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Posts posted by thelordofhate

  1. Devs... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE give us a way to silence our companions! I just upgraded the DeShade to 50 using a very expensive Compendium, and he says the same thing after every single kill, and it is literally driving me insane. I don't even want to use him as a companion, because when I kill a trash mob, it sounds like a broken record. Even the comps who have 2 or 3 different responses just get ANNOYING after a while. I'm begging you, please give us an option to toggle companion chatter OFF.
  2. Am I the only one who wishes that they should completely re-record the male consular voice? Every time I hear him talk, I want to punch a kitten in the face. He sounds like someone trying WAY too hard to disguise an english accent, or maybe just trying way too hard to sound noble, but either way... I absolutely refuse to play a male consular because his voice annoys me to no possible end. Anyone else feel that way?
  3. MUSCO - Thank you and the team for making me eat my words.


    In previous posts of mine, I've been... well... "critical" of the dev deam. My biggest complaint has been about BW not listening to us, and making decisions that ultimately detract from the game. I have to say, with this latest patch, you've proven me wrong.


    I know many people complained about the new pack opening interface, but I love it. Just one suggestion though - you have a "claim" and a "claim stack", but a "claim all" button would be super swanky. This addresses a major thorn in many peoples' sides about the DVL grants only being available to one character. Plus, it's just plain aesthetically pleasing. I like it. A lot.


    I am also thankful that heroic credit rewards have been returned to previous levels. This gives me more motivation to run them again.


    Just started with the chapter 16 content, gonna get back to it. Just wanted to post my thanks for this patch.

  4. Hey folks!


    We have figured out what the issue is and we have a few options on how to proceed. What we are going to do is we are going to move tomorrow's maintenance up to right now, meaning there will no longer be a maintenance tomorrow morning. Within the next 15-30 minutes we will be bringing all servers down as we deploy Game Update 4.7 and Chapter 16.


    This means that as the servers come back up 4.7 will be live and you will have access to Chapter 16 Early Access if you qualified. We do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, but with this solution you will be getting Chapter 16 and GU 4.7 even sooner than planned.


    This means that starting soon SWTOR servers will be unavailable for approximately 4 hours (hopefully less). We will be keeping SWTOR.com available during this period.


    Thank you for your understanding.




    Eric, thank you for your quick response on this, and thanks to the rest of the team for the quick action.

  5. Ummmmm.... Two years and counting since we have had a new Ops. Want to try again? We'll wait.


    And if they did spend a year coming up with new ops, people would b*tch that they haven't done an expansion since Revan. Expansions take time and resources. So do Ops. Just because you're unsatisfied with what they HAVE been delivering doesn't mean they have been sitting idle. And again, it has nothing to do with the team throwing us a quick win when people (probably myself included) complained about the earned DVL packs being usable only by the character that opened them. It's like getting a piece of birthday cake and then whining because you didn't get the whole cake. Just shut up and enjoy the cake. :)

  6. I can tell that pretty much no one on this thread has ever worked for a software development company. Has it occurred to all the whiners that developing/testing new PVP arenas, new flashpoints, and new ops takes monumentally more time than a UI change? Evidently not. Complaining about developers putting in a helpful UI change because they "haven't developed any actual new content" is stupid. First of all, it's probably a completely separate team of devs working on UI. Secondly, development and testing of a change like this, which has very little potential to break anything else, does not take as much time as new content or even bug fixes on existing content. Don't assume that EVERY developer within BW is working on the same thing. I'd rather have new content that has undergone rigorous testing (which means WAITING FOR IT) than have more bugs to ***** about. Pick your battles, people. If they throw us a helpful UI change while other things are being worked on, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.


    Oh, and before anyone tries to call me a butt-kisser, I'd advise you to look at my other posts.


    Oh, and I've been a professional software tester for over 16 years, so don't try to call out my qualifications.


    Oh, and for crying out loud, would more people please play dark side???? I want the sith comp.


    Have a nice day.

  7. I haven't read the whole thread, so excuse me if this has been posted, but in the SW line, when you have to confront a scientist who defected to the republic:


    Scientist: "No... bring a scientist for the empire is a fate worse than death!"

    SW: "Watching as I make a necklace out of your entrails is another."

  8. Since all of the armor items are BoP in the rewards for the Dark v. Light event, it would be really nice if you could make FULL sets drop instead of the upper, lower, and supplemental. It would be great incentive for vet players like me who want something like, say, the Revan armor set, but don't feel like spending over 100 million on it. Since they are all BoP, it's not like we can unfairly profit from having extra gold-level armor sets, it just means that when a set does drop, we can actually use and unlock it right away. Please consider this.
  9. I've completed the level 50 achievement, so I guess I've had 15 packs total? (10 +5?). Anyway, nothing but pure garbage. A couple of boring crystals, some XP boosts that I will NEVER use, and part of an armor set that I hate. The LEAST they could do is include a full armor set if it's going to be BoP anyway. Very little in the way of incentive to complete the DVL event. These packs are just pure crap.
  10. Just as I was starting to be nice on the forums, you guys go and pull this.


    EA/BW, your stupidity and willingness to absolutely screw your loyal subscribers seems to know NO bounds. First you screw us with the event by not making any rewards retroactive, and now this? Absolutely PATHETIC. And don't give us any garbage about "it was accidentally omitted from the patch notes". Just be adults and admit that you tried to stealth this past us, and you got caught. I can tell you're software people and not economists. Gongrats, idiots. You just KILLED the economy. It's ok though, I'm sure the credit farmers will just LOVE you for this.


    You guys seriously need to get your act together and stop screwing the people who are paying your salaries. Wake the hell up.

  11. Well, BioWare, you have once again come up with a way to completely betray your loyal fan base. I understand that you want to kind of force people to experience the story, and I see a lot of that with this event. No problem. I got bored with some of the content, but I guess now I have motivation to do it all again.


    I will echo the sentiment about having to level 8 new characters. Come on. I already have 33 chars on Harbinger, and I should get credit for already being a legendary player. There are a couple of storylines (Jedi knight and Sith Inquisitor) that I am absolutely sick to DEATH of. But, I expect this feedback to be ignored, just as your loyal subscriber base is routinely ignored, so I'll leave it at that. I just hope that you have time to change your minds on this before the event itself.


    So, that said... am I going to freak out and cancel my sub? No. Will I delete and re-level a few chars to get to the higher tier? Probably. Do I still feel like veteran players are being completely hosed? Most definitely. I just hope the rewards are worth it.

  12. I'm on Harbinger, and I've never waited longer than about 10 minutes for a PVP queue to pop, and that was in the wee hours. While I agree that the class imbalance is in MASSIVE need of addressing, the problem is that you're on a dead server. Switch servers, and your problem goes away. No need to thank me.


    BioDevs - Have you considered making all warzones cross-server?

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