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Posts posted by Paethyr

  1. I don't know what the Hell you guys are talking about! This lightning Sorc was totally able to free cast killing everything in site in void star. Every time I leapt to him some juggernaut taunted me, and pushed me away. Then before I could reach him again some operative brought his health back to 100%. I close the gap again, smash and his bubble stun locks me in place then sprints away like a baby!! I was lucky enough to get my force crush on him to slow him down a bit, but another Sorc cleansed it then pulled him like half way across the freaking map!. I couldn't agree more with this post. The whole team was carried by this Sorc alone!! Sorcs are untouchable, tbh the most powerful class in this game and something must be done. The best solution I can come up with is to increase the range of force sweep/smash, maybe then I'd be able to land one on him. Also, I play Rage marauder in PVP, and we should have deadly throw like carnage marauders. Then maybe I'll be able to keep a Sorc in range. Deadly throw root should be baseline and work like electronet, so the sorcs can't do godmode force barrier every time I close the gap.


    Thanx again for this post ; )


    I think someone is butthurt due to someone having a good premade?

  2. Wasn't there a post demanding to nerf sorcerers to the ground?


    That made my blood boil as the other classes are overpowered compared to us.

    When I heal PvP, half of the time I am healing myself which makes me useless within 10-15seconds, especially consuming my Health to get more Force - Healers simply can't do it in PvP due to the constant beatings

  3. Lets nerf the other classes then..

    Because if you're saying us Sorcerers are overpowered.. You're blind..

    Take Commander for an example.. And people who do PvP will know what I mean. But of course, we're not throwing a tantrum about it


    @ OP, Probably don't know how to use interrupt and stuns..

    Go back where you came from and do some research before you make a thread demanding a nerf that isn't needed..

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