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Posts posted by StarChanneller

  1. All that being said, the passion that roleplayers, fan artists, and writers bring to SWTOR is one of the coolest things about this project, and timelines are super helpful in weaving your own works through the greater narrative. So, while we'll never get super specific on time, we can certainly work out the current in-game year, and at least put things in a relative order and proximity to each other time-wise.


    Uuugh if only I had the strength and experience necessary to write my novelizations/scripts for the headcanons I have for all the class stories and the Alliance, that have been growing and evolving within my mind for years upon years, and actually do it well, I might've been able to get recognized by the SWTOR gods and get to immortalize them in official projects, fulfilling my wildest ambition! But alas, I am still too young, too inexperienced, and too far away from converting the ideas, that have been flying around in my head all these years but never even so much as written down anywhere, into anything tangible and complete enough to be worthy of recognition, before it's too late and all opportunities have passed me by. Even if I could properly get the stories in my head onto paper, someone will have beaten me to the punch by then; I just know it. ._.

  2. See Xina_LA and StarChanneller also bring up some additional points that make sense when it comes to part of what I hinted to with story-arc and now even general logic. If' you've gone through the Eternal campaign why not be able to have the Gravestone and/or the Eternal Flagship as a stronghold you can own and decorate? Also with the reputation you get with the Hutt's with a lot of the reputation stuff being clumped together why can't we get some kind of cheap like cruiser that we can buy and decorate as a personal flagship? Or even get a room on the main fleet station as it would make sense they would undoubtedly have rooms available. Don't have to be big and luxurious, but would say 1 main area, 2-3 side rooms, and a view of a hangar from above that you can place a ship hook that you can't get physically get to as there is one area like that Manaan and on Rishi. Added with a roughly a 200-300 hook count and pop-cap of 25-40 for personal. Though that could also be included with a guild variant that could be bigger and include a large training/pvp arena of some sort. But will shelve that for another discussion unless you want to go over that as well what I mentioned before with the having to with the personal flagships and guild politics.


    The point is there are many things that are in the game that could be done, yet why won't they?


    Please don't use my words to support your arguments if you don't understand them. What I said was the exact opposite of your point. I said that while I'd LIKE to have my own Gravestone Stronghold and Eternal Fleet Warship Stronghold to decorate, they AREN'T possible because of what happened in The Nathema Conspiracy. In summary: Please do not quote me; you don't know what you're talking about. Thank you. ^^

  3. Yes, 100% yes!!! Those shore hooks out in the distance are a tease, in fact, they shouldn't have even given it to us if they weren't going to be accessible. It's laughable, but the devs always add nonsense for no logical reason. Open up and extend the exhaustion zone for crying out loud!! I equate that to the numerous fake doors we had. Heck, we still have bridges to nowhere and death by drowning. It just doesn't make any sense what so ever! I can count on two hands just how many 'lil mistakes there are. Crooked, misplaced, not working, or a lack of hooks and unaligned floor or wall patterns are a common theme in The Rishi Stronghold. Quality assurance needs to do a thorough sweep and address these issues.


    A: The death by drowning area is to keep you from accessing a certain part of the stronghold without jumping across some rocks and stuff. They have an achievement behind that little parkour course. I don't particularly like it, but I'm not gonna get upset about their desire to make a neat little parkour achievement in the Stronghold: they clearly just want to add some fun easter eggs for the players. I do agree that there should be a way to disable the ability to unlock the achievement in exchange for easier access to the area, however. That way people could make their stronghold a little more to their preference. Still, I'm not that concerned about it.


    B: They're a small development team. Cut them some slack with the hook placement. At this point, I think we can all agree that their system for placing hooks in Strongholds is not as convenient/efficient as it should be. They're probably placing them by hand. Besides, it's not like we can't all adjust our decorations accordingly. Consider it a fun little challenge. ...Although to be fair they really should get a better system in place for placing hooks; I can see the agonizing difficulty in many instances. Perspective can really screw ya over when placing stuff in 3D environments, and making the positioning of things precise whilst eyeballing it is utter agony. I know from experience. Some hook placements seem similar to the results I've had at these times, and I just feel pity for the poor devs if they really do place hooks the way I suspect they do. Not enough pity to not want the far shore added, though! ^-^ (Though I wouldn't mind imprecise hook placements, as long as I can position things so that I do not have floating planters :3)


    C: I agree that there is A LOT of the Stronghold that is inaccessible, and I do agree that it wouldn't be a bad idea to change this. However, I am also unsure just how developed these areas we can't see are, and do wonder if they might simply be too time-consuming to add. With the far shore, the devs can just add some quick foreground assets like rocks and stuff, but if there's literally no interior or anything to the inaccessible buildings and no real anything to the parts of the roof we cannot see... I still support the inclusion of these areas, but by all means take your time, devs. I understand if they are going to take some work, and I wouldn't dream of pressuring you to add them quickly: that would be inhumane. The devs are people too, and they do have limitations regarding what they're capable of.


    In summary: I do agree with most of your points, but I think you're being too harsh on the devs. We shouldn't expect them to drop everything for our whims. I hope they'll improve upon the Stronghold, but let's also let them take their time to do it properly. They're likely also working on many other things, as well.

