after the companion nerf.


    Ps. English is not my native language, so i apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes.

  10. All of this would be perfectly understandble. If it wasn't for the fact that we're talking STORY mode lol. Do you understand that? Or do you think it is acceptable to make a story mode boss that demands high-end augmented gear on top of perfection in mechanics execution and increasing number of dps in groups above the norm? Again, story mode Pav. Hard mode exists and for a reason and is separate from Story mode for a reason (as well as NiM mode)


    Underlurker does not require top end gear. It requires people to actually make use of small tactics. ToS is supposed to be a endgame raid. You arent supposed to beat it in fresh 178 gear in a tank and spank fight. Getting in position for the cross phase isnt hard if you put your mind to it, neither is calling out a rock to hide behind.


    The problem today with players is that they arent willing to work for progress in endgame content, they expect the bosses to be ticklish and give them gear straight away. The mechanics are fresh and nice. Did you call out for a nerf on Corruptor Zero aswell? Because its the same thing there.


    Sincerely, someone who has done multiple PuG runs at SM ToS and won most of them.

  11. Has an Ops group found a reliable strategy workaround for the cross failing? Today I was chatting with one of my healers and thinking about what we saw last night, and wondered maybe if all 8 of us simply stack on the tank, we could heal through the failed cross, and simply ignore the mechanic altogether. Is that strategy known to work? Or will it do more damage if essentially all of us are not in position?


    Depends on how good your healers are. My group had some real trouble with the cross phase, you -can- take alot of damage, if someone falls behind the healers can't abandon aoe heals for single target ones. if someone is out of the AOE heals range. This depends on what class your healers are though. My group managed to pull ahead again after a few mechanic wipes.


    Our workaround was to place him in the middle of the room to make him glitch less, to some success we went from 1/5 to 4/5. You do need a coordinated team to pull it off, people need to be quick as hell to get into position and you cant have any late comers or the game wont register them as inside the cross.

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