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Posts posted by jqualey

  1. Now that we are being charged for every little thing. It seems as though the folks who complain about the in game economy and/or inflation are hurting the game even more than their complaining. 

    What many don't realize off the bat, is that the more you play, the higher you level and the higher the credit drops. Youll see you might get 10 or 20 credits a drop when you start out. But when you are a higher level, youll get close to $1000. There are credits literally on the ground of most planets. So people complaining about the prices of things and in my humble opinion, they are the same folks who don't want to work for much. They hate that you have to pay to have some things unlocked. I hear about it all of the time in chat. 


    Just like in real life, when you have "free money" which in game credits are, you have high inflation. That's life. One player had the audacity to say that credits werent free since they took time and time is money. This game isnt a job. Its ENTERTAINMENT. If you think it's a job then stop playing. So the credits given are a bonus. NOT an entitlement. But I guess thats how this whole thing started. Entitled people who don't want to earn or work for anything. Just venting. Deal with it. 

    • Haha 2
  2. I posted this reply to someone who complained about the in-game economy. What i really like about your post is that you offer solutions to your problem…



    My argument is this: Credits are literally free in this game. They are on the ground on just about every planet. You get them by killing bad guys. Some may consider that “work” in a game built for entertainment. With “free money” comes inflation. People should take note of this because art imitates life with “equal outcome”, but i digress. 


    But in a world where you can gain free “money”, those same people complain about inflated prices of imaginary things in a world of free credits.

    Value is subjective. what I may be willing to pay for an item is completely up to me. If i dont have enough, then i can work for it until I do. I can EARN it. 


    And if you play this game enough, youre crapping out credits. Billions. There are also other ways to increase your bank roll but people dont want to put work into anything. 


    I think there should be no cap on the GTN, legacy or how much a toon can carry. Those who want/can work for it, do. Those who want instant gratification or who take that lovely sense of entitlement, complain. 


    Maybe Im wrong. 


    • Thanks 1
  3. How about this: with guild names and character names. If they lay abandoned after a period of time, they lose them. I dont care if IRL whatever. That doesnt pay company bills. BUT, if you keep your sub, or check in within 30 days, youre safe. If you dont care enough about the game to do that, why should they? 

  4. Lets be honest here. Some of us, who actually enjoy playing the game, would throw our money at anything swtor creates for us. As long as we liked it enough. And this means you. Might be a rancor companion. it might be a rancor mount.

    swtor devs could puke on a plate and i would have to have it. some would say they have. And i probably have it. 

  5. So what is the solution? Have you offered anything to help? I love the game and Im just a simple non-raid gimp. 


    I see a handful of complainers who seem to dislike the game, call it dead, yet keep coming back.

    Has any of these “pro” gamers offered ways they want to see it done? Have they applied for dev jobs to help make it to their liking? 

    What about the silent majority? Because there is one. And just because the devs dont drop everything to make a change that not-as-many-as-you-think-complainers, the devs are suddenly considered an evil oligarchy. Has anyone considered what it takes? Maybe so, but i dont see anyone offering the end-all, be-all mechanics/coding solution (for example). 


    Ill use a food analogy since people obviously  know food. Go to a Chinese food restaurant and demand that they change the way they prepare their food. On top of that, demand they carry Texas BBQ too and if they dont, tell them they suck, they hate everyone and everyone hates them.

    See how well that gets you what you want. 

    Maybe Im wrong.

  6. There is a cap on GTN. You cannot ask for more than 1 billion. And because if that cap, traders are now asking for Hypercrates as currency. One of the problems with having a cap in my humble opinion. 


    My argument is this: Credits are literally free in this game. They are on the ground on just about every planet. You get them by killing bad guys. Some may consider that “work” in a game built for entertainment. With “free money” comes inflation. People should take note of this because art imitates life with “equal outcome”, but i digress. 


    But in a world where you can gain free “money”, those same people complain about inflated prices of imaginary things in a world of free credits.

    Value is subjective. what I may be willing to pay for an item is completely up to me. If i dont have enough, then i can work for it until I do. I can EARN it. 


    And if you play this game enough, youre crapping out credits. Billions. There are also other ways to increase your bank roll but people dont want to put work into anything. 


    I think there should be no cap on the GTN, legacy or how much a toon can carry. Those who want/can work for it, do. Those who want instant gratification or who take that lovely sense of entitlement, complain. 


    Maybe Im wrong. 




  7. Ive hosted my share of ops and events like XP farming Bug events. These happen during double XP and let's you level very fast. Regardless of your opinion of them, I like to do them because usually you meet some great people, while having fun and teaching others the ropes of the event. Ive leveled so many toons the hard way, some times I don't feel like waiting to get a toon to 70 (or command to 300)


    Here are some effective guidelines for those who want them...


    1. Aggro bugs to main group for group kill. This gives higher EXP than if you want to be a flashy hero and kill them at spawn point or as they are led to main group. This isn't about you, it's about the group. It's also easier to heal the group.

