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Posts posted by PSYCHOBLITZ

  1. The guild is about its members not its leader. If you cannot trust anyone in your guild then and there is NO other place to put your cartel market items and credits then sure kick everyone and keep it to yourself, It doesn't sound like its going that great anyways. Otherwise store it in your legacy/cargo bay and just chill out till you can resub, if there is nothing to steal noone will care about giving you leadership back.


    agin this isnt the issue the issue is the auto transfer to a member ranked private that hasn't been on in 3 week were as my sub dropped for like 2 hrs do to a card issue the pvt is also only preferred status himself i re subbed upon waking up and fixing the issue hence y i say the auto transfer makes no since unless im inactive for long periods also to note on another post i dk if the guild needs a sub to be made but at this point most of the guild stuff being tied to a sub makes less and less sense there's more than enough reasons to sub without that now days as of now im gonna let yall argue about this without me as i can tell many ppl are either ignoring the main issue or knit picking small points that are there simply as an alternative to the issue as u cant complain about something but not add a possible solution to fix it also i made my guild ive put all the work in and finding new ppl is a challenge for any small guild with no major connections in an established mmo ive already tried all the normal recruitment methods this ends this section of the just give it to someone else or boot everyone argument focus on the main issue the fact that the whole game has seen changes but this outdated system need some work and retrofits maybe even a small overhaul to modernize it a lil bit for all i know they er already working on a new or updated system but speaking grievances about it is the only way the community can actually try to get these things looked at changed or modified.

  2. I agree that the auto-transfer on sub status change is not a necessity. If the GL drops their sub then the guild could be moved into F2P status until either the GL subs or a sub is made GL.


    On the subject of inactive GL's and extending auto-transfer of leadership, that is a hard no for me. As DarkTergon points out, there are far too many deadbeat GL's out there. 28-days is long enough. I have personally been in a guild with a deadbeat GL who had no interest in running the guild, they just logged in every ~25 days to retain leadership, but never responded to messages or in-game mail. I could get behind a system wherein the transfer was not automatic but one where the next highest active member, from highest to lowest rank, had to choose to usurp leadership, but the inactive time frame should remain 28-days.





    That should not happen. The FAQ on F2P guilds says that subs can be members of F2P guilds.


    i agree with ur overall assessment of what ive said the added time is so the vote system can play out with the officers or guild members as it allows them to figure out who should lead ive been in deadbeat guilds but lets be fair that sucks but we all know about the guilds that take advantage of there members everyone has heard those stories

  3. This.


    Every time this subject comes up, its either a former guild leader who logs in and finds he's been kicked out of a guild he failed to log into for 28 days, knows he'll lose his position when he doesn't log in for 28 days, is about to drop his sub, or logs in and sees someone else is now GL who won't turn the guild over again.



    I logged onto the test server in Everquest 2 a few weeks ago, where back into 2010 or so, my guild on one of the live servers created a guild there. No one had logged on in seven years. I hadn't had a sub in that game since 2014. I was still GL.


    In that game, more than one person can have the top-most rank of guild leader, and at that rank, any one guild leader can deguild not only all the members, but the other guild leaders as well. I culled the guild's roster of all but my own toons. Seven years gone by, I don't think anyone, including the other guild leader, will feel the loss.

    Doesn't get more deadbeat than that.


    I'm still a guild leader on the live server, along with two other guild leaders. I was sole GL in that guild from 2007 - 2014. At any moment, either of the other two GLs could gut the guild for their own purposes. They have not, in all that time. It's a lonely game over there these days. Few log on. But the "main" GL, a retired veterinarian, logs on every day just because she still likes playing the game. Still pays the guild's "rent." Still invites members. She's a great GL.


    Of the two methodologies, EQ2's treatment of guild leaders versus SWTOR's, I prefer SWTOR's. If I'm a GL, and absent for whatever reason from an active guild, that guild deserves an active guild leader with a subscription, in other words, with skin in the game.


    As a GL, the most important thing to know about a guild is that it's not about you. It's about your members. It's about what THEY want, what THEY deserve, not your selfish desire to cling to power.


