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Posts posted by ShardODarkness

  1. In-action is an action, and in-action here means my cash is going to provide a platform for this filth, which is something I find unacceptable.


    ...ignoring them is ACTION, turning off general chat is ACTION, denying them a response is ACTION.

  2. There must have been ALOT of subs ending around this time of Dec because the population has very noticeably dropped. Queue pops on Republic Ranked has gone to a terribly long wait in between games. And I am talking peak play time. I have approx. 100 friends on my friends list that always has people on it all the time. Yesterday evening at peak time it had zero, nadda, zippo friends on for hours. There was a stream hosted my a player today 12/29/16 who had 150 views watching to discuss how everyone except one person on the stream were all quitting. And the guy hosting the stream said he has never 1 time since the launch of this game ever un subbed. Not even once. And he said he is leaving this game and most likely never coming back.


    Is bioware going to make a public announcement to address this serious issue? And if they do make a public announcement, do you people have an emergency plan to change the toxic direction this is heading.


    I also have been here since launch and have never seen this level of toxic feelings towards this game. Never and I played thru the dark ages of SWTOR.


    Bioware, you better do something and quickly because this ship is taking on a lot of water right now. This might be your last chance to get it saved before its too late.


    You are apparently NOT on Ebonhawk.

  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Forren-Midosea View Post

    No statue to the junkie. Not many of you are aware of that but she was addicted to drugs.


    So i will say NO to promoting DRUG ABUSE and ACCITION.





    ...do you have ANY idea how idiotic and ignorant you sound in the above comment?

  4. I appreciate that, thank-you! Is there any particular character I could look up and send a silver key to for you all? It is open to all republic or imperial players.



    ...I'll check and let you know, thanks. :)

  5. I've been incredibly lucky to find a group of folks to play with that are having fun despite the disaster that is GC. If not for them I'd probably have left shortly after I finished the KotET story.


    ...you read my mind. +1

  6. It is important to voice concerns and opinions, that is how change is created but I wish people would stop being so negative and offer positive criticism rather than the doom and gloom "this game is sucking my will to live" attitude.


    ...the honest truth is rarely pretty, and never popular.

  7. My biggest issue with the new gear system is the way RNG was implemented. Instead of getting something useful for your GC level grind and maybe something special (..by RNG), it was determined that RNG will decide if you get anything useful at all...far too many GC crates with junk, junk, and more junk. The BEST part is that they encourage you to play alts with D v L and the achievment system...THEN make it near impossible to gear any alts in GC...what the...?
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