    2. Just because you are "lead" Op, the jist isn't to bogart that position for as long as you can. Some will let that position go to their head. Don't be that person.

    3. If you are a good op leader, you spend less time killing/healing and more time focusing on the group, teaching newbies, etc. Not RPing in private and using the time, space and position as your personal ERP setting while everyone else does the work.

    4. Keep an eye on your group. notice those working hard, not trolling, following the simple guidelines, leaders with no emotional issues so when it's your time to leave, you have a replacement you can be confident leaving the group to. Some pass it back and forth to their guildmates but kids will be kids.

    5. Nobody cares about your live stream. It's a waste of bandwidth.

    6. When that turd gets kicked for not listening to the guidelines, and they keep aggroing bugs, don't kill those bugs (which will be a different color). Let those bugs kill him.

    7. Do ready checks to watch for idlers who just park and leave. Some Ops run to a side area and ask all to follow. This shows who is actively participating and who is idling.

    8. Some opt to leave at 70, others want to increase their command rank (which goes to 300)

    9. No matter what, you will run into morons. Some will be in the lead position even. It will be up to you to either keep quiet and stay, or speak up and possibly get the boot.



    So those are just some tips since I notice many ask what the Bug Event even is. Most of the group are great, but there are some that make it not as pleasant of an experience. Just get what you need and get out.

  8. I know people do pretty low down things. Some say imitation if the sincerest form of flattery. Being in marketing and advertising, coming up with ads is second nature for me. So when I came up with "The guild for those who want no guild. We can't offer much, but expect much less." I received many many many compliments about it being "the most honest ad ever" or "best guild ad ever". Im not talking 3 or 4 but hundreds of positive compliments. Usually the folks that don't get it, don't like it. Or they hate the fact that our guild ad is so good.


    But then I hear some Knight/Ren guild started using it saying it was theirs and WE stole it. To me, it just goes to show just how low some people will go. When they either have no creativity themselves or just like it sooo much, they figure "oh well, we will just take it as our own". To me, it's these types of players that just take what they want, steal your kill or the chest you're fighting baddies for, make the game not fun.


    It sucks that there are people like this and it's life. You run into people with no morals, scruples or whatever you want to call it. It's just a guild ad right? I don't know, my parent taught me NOT to do things like that.

  9. I was going for a certain look for my pub side toon piecing together the image I was going for.l So i find the perfect boots (in this case, called Vandinite Asylum Boots). So I crafted them with my Imp crafter, tossed in my legacy and grabbed on my Pub toon but upon previewing and/or equipping, they look TOTALLY different than what they look like on Imp side.


    For example: there are no toe spikes when on Pub side.


    Uploaded comparison here:



    Why is this?

  10. Not a day goes by I dont read someone spew something along of lines of the game losing players, the struggling game, etc etc.


    I hear rumors of swtor ending because someone may have not seen much on the developer blog.


    my question, is there any merit to any of the latest rumors? Is it simply bored kids trying to sway public opinion (ie “well if they say everybody is leaving, i may as well too) ?


    Is this game not profitable for the company?


    I run into many many new players or returning players daily so it seems like its just troll statements.


    I love this game and i support it by subscribing and buying cartel packs.


    Can the folks in the know clarify the future of swtor?

  11. I havent had time to read thru all 501 pages so forgive me if someone has said the same thing.


    The weird I have encountered are more of the folks that say nothing and race thru the entire FP taking no consideration for the other team mates who may want to get the bonus.

    They just race thru to the final boss as fast as they can.


    Why cant they do master flashpoints or something so players like me (who arent speed demons) can enioy the game.

    You say “hi” or try to be friendly and they are bizarre sociopaths.


    Its crazy how others will drop out because others on the team arent familiar with a FP.

  12. Council Of Pain. Sure, were new but hey, you have to start somewhere. Plus we have hot chicks.

    By joining our guild, you can do absolutely nothing and we wont harsh your buzz. Or you can lead a division and become the leader your parents know you shouldve been.


    We have RPers who want that.

    Because none of us are real hardcore PvPers but want to learn and get better, we wont curse you out because you didnt heal or tank to our specifications.

    PvE is available too.


    Everything you could possibly want or NOT want is available through our guild.

    Simply want the XP boost? No problem.


    But, do you like free stuff? I have this addiction to Cartel Packs and I certainly dont mind sharing to those who make a difference in our humble yet loyal group.


    See you in the field.


    Council Of Pain

  13. I just started a guild yesterday and we would welcome you. Granted we are new and with that comes low numbers but so far we have some fun members.


    Role Playing




    Etc etc.

    I actually enjoy being active however I can be.


    I owned 2 guilds years ago and I lost internet when I moved so I am hopefully getting back into the swing of things.

    We always need good leaders for their respective interests and I choose to reward those whom give effort.



    Love buying cartel packs and providing for my guild(s).

    I dont mind shelling out the funds to backup my guild mates so feel

    free to find us.


