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Posts posted by meowmeowcvm

  1. You can have romance with whomever you want. That doesn't mean the people you are in a relationship will approve. In fact, they will break up with you if you cheat on them. Your character doesn't have to be monogamous but if you choose not to be, you will be broken up with several times.
  2. Personally, I believe you should complete the KOTFE and KOTET (and Fractured Alliance) storylines at least once before you start the next expansion. This is due to the fact that you will be missing large amounts of information and plot details that will be important to the story such as characters or factions. Additionally, Onslaught isn't going anywhere. There is no rush. You should pace yourself and let yourself enjoy the story your first time through. It will make the experience more enjoyable for you.


    A: Yes and no. You will be given most companions although your choices in the companions can sometimes dictate whether or not you gain companions. Your choices will be automatically assigned to you depending on your faction. Here is a list of the companion you will not be able to obtain if you skip to Onslaught. Please skip to after the numbered list if you don't want spoilers. I have a feeling I might be incorrect about number 3 and 4 though.

    1. Senya Tirall (Unobtainable for Empire)
    2. Arcann (Unobtainable for Empire)
    3. Koth Vortena (Unobtainable for Empire)
    4. Vette (Unobtainable for Inquisitors, Bounty Hunters, and Agents)
    5. Torian Cadera (Unobtainable for Republic and Warriors)
    6. Elara Dorne (Unobtainable for Empire)
    7. Malavai Quinn (Unobtainable for Republic)


    B: Yes and no. You can go back to complete individual chapters although any choice you make will be pointless. Also, the chapters won't be chronological and won't lead into each other. Playing KOTET and KOTFE after it is completed is the equivalent of playing an unrewarding flashpoint. There is one part of the story that you will miss if you do skip to the expansion though. Between the expansions, KOTET and Onslaught, there is another important quest-line, Fractured Alliances. If you skip to the expansion, you will not be able to replay those quests. Despite this, you will still have access to the flashpoints that a large amount of the quest-line takes place in: Crisis On Umbara, A Traitor Among The Chiss, and The Nathema Conspiracy.

  3. But what I want to add is a feature to bring consequences for those who thought it was a good idea to play as a saboteur, as personally was a stupid idea for a option. While under attack you contact either the republic agent or 2v-r8, in the none saboteur route they would bring some help to keep things under control. for the saboteur they don't help you, as saying it would cause a problem, which makes you realise being a saboteur was a poor move, and a lesson of 'Dont be a jerk to your own faction'. At end the Alliance is ruined, but later (depend on what faction) your main faction arrives to help. But for the saboteur route, the faction learns that there has been a saboteur in the Alliance, which leads you to two choices, either you admit you're the saboteur, or pin it on someone else. But either option Lana Beniko steps forward to confess that she's the saboteur, which she's trying to defend you, which would either get her arrested or killed, again this is more of a lesson of those who chose the saboteur route.


    I can tell that you really have something against Saboteurs for some reason.

  4. Plus, as I noted on another copy of OP's post, all characters save their own former companions, and everyone saves Shoulder Boy at the end of Nathema.


    In addition to this, you will also be locked out of all romances of companions that appear in Knights of the Fallen Empire, Knights of the Eternal Throne, and Fractured Alliances.

  5. Most people I know would strongly prefer custom characters (OCs).


    Here Is Why:

    Roleplay (RP) is completely based on the roleplayer's creativity. The use of pre-existing characters goes against this and limits the roleplayer's creativity by giving them custom backstories, abilities, skills, etc.


    I do actually agree with the prohibiting of using pre-existing characters although whether you are able to roleplay with only OCs or not is up to whoever you are roleplaying with. If the person you are roleplaying with is cool with whatever, do what you want. You live your life.

  6. Favorites

    Sith Inquisitor: Talos Drellik (Super fun and cool dude)

    Sith Warrior: Dark Side Jaesa Willsaam (Amusing. Evil. Fun to talk to)

    Bounty Hunter: Gault Rennow (Hilarious. Evil.)

    Imperial Agent: SCORPIO (Evil robot lady who always wants to kill you. What could be bad about her?

    Jedi Consular: Nadia Grell (Such a nice person. Great to talk to. Looks up to you. Just a good person.)

    Jedi Knight: Kira Carsen (Laura Bailey. Bad*ss. Cool personality)

    Trooper: Aric Jorgan (Hot. Serious. Stands for what he believes in.)

    Smuggler: Guss Tuno (Hilarious. Fun.)

    KOTFE/KOTET: Lana Beniko (She is a goddess)


    Least Favorites:

    Sith Inquisitor: Andronikos Revel (He acts cool when he really isn't)

    Sith Warrior: Broonmark (Boring and forgettable)

    Bounty Hunter: Skadge (Nuff said)

    Imperial Agent: Ensign Raina Temple (Annoying. Too damn happy all the time. Too British.)