  4. I bought the Stronghold without realizing it was there, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the intro pan over it and then saw hooks over there when I entered edit mode. Within seconds my mind was brimming with ideas about a little resort area across the water from the main stronghold, and as I ran across to it I fell in love with the vast, beautiful shallows between myself and the beach. But then I hit the exhaustion zone before I even reached the first of the water's centerpiece hooks...


    My question is, quite simply, why? Why not take advantage of this beautiful beach you have and this wonderful shallow expanse of water? Is it that you're worried the water's shallowness will go over poorly? I actually find it quite charming. I also don't think you need to add anything at all to the far shore aside from some extra hooks('cause I can see now that the current ones are just centerpieces so that you can make it look good from a distance) to make it usable; that's what us, the decorators, are for.


    In short, if you just remove the exhaustion zone, add a few more hooks in the river, and make sure there's no fall-through-the-floor bugs or anything, you can really add a lot to the stronghold. Hell, even if you added a temporary exhaustion zone that we'd need to pay to get past, I'd still be fine with it as long as I could get access to that beach on the far shore and the beautiful shallows between it and the rest of the Stronghold.

    • Like 1
  5. Please... no more beautiful decorations locked behind things that we cannot do anymore. The Makeb Gazebo was bad enough, but then the Dark vs. Light rewards... I already feel so empty inside without them. No more. Please. Let the rewards be something that can still be attained elsewhere, or let it be some silly title no one will ever long for but will be good enough for bragging rights... I feel such a deep emptiness in my soul where that Gazebo should have been... *Presses the back of her palm against her forehead and faints dramatically to emphasize the fact that she's exaggerating her despair*
  6. Extra hook slots in all the Strongholds are welcome, though, in Manaan's case, it _is_ somewhat unnecessary. However, if you're going to add some extra rooms to use the hooks on, I certainly won't complain. Don't worry about an extra door messing with people's decoration placements; none of us would mind a little rearranging in exchange for more opportunity to capture the wonderful beauty of Manaan even further. Besides, it does feel like it's lacking a few private rooms, y'know?
  7. I'm curious to know, as I've seen it mentioned in another thread, if there's a thread or other way swtor players are advertising their stronghold decorating services?


    I'd love to help guilds decorate their strongholds if possible. While I don't have the time to do a lot of hands-on-decorating, I have a moderately decent collection of decorations that I can buy copies of for guilds.


    I can also recommend decorations suggestions by theme, color, and SH function. I know enough to make Republic strongholds truly Republic, as I've seen some guilds use non-named, but highly Imperial/ Sith decorations in the Guildships when trying to achieve a Republic look. I can also do more creative designs or ideas.


    One I'm working on is a biker-bar/ outlaw hangout for a Yavin IV guild SH. Though, the rooms have yet to be unlocked.


    Thanks for any info you can provide!


    Ps. My services are free. I don't charge.


    Do you mean "free" or are you saying you'd offer them "at cost?" 'Cause if you're going to spend credits on unlocking decos for guilds without asking for reimbursement, I've gotta say I'm impressed with your generosity. If you're on Satele Shan I suppose my guilds could use a bit of extra help accumulating decorations, but I still wouldn't dream of letting you buy decorations for it without some kind of reimbursement at the very least. Republic mains are Mirione and Rowena(Rowena is the character that owns the guild,) and my Imperial main is Amilia(who owns the Imperial guild.)

  8. Not to be rude, but I don't understand why anyone would WANT to decorate the same stronghold multiple times. Getting enough decorations do decorate them _once_ is hard enough as is, and multiple copies of the same stronghold would be in the same location so, aside from designing the same place at different points in time, don't you guys find that the similarities would be a little bit... on the nose? I guess my perspective on Strongholds might not be for everyone though since I consider strongholds to be properties of my characters in-universe and design them as such, and it would be weird for my characters to own two different skyrise apartments in the same location with the same view but with different furniture arrangements.


    I dunno, I suppose a Stronghold cap increase won't hurt anyone, but I gotta say that if THAT'S your problem with decorating then you must be very frickin' wealthy.


    ...I'm allowed to say "frickin'" on these forums, right? I mean, it's not really a curse word any more than some words used by the characters in-game, so it's probably fine.

  9. I agree with everything you guys said, but there is one thing I would like to add: It doesn't matter how versatile a stronghold is if we can't decorate it.


    The availability of decorations has long been an issue, especially as Strongholds get added more frequently and people have to choose between ditching some locations or spreading out their decorations amongst all the different strongholds available. Decorations from older packs and even some newer ones can be expensive, and I've found many times that certain kinds of decorations I once felt to have in abundance are becoming scarce due to the sheer number of strongholds that exist.


    Of course, I'm not just sitting around making no effort to expand my options and I don't mind working with limitations, but sometimes it can be disheartening to find old favorites of yours almost inaccessible due to the high GTN prices or absence from the GTN entirely due to their rarity.