    If you want to hang on to your guild, and doing so won't burn anyone like it didn't with the people on the EQ2 test server I mentioned, do I what I did. Gut it, be happy with your choice, and be done with it.


    If a guild leader cares at all about the other people in their guild, the last final act of a good GL is to know when it's time to step aside, not selfishly cling to power.


    Kudos to SWTOR for culling deadbeat GLs.


    look the sub auto transfer is the real issue but if u have an issue u want fixed u have to give them options to replace it with also i added the extension bit because sometimes things break and u need a lil time to fix them i hate deadbeat GLs as much as the next guy but the auto transfer due to loss of sub status is not a necessity

  4. If you don't trust anyone else in your small guild to run it and pass back gm when your back, maybe boot them and just have your toons in the guild, then problem solved.


    its not a trust issue so much as a no one else wants the role issue an i vet my ppl unlike some other guilds i learn from my past leaders mistakes but this isn't the issue at hand we simply need them to remove that aspect of the auto transfer and look into extending the inactive system to 3 or 6 months then have it transfer to the officer of the guild and only the officers one by one or add an inactive vote system to the guild for the ppl or officers to install a new GM after said amount of time

  5. if you read on this help EA https://help.ea.com/en/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-guild-management/

    you see on this part from it: Premium (Subscriber) guilds can only be led by Premium players (with a current subscription).


    If the Guild Leader becomes a preferred player, the highest-ranking Premium player in the guild will be promoted to Leader in their place.

    so thats why i think it will work the same when you create a new guild and you are preferred status player then you need to find free to play players or other preferred status player to create a guild with and that sub status players is not going to work since its then a sub status guild.

    what works fine if a preferred or free to play player is helping a sub status player with create a guild then you get no problems.

    so yea its not smart there not have added also on help EA since its missing a lot off info.


    hmm interesting thanks for that info


    i have been thinking today good about it.

    and i think that there never will come any upgrade for the guild system will it needs it hard on a lot off points.

    since the game is runing on a Alpha version off the hero game engine and since thats all a problem with a lot off things and i think thats also a problem why the guild system maybe never can have any new upgrade's on a lot off points.


    and yes that's is true but the hero game engine is pretty easy to work with or around in for any trip A dev team im sure they could easily modify it if they took the time o even find a work around with some testing

    (tho i would i would look into a upgrade to unreal engine 1 2 or 3 in the future after a full assessment of of cost and viability tho unreal is just a simple option for that as most are free use nowadays tho im sure dev teams know of more optimal engines they could use to cut on costs or even bring up quality of life improvements to the game)<== but this is a pipe dream like a bioware kotor remaster

  6. and sadly this is also why you see some threads are been make on the forum from people that tell there got kickt from the guild with no reason and 9,9 from the 10 time's the reason is there got kickt that the guild master is becoming pref status or there going to take a break from the game for some time and not wane have any off the other members have the guild when he is taking a break or become pref status.


    and to take it more in general with the guild system its so old and broken more that it needs a good upgrade to become better but sadly that is something we not going to see in this game that a system like the guild system gets a good upgrade what it needs hard.


    right i get that but its also a needed upgrade in the game something that would help players mostly GMs but the point of a guild is stability and making new friends or hitting high end things like late game but u need clear command chains for that stuff especially if something happens and u have to resolve it so it doesn't get out of hand

  7. i know what the problem is.


    when you are pref or free to play status and wane creat a guild you need to find 3 other players that are also pref or free to play status.

    if you have 1 sub player that is helping you creat a guild then its not working since its a sub status guild then since that one guy all is sub and you are not so then you cant creat a guild.

    and with the status off the game now your are doomd more when you wane creat a guild if you are pref or free to play status since finding 3 other players that not are sup and not have a guild is hard then when you are sub and finding 3 other players.


    hmm i didnt think about that if your right thats a good catch

  8. Was your character level 10? The party leader, who will become the guild leader, has to be level 10 to form a guild. If that restriction applies to existing guilds and if you did try to convert your guild to a F2P guild as I suggested above then you will need to level up that character a bit.