    Jedi Consular: Lieutenant Irresso Felix (Who even was this dude. I don't know. he was so forgettable)

    Jedi Knight: Rusk (Who even was this dude. I don't know. he was so forgettable)


    Smuggler: Corso Riggs (Annoying as hell. Go back to the farm, loser)

    KOTFE/KOTET: Koth Vortena (Annoying goody two shoes who won't stop complaining)

  7. I really think none of the reunions stuck out to me except for maybe Guss Tuno? Most of the reunions were like this:

    Player: Hey is that you, companion?

    Companion: Oh hey dude. I was wondering where you were.

    Player: Omg same

    Companion: You want to hang out again, bro?

    Player: Sure!

    Companion: Great! I'll see you later and probably never talk to you again unless I am a major character in the main plot.

    Player: Nice to know. See you never!

  8. Jedi Knight: Rusk (He was meh. I never really cared about him.)

    Jedi Consular: Zenith (Seriously. This guy is a politician and he whines way too much.)

    Smuggler: Akaavi (She's a mandalorian except not as cool)

    Trooper: Droid (So forgettable. I don't even remember the name. I just know it started with an M and had an X somewhere else in it.)

    Sith Warrior: Broonmark (Seriously. Did anyone even care about this guy? He was just... I dunno... Not interesting.)

    Sith Inquisitor: Xalek (Being cool does not mean being a good companion (IE Maul and Boba). You never get to know much about him. Not to mention you don't get him until right before the last planet of the game. And you don't even meet him in the main plot. You just get him because Harkun feels like giving you a companion or something.)

    Imperial Agent: Temple (I love all of the Agent companions but I'm forced to choose Temple for her annoying voice)

    Bounty Hunter: Skadge (Nuff said)

    Expansions (KOTFE/KOTET): Koth (Carth all over again. They even have similar names. I hated Carth)

    Alliance: That one Dashade (Is it Akgal Asul? I don't know his name. He's just a discount Khem no one wanted)

  9. I am going to make a note of every character who died in the movie and how:

    Lyra Erso: Shot by Krennic

    Jyn Erso: Death Star

    Galen Erso: Caught in Attack from Rebellion

    Cassian Andor: Death Star

    K-2SO: Shot by StormTroopers

    Bodhi Rook: Grenade

    Chirrut Imwe: Explosion

    Baze Malbus: Grenade

    Saw Gerrara: Death Star

    Krennic: Shot by Cassian


    Gosh! That is a lot of dead people!

  10. 1: I should get to dress my companions

    2: There should be more choices that matter

    3: They should have the alliance companions be able to interact with the story companions (For example, Lokin and SCORPIO)

    4: I should be able to have a homosexual relationship with Kaliyo and Jorgan

    5: I should be able to have conversations with my companions

  11. I actually do like the single player story driven factor alot. It isn't like any other MMOs. It's the reason I love this MMO so much. It is just story filled and draws you in by making you feel like your character is important and not just a robot who does quests and PvP. It also is not just story mode because it has many multiplayer quests, Flashpoints (dungeons) and Warzones (PvP) which also makes it great. I think the single player story driven factor is great because for people who are not a big fan of MMOs can get something that doesn't exactly feel like an MMO.
  12. I would except that the only reason Bowdaar is on the list is because he previously had a date attached to his name. Khem Val, Zenith and Guss all had alliance alerts (bugged) at the start of Chapter X so if I were to put them on the list it would be under Upcoming Companions. The problem with putting them on there is that they don't have a date. Bowdaar at least has a tentative date of 4-6 weeks.


    If enough people (one or two others) agree either way I'll change it though.


    That would explain why when I was looking at a Guss Tuno customization, he had a different armor.

  13. Shh. Quiet my friends. Do not theorize. Theories lead to overhyping and overhyping leads to overexcitement and overexcitement leads to disappointment and disappointment leads to hate and hate leads to fear and fear leads to anger and anger leads to the dark side.
  14. I fail to see why people like this NPC.


    To me he comes across as a cocky a***hole that thinks he knows everything and is far above you.


    His clothing doesn't help with that stupid belt with nothing on it and a jacket that looks far too small


    The same reason people like Han Solo or Donald Trump or Hitler.

  15. Shhhhhhh. You should have waited until it was confirmed before you talked about this. That is one of my pet peeves. People just theorize things and break things down in over the top ways before anything is known and the answer is coming soon.
  16. they could go a middle route, and make jaesa become kinda grey.


    with khem, if you don't help him or zash, khem wins in the mind tug of war. so, base khem for other classes could be khem, and either khem or zash if you're the inquisitor.


    i always help my khemmy. i definitely want him back.

    To be honest, I hope they would default as to both of them still controlling the body if you aren't an inquisitor. I don't wanna loose my Zashy Poo.

  17. Okay. There are a few things I'd like to point out in this list. In the Non-Playable Characters section, you should put Guss Tuno because he appears in the Blizz Alliance Alert Mission. You should also put Zenith in the Upcoming Companions Section for undetermined because an achievement for his alert mission has been leaked.
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