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Posts posted by TarristerWelm

  1. Seriously? Kwerty has already done a exhaustive 3.0 guide for powertechs. There are also dozens of threads in this subforum that discuss PTs in detail.


    I usually looked to this site for stickied guides, for several websites have shut down, and have been unreliable since this game has launched. Kwerty was only dps PTs. Not exhaustive as you stated, but since you told me a name, and by searching that name I found dulfy was still around. Milas has written one. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for the replies. I'm not really into the ranked scene, don't like to get crushed to the point of not being able to learn ranked techniques. But the promise of a more balanced server is definitely appealing.


    I may be transferring a character to a server near you soon.

  3. I'm a bit of a pack rat in MMOs and I'm a big fan of storage space. Especially as the reason I pack stuff is in case an future alt might need it. Has any thought been given to legacy wide storage? Either via credits or CC?


    Whoops, just noticed the same suggestion a few posts down. sorry


    I'd love this to happen. With all character slots filled, it gets confusing which character has the Mssg(grappling gun), etc.


    This would be a great Legacy global unlock!

  4. Odd groups got left, even groups got right.


    "They just defused the bomb".



    "If you AOE in the right F***ing place, there is NO WAY they are going to defuse the G** D*** bomb. It's like one in a f***ing million!"


    K, I'm done now


    This post wins w/e they are giving out these days, cookies and/or internets!

    Onyxia wipe animation FTW!

  5. I know what you mean. I see people call me and others in a wz smashtards/monkeys with negative connotations, but what are we supposed to do, spec into a non-optimal tree?? I mean, vengeance doesn't have the burst/pressure to make up for not going the way of the smash.


    I guess we should just stop playing our juggs/maras and go with a conc operative or merc healer. They are the only classes that require skill. /sarcasm


    Yeh, smash is easy to play, but so are a lot of classes and they don't catch the crap like a 'smash monkey' does.

  6. You're entitled to hold on to your preconceived notions of course, no matter how wrong or ridiculous they are.


    I'll list a few examples as to why I'm not wrong or ridiculous.



    First, what is the point of getting better pvp gear if you can't use it on people with less?


    The poster above spells it out for you.


    For losing, you should get less than 50 comms or even nothing.


    It's ridiculous how losing in this game is acceptable.


    The above and below posters show us (through inference) that if you are not as skilled as your opponent, you should get nothing and fall behind on the gear gap. That means the person who lost will get beat even worse the following match, ad infinitum.


    Losing should give NOTHING. You did bad, NO SOUP FOR YOU!


    It is hard to l2p when being blown up by people who heavily out gear you, and once they learn you blow up easy, it's all down hill from there. And let's not talk about bolster making it even. When I jumped into 55 pvp I was only bolstered to around 1400-1500 expertise which put my damage and DR against max expertise at ~40%/20%, making it awful hard to learn the 55 ropes, and defeat almost anyone. And there is no tutorial on how to gear upon hitting 55 with makeb or blue 66's, that's the first I've read about the makeb mods, so how is one supposed to know that? Ah, google...nope.


    As to the people saying "they'll run to the defense node, or farm coms," isn't that what people do now?


    I find, through my sports career, that people want to win for the sake of winning, despite the paltry blue ribbon at the end of the race.

  7. I'd love this idea. I'm not great or good, heck probably below average, and I lose more than half-2/3s of my matches at 55. Just gearing up into conqueror from bare-bones pve gear is brutal and awful discouraging. At least if I were geared quicker the pain would be lessened sooner.


    I'm trying stick with it though, and I know many of my friends I got to play, didn't like to get pugsmashed and left.


    I think something along these lines would help the casuals/semi-hardcore not get left in the dust and then quit for that reason. But to get full oberon with my win/loss ratio (being too low to put here) I'd have to play 172 hours (averaging my coms from the past 3 days). To get full conqueror from my current pve gear it will take me ~30 hours or more.


    If you all want more people to play against you should be more than happy for them to get geared as quickly as possible. Then there is one less gripe about under geared noobs. Then you'll just have geared noobs, but will at least have the tools to learn.


    Sorry for the grammar, English is my only lanquage.

  8. I posted this in the merc forums, but I felt it need to be seen by more people and hopefully draw out some answers;


    Why do we need yet another thread for suggestions? What exactly was the point of class reps if we are not going to use the system that the mods/devs put in place?


    This feels like a move to appease us and make us feel like we are being taken seriously. Distract, diversion, and divide (why do we need to separate the ac's threads?), useful tactics those, kudos eric.


    We have a Top three questions and answers thread, for each class, for a reason. This is horse sh.... and just divides the suggestions into more threads. Why not merge the new threads to the aforementioned class rep threads?

    I have an idea as to why...

  9. Eric, the Merc Top 3 Answers thread had alot of the suggestions you are looking for:




    Why do we need yet another thread for suggestions? What exactly was the point of class reps if we are not going to use the system that the mods/devs put in place?


    This feels like a move to appease us and make us feel like we are being taken seriously. Distract, diversion, and divide (why do we need to separate the ac's threads?), useful tactics those, kudos eric.


    We have a Top three questions and answers thread, for each class, for a reason. This is horse sh.... and just divides the suggestions into more threads. Why not merge the new threads to the aforementioned class rep threads?

    I have an idea as to why...

  10. At what point were we talking about melee abilities? umm nowhere... I think you meant to post this somewhere else.


    Actually, they were talking about melee crit, and melee crits on bleeding targets giving extra rage. I believe that is what he/she was referring to, for that is where you can throw in a vicious slash+throw, if your melee attacks are critting (therefore granting extra rage on bleeding targets).

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