    i was lvl75 got a pop up saying i needed to sub to form a guild but that's besides the point my point is its a bad system that isnt needed just remove the auto transfer on sub loss as again it is an unnecessary system with no benefits

  9. Being a subscriber is not required to form a guild. There are two types of guilds in the game: subscriber and F2P. Only subscribers can lead a subscriber guild. That means that if you are guild leader of a subscriber guild and your subscription ends then you can not lead that guild and leadership will be passed to the next highest ranking sub in the guild. It is possible to convert a sub guild into a F2P guild, which can be lead by a non-sub, but doing so requires that there be no subscribers in the guild when the GL's sub ends. It may be possible to convert by promoting a non-sub to GL, but I am not certain.


    F2P guilds have some restrictions, which you can read about on this page. Scroll down to the guilds section near the bottom.



    You could test this yourself by creating a second account. Create a character on this new account, which will be F2P, and have them added to your guild. This is easier to do if you are able to log into both accounts at the same time, such as with having two computers. Now transfer leadership to this F2P character. Either you will be blocked from transferring or the guild will be downgraded to a F2P guild. If the guild is downgraded then once the sub ends on your main account you can safely transfer leadership back to your original GL character.



    That is incorrect. When guild leadership is automatically transferred it goes to the next highest ranked character (subbed character if a sub guild) in the guild. For example, the GL of a sub guild either goes inactive or drops their sub then leadership will be passed to the next highest rank. If the ranks are President, Vice President, and General then leadership would be passed to whomever is the VP, so long as they are a sub. If they are not then leadership will be passed to a sub in the General rank. If there is more than one sub then one will be chosen at random. And yes, it is random, so leadership will not necessarily be passed to the first General who logs in.


    odd as i could not make a guild until i had a sub

  10. You mentioned officers multiple times in your posts. Besides, the GM is free to elevate anybody at all - even non-officers - before unsubscribing.


    yes i have a guild with no officers as the only person that was interested failed his officer test buy attempting to abuse his power and no one else wants the role

  11. its a problem that has been suggest all for some time to chance it.


    so far what most guild masters are doing if there sub is runing out and not going to buy a new sub there going to kick all there members what are not from him out off the guild to make sure after the sub has end he keeps the controle off the guild still then lose it to somebody else that has sub.

    the same there are doing it when there going to take a break off the game there kick all there members out off the guild since if he is not online after 28+ day's he is losing the guild also to somebody else.


    so that the guild system needs to be chance good is something that has been ask all what time's since you only get more and more that guild master is going to kick all there members from the guild since there not wane lose there guild master position to make sure there still own it after there sub has running out or coming back from a break.

    exactly the system is detrimental to guilds as it forces u to use extreme measures to keep urself as the leader i have no issues with a membership needed to make a guild but it should never be a requirement to hold onto it add in the fact that it gives it to an active player of any rank rather than just keeping u and that it actually hurts small or newer guilds and it start to loose viability especially if a leader is building everything up alone then a low ranked member gets it one day and cleans them out plus if u have real money items in the bank the company and the thief are liable for any legal recourse that may arise its just not smart to take that chance for any company or publisher especially since there's a no refund order on these items and I've heard stories of guilds being cleaned out and being told by EA BW or the support team we cant help u witch is actually a lie especially if real money was involved in anyway so the smart thing to do is to retract the sub requirement and push the inactive to 3 to 6 months with a vote from the officers o who takes over or just give it to an office even if its an alt to the leader they can then reverse this without issue

  12. the auto guild transfer system should be stopped as keeping up a sub in times like this can be an issue also guilds should never be tied to a sub system as this system gives ownership to inactive or even low ranking members these members are that way because the GM doesn't trust them with leadership of any type usually for good reason now if a GM is gone for like 6 months i recommend a vote be sent to the officers in the guild so they can take over but for small guilds this current system is a detriment to there survival as it can lead to the random transfer to strip the guilds bank and items and then just disband it and block the GM or officers witch if the bank is striped can lead to real-world money loss as many guilds put outfit or weapons or mounts from the cartel market in the banks to give out as rewards to participating members during conquests
  13. classes available for this are smug/trooper on rep agent/bounty on imp

