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Posts posted by grohto

  1. First off, not looking to cause a huge debate. Just needing some guidance and opinions. I'm not asking any of this in a "which does more dps" but more of pros/cons of each.

    I have both a gunnery commando and a telekinetic sage. Mid level characters.

    I have yet to make it to endgame in SWTOR as I just started.

    I enjoy both classes a lot, but I'm only going to be able to really pour tons of time into one. I enjoy both PvE and PvP content. Strictly talking DPS.

    They both seem so very similar to me but I can't seem to nail down which character to stick with. And doing the same quests (more or less) around the same time (since I'm pretty much swapping characters every night to level) is going to burn me out.

    All that being said, do any of you have any thoughts on the 2? I know they're both plenty capable at doing their roles, so my question is more of a pros/cons list. Mostly at endgame though. I'm sure there are things I'm unaware of that will come into play at 55.

    I am a subscriber if this matters at all

    Thank you all so much in advance for the discussion!

  2. A question I did leave out.


    In WoW I really burned myself out with having 9 alts lol...But with Legacy in SWTOR..it seems they're also pushing for alts....


    Is the Legacy system well integrated and make it worthwhile to level alts?

  3. Loooong time MMO veteran, but all shiny and new to SWTOR.


    Quit WoW, came here...just that simple. I'm here for the long haul. I'm a sub, if that matters. Currently a level 17 Sentinel on Jedi Covenant.


    So, instead of me getting frustrated with some of the little things, figured I'd ask you all :)


    Here's my list (hehe):


    1. Crew skills. I chose bioanalysis, scavenging, and slicing. I figured having 3 gathering skills would help get my credit income flowing. BUT i'm hearing that dropping scavenging for biochem is a great idea for a first character?


    2. Questing. I'm a huge lore guy, so I feel the need to do all the quests EVAR! But seriously, I don't like seeing a quest go undone. Am I hurting myself and just wasting time on planets by doing this? Should I just focus down on the class quests and try to get to 55?


    3. Gearing. So to get myself started I read a "guide" on things to do before starting your character in SWTOR. One of the things I did was purchased a full set of orange adaptive gear and 2 light sabers. The light sabers I have kept modded/enhanced up to my current level with planet currency, but I kinda forgot I had the orange armor so I'm WAY behind in mods/armoring/etc for that gear....Currently wearing greens/blues from quests. Is this a bad idea?


    4. Flashpoints. I haven't done one yet, but plan on it tonight. Coming from WoW...the lowbie dungeons tend to be sprint through asap and just get xp...is that how the lowbie flashpoints are here?




    If there was one thing you wish you knew before you started your SWTOR adventure, what was it?


    Of course, any and all tips/discussion to help me along with my new adventure is greatly appreciated!

  4. Hey all!


    New to SWTOR (Level 17 Sent), but LONG time MMO veteran. Finished doing my progression in WoW and our long time guild finally decided to call it quits, so I finally clicked the "end subscription button" in WoW. Feels nice to be honest...the game was getting way to easy and boring lol


    I'm enjoying SWTOR and ready to find a home with some people to get to know. I'm not looking to do extreme end game content, I just want to enjoy leveling characters, hanging out, crafting, questing, achieves, mostly PvE stuff, etc.


    I'm on Jedi Covenant, are there any ACTIVE guilds out there at all? Active, talkative, friendly, helpful to the super newb :p


    *Side note, if this isn't the right/best place to look for a guild, please point me in the right direction :)



  5. Okay....So I just got the game and started my subscription. Need a bit of advice.


    I will be starting my character on Ebon Hawk. I mostly PvE so this seemed like a good home.


    I am torn on what to play as. I really prefer melee DPS so I'm leaning towards Jedi Sentinel. Thoughts on this?


    Any super important tips/things to know that you all want to share??



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