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Posts posted by Sith-Viscera

  1. I know i truly had no friends from my real life in this game. always been a loner. But i had fun with a bunch of you fine people over the years, and i would just like to say, Good bye For Now. See ya at a cantina on a near by Planet near you.


    Don't take no wooden Light Sabers, you'll just get killed.


    May the Force be with you All. a Little more for the Dark Side though...... :D


    Take Care & Be Well..............



    Special thanks to, BIOWARE and all the Devs....... Be well...........

  2. Hi all, I have been playing this game since beta. We celebrated the end of beta, than we had are early launch, then the rest of you had launch. In 8 years i only taken 3 months off in all that time and they weren't in a row neither.

    Until this past summer. I played the last update story line before Onslaught and i took one of my toons, my main one through Onslaught. That was my Dark side toon, so i didnt see the Light side ending yet. But after i did complete that dark side ending, i havent done much since a couple other games i got has taken up my time. And *sighs* its hard to say this cause i never thought i would lose interest in this game after all this time. I love this game, i love the whole concept of this lore.


    But never the less, i have, lose interest. I paid the last 2 months subs and besides those 3 months i took off, i mentioned there, these last 2 month now brings it up to 5 months in all, last 2 in a row. I cant keep paying for a game i am not playing. So as much as it pains me, I will be unsubbing. Its not for ever, but i do not know when i'll make it back. So i like to know, does it still stand that, the game or bioware will keep my toons and ALL MY STUFF longer than a year b4 deletion of all, or has it changed and i do not know that it did?


    Any info from The devs or Some one that has inside scoop, would be Great. Thank you.


    May the Force be With You All.

    Take care & Be well....................

  3. For what i see is? When i first got there it was just Dantooine with a couple side missions nothing rough. then after a few minutes Mother ships above head then Nova Blade Pirates drop down and start to purge and plunder every thing they can. We good or bad, Light or Dark sided, Men and Women, Heroes and Villains a like. Has to try to stop them for what ever your reasons may be. Only you can decide that.


    So there thats JMO But i do think it is a Sound one.


    So Take Care and Please Be well............

  4. I dont need any article to know that a script was being written. The woman that knows what being made as far as Star Wars Films, Series and others, said that there was one being written in her interview at Star Wars Celebration. Now thats the info she gave at that time. Sounds like we know more now but either or, Scripts have been written for tons of Films an tv series but they lie in a box to never come to fruition. These scripts could go that way as well. I for one will be optimistic, but i will not hold my breath neither. I mean, Once Bitten, Twice Shy......
  5. I hope they stick with the Dantooine lore. As Well The Legacy of Mandilorians that took up roots there. I hope there is lots of Mandolorians artifacts to fine and there better be tons of Crystal caves or i'll Build a death star and destroy it my self.
  6. Hey Thanks for the show of support. It is highly Appreciated. But i'll be back, i have to show off my New Meat Eater Rig latest edition of Amd's Threadripper gaming rig that just isnt for gaming. It is an over kill for games but i am breaking into another project that i need a work horse pc or a work station to do.


    So yeah, i'll Be back, To tear the Very Flesh off this Game. lol


    Peace to all.......

  7. I am getting bored, i am tired of grinding and i already see the lack of people on Osses. So my next 12 toons will have a harder time getting geared up and that just makes me unhappy where i dont look forward to this game any more.

    So i am going to be building a Meat Eater of a Gaming rig soon and i will be taking time out of this game and play Biowares new Game Anthem. Plus some other games new and some what older that i couldnt play cause my current rig couldnt play them well.


    I probably pop in game once i'll get my new rig up to see if there is any improvements with swtor, which there will be. Hell that might get me excited for the game again who knows.


    So lets Say i will be here and around just not a lot like usual.


    You all have Fun & may the Force Be With you always.....


    Take Care and Be Well to All...........

  8. Based on what?


    Based on them saying in the article, they are making shows like The Mandalorian, "The Mandalorian, which will be the very first live-action series in the Star Wars saga." They made no mention of animation show. I am reading between the lines and that line there i quoted from what they said about live action.


    Plus the Cartoon genera has been done to death. It is the Time of Live action tv shows, starting with The Mandalorian series. You dont have to take my word, i dont expect you too. Time will tell if im right or wrong.But i do feel i will be right.


    Take Care & Be Well.....