    will have ranks and different specializations current thoughts are recon(PVE), infantry(PVP/PVE) ,spec ops(PVP) and engineering(PVE/crafting) each unit leader chooses your colors trooper Armor on one outfit with your groups colors rank is based on performance would like former guild officers or leaders to apply for leadership roles any former military would be welcome to the guild will decide if we need a discord or something just leave a reply if interested


    two leadership positions open the Spec ops and Infantry


    recon color is purple

    infantry color is

    spec ops color is

    engineering color is Orange

  14. 1. ok yes 1mil but if they drop that cap or just cap every one at 100 billion then the nun subs can save up and get all the items they need rather than i have to save from start to finish never using creds so i can get this gear thas the problem


    2.by making a true in game economy it actually would allow the market to fluctuate meaning just like a normal economy items become valuable or drop in value as the game continues and if they cap the overall creds in the entire game at 25 or 100 trill then u have to spend creds to keep the market viable


    3. my understanding of the japan system was it was meant to keep ppl from hoarding and it caused prices to drop by how much i don't know but because they couldn't just store the cash for ever i was just put back in circulation by doin this in the game u cause prices to drop plus if u just take 25% each year its not actually stealing ur credits as they are just re added to the overall economy of the game so they go back into circulation meaning u can just make them back but it forces u to use them to keep things functioning do to there not being an infinite unlimited source to pull from there are a few MMO with a currency cap in the game but not on players this meant that they had to keep money circulating or there was no money for anyone but in a couple they didn't take money back so the hoarders would keep it all but by removing some every year to keep the system going u wont have that issue making hording utterly useless and making actually items cheaper but also making them valuable or worth getting so u can sell them there has to be checks and balances in any in game economy or real one its like when they nerf a class well it was to strong so only it got used but by weakening it just a lil it makes other classes viable

  15. so im going to openly admit i can barely read or write i using speech to txt in many places I'm not at moment and i fix the words with the lines its why my grammar is so bad and there's is a lack of symbols thas my bad.


    1. i would say set influence to mid or max of world Level that way they can be good healers or tanks with the crafting bonuses at max


    2.my point about end game gears is more that they cant buy it anyway they don't get enough creds unless they are preferred and i know it may seem like a slight to the subs but look at it another way this is any easy just drop the cap period i never played guild wars 2 so i didn't know that but i still feel some regs on the GTN need to happen maybe as just certain items like mats have to be sold at levels comparable to value


    3,the infinite credits can be fixed with a hard cap as they as they can make a true functioning in game economy if they know how many creds each person can have from a top down perspective i we all get 100mil for example then that means all the excess can go into the over all economy and if they cap the creds at say 25tril then ppl know how to price thing and it forces selling lets say they use the japan currency system if after a certain time each year not each month they deduct 50% of ur creds and put them into the in game economy then hording them becomes pointless and trading gear worthless as its price is based on mats used to make it (numbers are artificial to help me logic it out nothing more) in any game with an in game economy u have to set it based on the player base size


    4. as for the bottom i only understood maybe 10% of that i tend to dumb things down as best i can but I'm not good at reading or writing it take around 20 on each subject in a reply plus a reread and even then I'm sure i miss the point sorry bout that

  16. i agree with some statements

    1. i would actually set there crafting bonus to the max 50 influence but there healing and tanking based on the world lvl but always 5 above to make healing useful also with all crafting at 50 influence it could lead to more mats in the GTN or even more items that would be made and added to the market witch helps new players

    2.i never found a turret ill look around if i try again

    3. the hard cap would actually end the credit money scam as it wouldn't be enticing and yes ur legacy has that function but if they heard cap the overall as i said a few times it allows new and preferred players to gear for raids were as right now new and preferred players are just out of luck on a lot of content im looking at what helps them play this content and ignoring weather the subscribers like this or not as stated they get more than enough benefits it also simplifies things as non subs preferred and subs can have different amounts that many new players have trouble understanding even with research ive had to explain it to many new players recently so just doing a cap at the top simplifies things plus 50mil was just a spit balled number it could be 200mil for all i care or the caps could be fully removed if they find that more appealing i wish for a top down cap simply to put pressure on the guild traders mostly a stable GTN is more where im focusing

