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Posts posted by LMS_TempOcean

  1. I'd like to chime in with a few things, not all of them are negative but there are some things mentioned that don't sit well with me.


    1) Larger guilds don't even need to bat an eyelash at their overall Conquest. They sail to the top of the Large Yield invasion board within a few hours every Tuesday and there they will sit. Same goes for larger/well established guilds that crowd out the Small Yield invasion board. If there could be some way to limit whether Small/Medium/Large Yields are accessible to a guild based on member count would give smaller guilds a chance at actually winning or even appearing on the board at all. I have no clue what the average guild size is so perhaps some kind of census is in order to see what kind of population count - oh, forgot to mention, by Legacy and not by individual toons from the same Legacy - the average guild has. The fact that a guild with over 100+ unique Legacies and active players can invade a Small Yield every week has been bothering me ever since I came back to the game. I'm not sure if this has been a problem the devs have even thought about but I'd like to propose something changes regarding that.


    2) The last few weeks have been something interesting. Nothing but "LFM KPF" (Karagga's Palace Farm) on the fleet and endgame chat channels. I liked that you guys said this problem is systemic because it geniunely IS easier to just walk into an operation and farm enemies that drop inflated points, rather than pick and choose what objectives to grant to each of your several toons, which can get complicated if you have lots of toons. You see the symptom as a bigger problem which is that it's not that easy to spread your points out by a lot of your toons every week. That said, some objectives need to be added for sure (already mentioned, which is good) but a few of them should be made either Daily or Infinitely Repeatable; mainly the ones that need this change pertain to completing an Operation, Bonus Bosses on Flashpoints, certain crafting objectives. The 'Donate 10 War Supplies' has GOT to go away, I would never waste 10 of those to 'donate' into the whimsical nothingness for the sake of Conquest. They're time consuming to make as is, even if you have a well set up several crafting toons. All in all, sounds like stuff is being added, which is always a good thing.


    3) The point about breaking up Conquest loot based on level is rather poorly argued. My point is that I am TRYING to level the toon and get him/her to 75 for the sake of gearing and being able to participate in endgame content. Most of the loot proposed in the lower brackets is not actually helpful and I would rather keep my well earned Solid Resource Matrices and other fun, shiny stuff. I don't think it's fair to penalize us with LESS because we are of lower level, not cool guys, please "un-fix" that. With reduced rewards useful to ME and my whole Legacy it gives people less incentive to play their lower level toons. Most of those rewards are not that great, unless by "Companion Gifts" you mean gold quality, then that I am ok with.


    4) Also mentioned by others is how freakishly expensive the game has become post 6.0 in terms of Credits. I manage to stay afloat and keep a minimum of 10M in my Legacy bay like a responsible adult should, but this game is literally sucking credits out of people and going nowhere and to no one which I suppose is the intent here. I didn't know the credit exploit was a thing until recently and it seems awfully like these changes to the game were meant to punish those people. I wasn't even playing the game when the credit exploit happened. I feel that people stay afloat or gasp - PROFIT off of the Galactic Trade Network mainly by crafting and selling the wares, thiefs who steal people's bank accounts to buy Cartel Coins and sell Cartel Market items for Credits, or whatever other tin-foil hat theory may exist. Point is that there are sharp people out there who shrugged off this global price increase to play the game. They will exist and mercilessly exploit any minor crack or hole in plans to drain the players' Credit accounts. I'm not smart enough to come up with an actual fair means of cracking down on exploits so that innocent players aren't punished - that is your guys' job. Maybe a small change or two to how transactions on the Galactic Trade Network happen. Possibly reduce the imaginary sales tax or eliminate it entirely. Put a freeze on re-listing something you just recently bought off the Galactic Trade Network, kind of like when there's a freeze on Cartel Market purchases before you turn it loose to the Galactic Trade Network.


    I'd like to play the game because it is genuinely fun and exciting and not to pretend I'm at my 8-5 job trying to figure out how I can keep credits coming in to pay for fuel for my Guild Flagship and pay for my sabaac addiction. Because this game is legitimately fun, and I hope it stays that way.

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