  9. Already brainwashing myself cyberpunk in preparation for the upcoming game.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxaAjgfYMc4 (Cyberpunk 2077 Radio Mix (Electro/Cyberpunk))


    Cyberpunk hair. What is that? 24 pin power cords 8 & 6 pin cords some sata plugs and other assorted pc cables, A Ethernet cord protruding from a punks scalp, perhaps a 3.0 and 3.1 USB ports & dont for get the old 2.0 usb port for those that need them cause they dont like new.

  10. One of the first things i did as a beta tester all those years ago, well 7 now. I explored more then i bugged tested and i was mesmerized in the scenes around me. The landscapes, the cities architectures, all the nature. As well wild life and the foliage. The Colors of every thing, the lights. The day and night sky on each planet. How light beams thru trees. Every thing i have taken in every thing and i still do. This is why i love new planets. I wanted Iocath but it ended up ticking me off more then winning me over with its many unique things. I want more new planets i want Kashhkk would be freaking awesome. I still am mesmerized till this day..... I started way back then and i havent left this galaxy Far far away.....


    I am building a new pc soon a AMD Threadripper with a 32gb DDR4 ram and a Geforce RTX 2080. If that doesnt make this game pop even more, well then i'll give up.

  11. I don't see this weekly catching on for many people for whatever reason.

    Give raiders some other neat reward if you have to.(258 gear, decos, whatever)


    Also drop the 50 ranked solo to 20 games or less. Way too much fuss imo.


    Add an alternate method to complete that weekly. (30 games played unranked, etc)




    About 3 hours trying to beat the Queen this morning. we went thru 7 players thru out that time and still we couldnt kill that Freakin Queen. Finally the Op leader says screw it call it a day and that was fine by me.

    This isnt gonna fly DEVS Pump the breaks a lot on this one. Come up with an easier & better way, with out just giving it to us. Please................

  12. At least for me, Hexid is still at the same Influence level she was when I lost her.


    OK my Update:


    She is still unavailable and no new mission alert.


    There you go she still missing in action........

  13. I didn't see in the patch notes on the return of Darth Hexid after going to cantina and talking to Paxton she then couldn't be summon any longer. We was told that would be addressed in the next patch well patch came out no Hexid. Ok now here is another patch nothing in notes about her. I rather have her then Paxton. If i over looked it in notes never mind this but i do not think i did. If i didnt please fix this today.......


    THANK YOU......

  14. Ah man i thought this was the beginning of a new joke.


    Like: Lana + Vette + Jaesa Walk into a Cantina, the Bar tender introduces him self; Hi Ya, yuzi labies. I b be Jar Jar Binx, andah bebuh yuzi Bar-bar tendah. Whatchya canah getchya getchya to trink? Then his tongue come squishing out of his mouth. And Lana goes: Oh Hell No it that freak from Naboo! pulls her light saber out in a blink of an eye, slicing his long, long tongue off. Then at same time Jaesa Pulls her saber out, Vette Draws her guns and shoots the tongue 6 times each time shooting it into new piece, while still in air. Mean while Jaesa swings her saber taking Jar Jar's head clean off his shoulders. Jar jar Binx gets one last comment out before his head, thats flipping head over chin, bounces off the cantina floor.


    Jar Jar's severed head: Howzah Rudah!!!... His head lies there in a pool of blood on the floor, his eyes turn grey as they roll back into his cranium.



    Ok not much of a joke but come one wouldnt you want Jar Jar to meet his demise just like that?

    Ah screw it, i dont care that was Funny. :D


    P.S. Sorry i know that was crappy attempt at talking like Jar jar., But STILL FUNNY... :cool:

  15. Just the other day i did like 4 planets worth i had no problem finding them thanks to vids on youtube. they were easy to follow and i found every one in just a couple of minutes after watching the vids. Best way to do it, i think.
  16. I just put a new HD in my pc but the game was downloaded to my SSD, when I got my pc back up and running I tried to play the game but it wouldnt talk to the SSD. I ended up downloading the game to my HD and got logged in. Today I tried to log in and as soon as i hit play the screen goes to the lowest resolution setting and the game is condensed down to a little black box in the left quarter of the screen that just flashes every few seconds like its trying to load. any ideas on whats wrong?


    Did you install the new HD under the C: Drive instead of D: Drive or what ever letter name its called on yours? If both Drives are sata you may have plugged them in wrong so the system is seeing them the opposite now and that could cause your issue the rig SSD isnt seeing the Launch.ini file. But then again it could be a few other issue too.

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