    4. even then it would make price gouging harder as traders that do legitimate business would make more and the gougers would be looking for suckers but it also means that like credit scrapers u can report them and ignore there messages like i said checks and balances are necessary to keep the GTN working and someplace that players can go to find what they need now a rare item is still worth more than a common

    5.i get what u meant with the insurance thing i simply pointed out that competition ended with competitive prices witch lead to competitions between them they lowered prices or raised prices on some things but they always compete for the consumers

    closing i take it my crafting argument was logical enough that it made sense or was to un intelligible if so plz let me know im a crafter in any game that allows it so i tend to like building things for myself and other players so if it needs to be refined i wish to know thank you fer your time

  17. ive redone this a few time s it never applies my statements says message is to short

    1. it would make them stronger as they would have to be set to there best bonuses to keep them viable


    2.yes i have but as a sniper our best benefit is the cover system witch is almost unusable in there do to the knock ups AoEs and knock backs also u basically fight the same person over and over so a rework to play off there specialties would add replay


    3.haveing shared credits would help new or returning players on sub toons plus ur personal storage is still toon locked meaning drop a few creds in there and u wont have to worry to much


    4/5.its to help new and returning players more than the subscribers they have more than enough benefits plus it puts a check on them and the huge and big guilds trades as they cant just inflate prices the way they do ive talked to the traders in many guilds they admit to inflating prices we need some checks and balances on the GTN to stop this from happening for an easy test go but 100 flux for ur craft then go to the market and do the same the price doubles or triples compared to the crew skill trade in most cases so image what's happening with other items


    6. car insurance is mandatory in the USA now if u don't have it its a big ticket and suspended license most insurance companies compete with each other so the market is stable but in the GTN they don't compete they set prices the same in most cases because most traders work together to get items in game this is also a statement from multiple traders they like the inflated market as it keeps there guilds high up in the boards and allows them to control the market for there benefit not the other players


    closing ive re done this 5 times using the quote function so i just made it simpler out of annoyance and frustration sorry if its not easy to understand or read i did what i could

  18. classes available for this are smug/trooper on rep agent/bounty on imp

    will have ranks and different specializations current thoughts are recon(PVE), infantry(PVP/PVE) ,spec ops(PVP) and engineering(PVE/crafting) each unit leader chooses your colors trooper Armor on one outfit with your groups colors rank is based on performance would like former guild officers or leaders to apply for leadership roles any former military would be welcome to the guild will decide if we need a discord or something just leave a reply if interested


    recon color is purple

    infantry color is

    spec ops color is

    engineering color is Orange


    Server is satele shan

    thank you

  19. so I recently came back to the game but I've noticed some things that could be looked at lets start with influence i think its ok but only for the the new content to get allies or make alliance leadership more trusting I don't think ur companions really need it so as a benefit for the solo players or crafters id just remove it on combat companions next is the star fortresses the bosses are basically the same minus one ability but for snipers its almost impossible due to all the knock-ups and stuns I recommend either giving solo players a combat droid to tank like other flash points or making the nock ups less prominent or on longer cool downs and lastly is the family tree and credits and GTN the GTN is mostly controlled by the biggest guilds in the game and the prices are way to high for some items as for the tree if its in the game id capitalize on it and have credits be shared by all toons in the tree as a crafter id also like to only dedicate one toon to crafting it would be simpler than having multiple toons doing various crafting jobs and now for the credits i don't think they should be locked based on sub status tho i do think that for a single player 50mil should be the over all cap any excess should go to the escrow mostly as a second way to stabilize the GTN and put a check on some of the bigger guilds who are currently marking up prices to over the top amounts by capping everyone at 50mil even un subbed players could get access to items for when they sub or if they do ops or flashpoints id also drop some prices in they game but only to reasonable amounts based on the over all credit cap 50mil is just a random number it could be less

    thank you to any one who reads this or reply's with info or answers

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