    Council Of Pain

  14. I have said this before in a thread but I will here because Im wondering why my server is down.


    I have been away for 3 years (because I moved and had no internet) and when I finally got internet, I was happy to be back. ive been back for less than a week and I have already noticed many things wrong. not different or changes, that's normal, but inconsistencies. This coming from a pretty easy going player who doesnt gripe most of the time. Bugs, glitches and failures and my conclusion is that somebody has stopped caring. Maybe they have become complacent, maybe they have had cutbacks. Whatever the case may be, it seems like someone involved up top has stopped caring or never had a passion for their position in the first place.


    Just my two cents

  15. Bull-****... I sent him a video of these two idiots 3 weeks ago and they are still around. Mods in this game are crap...


    Its funny, I just returned from a long hiatus and one of my conclusions after 2 days of playing has been:


    "someone has stopped caring" in regards to those involved with creating/maintaining this game.

    I was shocked to see only 9 players on an average planet. There used to be hundreds on each planet before I left.


    I also notice a lot of glitches that werent present a few years ago. Or inconsistencies with scenes. Cartel Packs dont have "value" anymore. I loved buying Cartel packs and if they are a perceived value, than folks will buy them. Im not saying "give away tons of free stuff" or anything. But "free" and "value" are two different things.


    Another example, on the "server down message" it still says "September 19th" in the text.



    I say these things of note. Someone with a passion for their craft I dont believe would allow this.


    So I say to myself "you dont know what it takes to create or maintain a game of this magnitude". Maybe the powers that be brought the hammer down and is restricting those in charge of this game from doing what needs to be done. Maybe their budget was cut. Maybe staff cut so theres fewer people to do more work. Maybe something entirely different.


    Im sad because I love this game and want others to love it to. Personally I dont mind glitches or inconsistencies but I know some hardcore whiners complain about the most mundane things.


    And being Star Wars, this game had/has an advantage that other games of this type didnt/dont have. The Star Wars brand. That is powerful if utilized and exploited in the proper ways. I mean Star Wars was already a recognized brand. That should have some stroke and meaning.


    Anyway, I sure hope people come back because I love this game and missed it while I was away.

  16. Ive been gone for quite awhile so Im wondering what United Forces is. Ive heard its merging servers. Is this something that will affect game play when its all finished?


    Ive noticed some things since being back. Im wondering if it will fix those things.


    Sorry for the d0uchy question but im pretty d0uchy.

  17. Pets and titles are the only thing worth my time and money (sarcasm). Just kidding around, and I agree in many aspects. We do get a lot of freebies. But valued by whom? If I get a useless pet, they wont let me sell it so it can be a value to me.


    And there is the issue. What's not valuable to me may be valuable to others. I appreciate the extras as at least an acknowledgement

  18. I don't think it's you. I think they changed how items are rolled for (or whatever system they use)


    I love buying packs and especially 24x. But I will stop buying them if they continue to produce lame contents....I understand not all can be winners, but I'm telling you, I have bought many many many many many many many many 24x and singles with garbage contents...then I can't sell them for the lame and restricting bind timer.


    I will not hesitate to stop supporting the coin system if they dont loosen it up. Or at least loosen it up for those of us who would rather buy coins/packs (supporting the company) then a pack of smokes and a case of Mountain Dew.

  19. Call me simple, naive, lame, I suck, whatever. But I like the game. I don't understand much of it but I'm learning. I'm bumbed at the cartel pack ratio and how I can fork over tons of cash without getting even 1 of the advertised "potential" products. I'm not talking about 1 or 2 packs. I'm talking about many many 24x packs. Sure get a lot of crafting items . Big items, very rare...I guess the things I want are "super rare"


    That animosity aside, I like the game and the stories. Lag sucks but that can happen for various reasons I'm told.


    I notice many ******* players in chat and many of the good players I really could learn from are on planets I am no where near ready for.


    I got to thinking about what many of you have been saying. If I was a developer for swtor, what would I do? You can't make everybody happy but you can make the silent majortity fulfilled. Maybe they are?


    I love this game. And I'm sure by the time I've done all the classes and stories, they will have more content, (maybe even classes) . Maybe not. I just want a damn Rancor mount! Hahahaha

  20. I appreciate all of your input. And i have learned (this has been my first MMO btw). And your replies have changed my direction of thought/conclusion.


    Ive only played less than a year and still consider myself a newbie (probably always will).


    It's funny, if I point out the non-respectable game-play, you read remarks like "nobody forced you to play" type of banter, which in my opinion, is a freshman mind set.


    I really do appreciate you veterans helping me.

  21. Its ironic. When i first started playing this game, I saw many who put A LOT of emphasis on their armor appearance and i didn't get it. After getting the feel for the game and priding myself in my achievements, I get it now and Im the same way.


    I want that Sith Juggernaut Helmet with the pointy thing on top SOOOO bad....oh and a rancor mount but thats not armor.....

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