    It's especially painful when this happens with minor-yet-useful decorations like small chairs and other such decorations best used in large quantities. Worse is when you find a decoration meant to be cheap or humble for the price of Tulak Horde's lightsaber. Not that underworld or humble themes should be easier for decorators to work with - I understand WHY a rare item is rare, even if in the lore of the game it's nothing significant - but it still hurts to see a broken table be worth every credit you have.


    In short, I think the attainability of decorations sorely needs to be increased, so I hope the devs keep going in that direction. The consolidation of Cartel rep vendors, the increasing accessibility of things like Cartel certificates, and the addition of more decorations that can be obtained through crafting and in-game things like reputation vendors and PVP are not unwelcome and have not gone unnoticed.

  10. This is more of a complaint about strongholds in general, but the 25-NPC limit is really bugging me. The long walkway into the main building is the perfect place to line up all my companions to welcome me home, except that I have way more than 25 companions. So, please either raise the cap or make it so that companions don't count against it.


    Oh, I definitely agree with you there. I'd love to be able to place more companions and whatnot in my strongholds, the way we have it now is not sufficient at all.

  11. Congratulations Bioware, you've almost pulled me back in with this new Stronghold. I was so excited to decorate it(aside from the pain of emptying my other Strongholds ;~; At least I took pictures)!


    However, one thought that kept running through my head was "Oh, this will look so beautiful at night! Oh, wait...", and while I love the new Stronghold, that thought keeps on serving as a punch to the gut over and over again. It doesn't inspire me to start playing again.


    Come on, Bioware, you don't even really have to try. We just want a day/night cycle so we can see our strongholds in different lightings. Worried some people won't like that? I dunno, make it toggleable. I don't really care - just give me the ability to see my strongholds at all different times of day and in different lightings, even if you cut every corner. I really don't care anymore - just give us a day/night cycle already.

  12. I dunno... Acina has too much of a Lord Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness Vibe to her... only thing it's missing is the "all Sith are equal" dogma.


    ~ Eudoxia

    I have never heard of Lord Kaan or the Brotherhood of Darkness, but I really don't care if there are similarities between her and something/someone else. I mean you aren't really doing this, your opinion is rather moderate, but it kind of gets annoying to see characters judged for having things in common with something else. It's like saying "Oh I don't like Apples because they're edible and oranges are also edible, it's so unoriginal" in my opinion. Albeit my analogy was a little on the extreme side and could probably be completely deconstructed if anyone wanted to try hard enough, but I don't want to think of a better one. I like Darth Acina because she's everything the Sith should be. Rational, strong, wise, and she has integrity. If there is another character or order that is similar, then why not just be like "If you like this you'll also like that" and be done with it?

  13. Am I the only one who thought she was going to propose an alliance through marriage with the outlander? lol


    I didn't think that but it's an amusing thought. I think Acina is everything I wish to bring out in the Sith. She's the embodiment of the Sith Empire's true potential.

  14. Acquisition


    Here's the most radical idea I have for this stronghold: Give us three ways to earn it, not just the traditional two we've had.


    1.) Buy the unlock with credits from the Fleet terminal - pay credits to re-activate if it's ever closed. Let's say it's 3 million credits for the base.

    2.) Buy the unlock with Cartel Coins from the Fleet terminal - do not pay credits to re-activate if it's ever closed. Let's say it's 2,000 CCs for the base.

    3.) Make the stronghold unlockable via an item acquired when reaching reputation cap with the new Alderaan reputation track


    I propose adding a rep track that works exactly like Voss reputation does right now. Add a weekly "Befriending Alderaan" quest that is updated by completing all of the heroics. Completing each heroic rewards a blue rep token in addition to the credit and commendation/lockbox/Galactic Command XP rewards. Completing the weekly quest provides a purple rep token. There may be green tokens dropped from mobs during the heroics or elsewhere on planet.


    As you advance through the rep track, you can purchase items from vendors located in the House capital for your side. These items include:



    -armor sets for the Noble Houses that don't have sets (currently missing include Baliss, Cortess, Girard, Teral)


    -noble titles


    The vendor will also sell an item called the Stronghold Key. It requires the full reputation to buy, and costs a significant amount less than buying the unlock with credits from the fleet (maybe 1 million or even only 500,000) - reflecting the fact that you put a lot of work into earning it. Maybe there's even a short quest where a representative of the noble House your side is aligned with commends you for your service to their House and the planet and rewards you with a small piece of land.


    This would be a way of earning the stronghold that doesn't currently exist for the other ones. It would reward players for doing the rep grind. It would provide something to work towards, and if all the vendor items were available for credits it could be a credit sink. I think it would be more of a novelty than just spending CCs to get the stronghold.


    What do other folks think?


    I.... absolutely LOVE this idea! *Applause*

  15. A bit tedious, but level chars to at least level 7 on all servers (takes like 20 minutes per), get them to fleet, park them at the bazaar (loads fast), and check the GTNs often to see if a Gazebo pops up.


    Then have 1000-1500 cartel coins ready to make a transfer. Unless you still have your free transfer, or the extra one that referral gives. Besides, you'll need to transfer back with your gazebo to Begeren.


    Also, have many many millions ready.


    Yaaaaaa.... I'm good. I've long since moved on, though I will always wonder what might have been. *Sniff*

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