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Posts posted by TorVER

  1. This!


    I don't understand the relative gear progression anymore either. It seems like the old 186 gear is very much better than the new 186 and actually better than the elite and ultimate gear as well.


    Add to this that you basically cannot get anything better than 186 Basic gear from running anything other than the new hm 60 flashpoints and new ops suggest no reason to ever play old content (even hm TFB/SNV/DP/DF ops which drop basics)


    progression advancement for any smaller guilds or non guild players through old ops is dead as the developers have stated that the old ops will actually be harder than before with same gear - but you cant get better gear until you have run new stuff over and over again???


    Agreed, I am just very confused about all this. I have not reached level 60 yet, but from other posts I have been reading, apparently level 55 hard mode flashpoints drop Elite Commendations, but level 60 hard mode flashpoints drop Basic Commendations?? I can only assume that this is a bug, otherwise I, too, cannot see any clear method of gear progression, other than bolstered group finder operations (for comms gear?) --> guild run non-group finder operations (for unassembled 192 gear drops) --> hm operations (for unassembled 198 gear drops) --> hm operations (for MORE unassembled 198 gear drops...but only for enhancements and now mods too??) :confused:


    Just very confusing, thank you for the reply! I am glad that I am not alone in thinking that this was odd. :)

  2. Hello, I don't post very often, but I would like some honest feedback (preferably from the game developers/community team) with regards to the Commendations Gear since this last Tuesday's patch and gearing going foward.


    Before Update 2.0, you could get good (min-maxed/unlettered) mods, enhancements, earpieces, implants, offhands, relics, for commendations. Unavailable were set bonuses and mainhands basically, which were operations drops only, SM or HM.


    Post Update 2.0, you could get good (min-maxed/unlettered) mods, offhand barrels/hilts...everything else min-maxed was operations drops only.


    The earpieces/implants/enhancements became all high endurance (not min-maxed)/poor stats (crit alacrity). The relics, the ideal ones at least, became ops drops only.


    Now this last week with the launch of Update 3.0, the min-maxed/unlettered mods are gone from the commendations gear as well (evidently all "A" or "B" mods now only).


    Having checked through every vendor, it looks like the only "good" (min-maxed) item is now the offhand barrel/hilt/armoring.


    This raises the question of whether or not there's a point in going through a grind for commendations at all, if now Every single piece of commendations gear is "bad" (with the exception of the offhand).


    What bothers me is that it is not just the "Basic Commendations Gear" (which one would expect, given the large amount of basic commendations people have after the patch), but the "Elite Commendations Gear" and "Ultimate Commendations Gear" as well. Prior to the patch, there was some motivation to grinding a lot of ultimate/elite commendations, since some of the pieces would be okay, but now there doesn't seem to be a motivation to do so.


    At this point it seems to be that the only way to get a full set of min-maxed gear is to 1. get a full set of gear from Operations drops, then 2. need on several extra drops just for the min-maxed mods/enhancements (since some of the actual unassembled operations gear drop pieces appear to have poor stats as well).


    It just seems like a very poor design philosophy. It also makes me wonder about the recommended operations gear rating.


    If the operations minimum gear rating is "192" is that the current base 192 commendations gear? with "A" mods and all high endurance pieces? or is that fully Augmented 192 commendations gear, with a boost in stats? or is that Fully augmented min-maxed operations gear?


    This all just seems extreme, in that commendations gear previously more or less was a compliment to running operations, you could get Some gear from the commendations gear vendor (mods, basically), but for the rest of the items, you needed to run operations actively. Now it seems if you don't run operations/have poor RNG and don't win rolls, you're basically stuck in wholly inferior gear, which you still have to "grind" for.


    I followed the live streams for the classes and heard that their intention was to reduce the overall damage potential from classes via class balance....but the poor gear itemization on the commendations gear and some operations drop gear as well feels like a double "nerf" to every dps/healer class.


    Any insight into these changes to commendations gear would be greatly appreciated, again, preferably from a member of the community team/game developers.


    Thank you! :)

  3. Hello, thought I would post these before the 2.0 records are over and the 3.0 records start. I think I have first for solo kills and maybe some other solo kills in between.



    55 Bracket:


    1. Fawn'hall (14 Solo Kills) - http://i.imgur.com/pKpifj3.jpg

    2. Versailles (12 Solo Kills) - http://i.imgur.com/i4OHPrd.jpg

    3. Fawn'hall (12 Solo Kills) - http://i.imgur.com/KP5Gqex.jpg

    4. Stabby-stabby (10 Solo Kills) - http://i.imgur.com/6fys15k.jpg

    5. Fawn'hall (10 Solo Kills) - http://i.imgur.com/c5I7zUw.jpg


    30-54 Bracket:


    1. Knifey-spoony (12 Solo Kills) - http://i.imgur.com/sjjcRfC.jpg

    2. Knifey-spoony - (10 Solo Kills) - http://i.imgur.com/PbcG3rM.jpg

    3. Knifey-spoony - (10 Solo Kills) - http://i.imgur.com/BIERfmY.jpg



    Also, not sure if this thread tracks "Immortal" status or not, but here's 2 recent ones:


    1. Versailles (Immortal) - http://i.imgur.com/gvkjCnp.jpg

    2. Versailles (Immortal) - http://i.imgur.com/SnOTwuj.jpg



    Thank you! :)

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