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Posts posted by adiwantinova

  1. I believe everyone would at least agree that +crit isn't worth it for balance, but I can see the benefits of +alacrity (especially if you're pushing past the point of the heavy DR curve on surge).


    It's a matter of opinion & preference at that point. I'll say, anyone that I've inspected or talked to about BiS DPS sage has said power/surge. Ultimately, it's your call. I think the +6% alacrity with the proc from disturbance is better than any +alacrity gear benefits.


    Further, if you did want to test it, I would recommend doing it with the ear/implant(s) instead of buying mods/enhancements to test it.


    For me? I have the 2 mystic / 2 master set bonuses & am all power/surge & the only person that out DPSes me in 90%+ WZ's is that sage that uses the shadow set bonuses (for the 3x force potency charges).


    I do more self healing, though & feel sturdy.

  2. Common thinking is that you take 2-piece set bonuses from each set (healer to reduce the lockout on force armor, and the DPS bonus to reduce the cool down on the Mind Crush attack + heal you for 0.5% of max hp with each tick).


    I have a guild mate that has almost exclusively played balance sage since launch who swears by taking the shadow DPS 4-piece bonus (2 piece gives a increase in distance for use of force slow, while the 4 piece gives an extra use of force potency).


    Everything else, stat-wise, is agreed upon that you take whatever grants you power/surge (no crit or alacrity) -- which usually means unlettered mods/enhancements.

  3. Got it, and thanks for the replies.


    I can see a healer really being screwed here. If a healer's DPS is bad, and nobody dies & is ripping off 1900+ HPS in a solo queue and taking losses, that's gotta be pretty frustrating to keep losing ELO, too.


    I think would be nice if they visited this. The reality of this design is that it requires a high volume of players to be queuing. The likely reality is that you may wait in the queue for some time while trying to match at your level, the. Either be the roflstomper or the roflstompee.


    A change to the rating rewards system in this way will encourage more to queue frequently, but also keep it protected from the volume-based matchmaking design as it stands today.

  4. Question re: Arena rated solo queue rating:


    If you solo queue, are placed with 3 baddies, and get smoked, but put up tremendous numbers in a loss, do you still take a negative rating at the end of the match?


    If so, why? In other ELO games (like Halo for instance), an individual that played amazing with scrubs on their team can still increase their rating.


    When you queue for team rated, I think you should live/die with the team's fate (eg, if your team loses, everyone loses ELO).


    Can some one clarify? Also, feedback on whether you agree with this design for solo queue rating in the event that it is not currently setup this way.

  5. All --


    I've noticed quite a few times now in WZ's that conveyance doesn't proc 100% of the time, even though the rejuvenate proc / HOT is applied. Has anyone ever experienced, or noticed that it doesn't proc for them with 100% certainty in pvp, even though you have the 2x points invested to make it so?


    Thanks & please advise.

  6. What times do you play? We have a few players grinding alts in the 30-54 bracket that premade groups & it's helped them to play together quite a bit. I've joined them often, as well.


    Let me know when you typically play & perhaps we can throw you some invites to help you get a better experience.

  7. I think he gets that.


    To answer your question directly; those classes have a AOE attacks that hurt. As a scrapper, it's not about how much damage you do, it's about how many solo kills, or killing blows you're doing. Your damage is 1v1 typically. So, as long as it is on a healer (locking them down), then you're playing your class appropriately.


    No, you will likely not out DPS those tank classes in DPS spec.


    Yes, you can do nasty single target DPS & should lock down priority targets.

  8. Anyone else wonder if all of the OPs of these faction based QQ threads on the forums will ever realize there is only one common denominator to their losing streaks?
  9. If you want max expertise while wearing PVE gear, then:


    (1) Never mix PVE & PVP gear in the same shell. Bolster will assume it's all PVP gear, and upgrade nothing in the piece.


    (2) Stay at/below level 61 armorings/mods/enhancements (Campaign quality stuff).


    (3) Realize out of a WZ that the gear shows below the 2018 expertise cap, but will be bolstered to the max (2018) once inside the WZ.



  10. As someone that has transferred in, I can say that <S Key> has impressed me.


    Generally speaking though, there aren't many PVPers on this server where they don't know the basic fundamentals on how to be competitive. Sure, there's the occasional over rotation in pugs, etc, but by in large, my experience in pugging 50% or less of a pvp group has been one of enjoyment & wins.


    I couldn't be happier to be on POT5, honestly. It has been a great improvement, and I would never consider going back.

  11. Lots of Imps checking in.


    One of two things is happening: (1) More imperial transfers are happening, or (2) More Imperials read/post to the forums.


    To the POT5 playerbase before transfers: Do you notice a large population increase on your side since transfers? Which side do you play? What's your take on the quality of PVPers now joining your side coming from new servers?

  12. This may be a pvp bracket, or a play time thing, but since the xfer, I've only lost to imps 2 times (3 total losses, one was pub v pub), where we had 4+ 20k BM gear toting noobs on our team.


    The PUG quality on POT5 Pub side is SUBSTANTIALLY better than it was on SL. Many good players.

  13. Well, isn't it the point of guilds that PVP that are sticking around to queue ranked matches?


    I get what everyone is saying about timing & whatnot, but if you're going to be here - even as a trial period to test the pvp scene before you move on to another server, then wouldn't you want to make a post like this to see if anyone stuck around & can help you test what the new experience is like?


    I can see both sides, but it's whatev's. all the best to those that want to stay here.


    Made lots of in-game connections with folks that decided to stay, and hope it is enjoyable for you. I'm having a blast on POT5, and I'm not looking back again.


    Good luck!

  14. According to the GIANT theory rafting thread in this forum, you want to go for:


    Mods: All high power

    Enhancements: 6x power/alacrity, 4x power/surge


    According to that thread, yes, you do not want crit on any item you have equipped. Checking other threads & the replies to those original posts can really help with questions like this.

  15. Please post in this thread & make an introduction in the following format.


    Original Name(s): _________

    POT5 Name(s): _________ (many lost their name to transfer)

    Previous Server: _________

    Primary faction: _________




    I'll go first:


    Original Name: Adi-Wan / Therese

    POT5 Name: Adi-Wan / Theresee

    Previous Server: Shadowlands


    Looking forward to representing in PVP & getting used to the new community.



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