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Posts posted by feustay

  1. Hi BW,


    Why not, for Master Mode chapters, make them playable as a group and scaling to the number of people in the instance?


    For instance, if you play with 2 people, there will twice as much trash and bosses will have twice as much PV. If you go in there with an Ops Group, you get litterally swarmed by stormtroopers, and bosses will feel like Ops bosses....


    For someone like me who thinks it's a chore to do this content by himself just for the achievement, this would ensure some replayability and put the MMO dimension back into this game at a very reasonnable cost (the technology is there, other MMOs have already similar systems in place...)


    It wouldn't be as good as new Ops, but would be better than having to plow through this content on my own, and would cater to solo AND group players alike...

  2. The way some things were phrased in the last chapter, I thought that the next Big Villain will be... ourselves! (but maybe that's because I only finished the KOTET story once so far, with a DS character and felt like a galactic Hitler on the rise at the end) Here are some ideas, based mostly with replayability in mind.


    During 5.0, with uprisings around the galaxy, we see that renegade Sith Lords and Crime syndicates and what not are starting to get bolder and bolder.


    Then 6.0 hits, and basically, the Empire and the Republic will get some propaganda out about the threat of the Alliance, and maybe some lies about us causing those uprisings (or not being able to completely quell them) to push our world domination agenda forward. So, the whole galaxy will end up being united against us.


    Attack on our Odessen base, after a couple chapters of failed negotiations, sabotaged diplomatic missions, etc. One of our closest comps betrays us, we lose, flee and get stranded on a s***hole of a planet trying to go back to the "civilisation" (something like Jakku, but not Jakku, please). We lose all our comps (again), but make new one on the way. After we manage to hijack a ride on a ship, we come back to discover that in our absence the republic and the empire have gone back to an all-out war again. This ship hijacking chapter could play to the abilities of your class (different obstacles or enemies whether you're a stealther, a melee, ranged, healer or tank).


    At this point, our faction welcomes our return with arms wide open (even if they wanted us dead at the start of the story; whether we forgive and forget can be an interesting side story...) because they know we are the hero who will be able to bring peace, and that's why at the end, we can go back to Vaiken space dock and enjoy newly created flashpoints, battlegrounds and operations as part of the re-ignited war between the Sith and the Jedi.


    Or using the concept of DvL, we could get two different story lines depending on alignment (or even 4 story lines, depending on alignment AND faction!). If the player is DS, he uses the Alliance wrongly and Pubs and Imps turn against him. If the player is LS, you'd be considered a pushover by Pubs and Imps who would try to use us against the other faction. If you're DS, you manage to disappear by the skin of your teeth, and go hide in a DS planet, depending on your class (Dagoba for SW, Dathomir for SI, Kashyyk for BH...), you'd go to a different planet, get a different mentor and overcome different trials to become a Champion of the Light or a Harbinger of Darkness. If you're LS, you engage in missions until you realise that you're manipulated and start to act against this (depending on the class, you'd have different styles of missions). Whether we're Pub or Imp, there could be a big baddie in our own faction someone trying covertly to grab power Palpatine-style, depending maybe on our previous choices (if you let Saresh live, she could try to stage a spiteful coup against you...)


    The funny thing with DvL allegiance is that it could prompt courting from one or the other faction and you could end up being a Jedi chosing to side with the Sith or vice-versa...


    I feel like they could do so much more with this concept in terms of daily content. Instead of some world bosses randomly scattered on the planets, why not make something inspired by the real-world events in GW2 and Rift? It would push the players to go back to the old planets for something more than the odd heroic mission, and we could have events on the maps, in a hourly cycle between each planet, of "LS or DS resurgence or manifestations" with a portal opening and creatures suffused with LS or DS energy popping up, the players cooperating to close the portal and eradicate the menace, and then maybe a big boss popping out once in a while? Those events would pop in pve and pvp instances of the planets with more rewards for the pvp part, and two missions depending on your allegiance: if you're from the same allegiance as the portal, you'd make points defending the portal and its creatures; if you're from the other allegiance, you want to close the portal and have to fight the creatures as well as the other faction. This could be epic! A good incentive for doing those events would be the chance to gain some rare crafting mats or recipes for unique weapon/armor skins...


    But maybe the big baddie is already out there: it's a duet that goes by the name of "RNG god" and "No new content"? It has a one-shot move called "lack of subscribers" that even a sorc bubble can't guard against and there won't even be a 6.0... :(


    P.S.: Sorry for the wall of text...

  3. Hier, j'ai fait plusieurs matchs en heal (et funi n'était pas présent). Malgré le nombre d'ombres et de Gardiens, je n'ai pas vu une seule garde ni un taunt (ni sur moi ni sur les autres). Aucun DPS pour écrémer les troupeaux qui me tombaient dessus a chaque fois que je revenais du cimetierre...


    Voila pourquoi on échoue...


    C'est pas parce que certaines guildes axées PVP coté empire sont "surstuffées" en 240 comme certaines pleureuses le clamaient haut et fort apres chaque défaite (meme si ca n'aide pas, bien sur).


    Je comprends qu'avec le CXP tel qu'il est beaucoup de joueurs axés PVE se tournent vers le PVP parce que c'est le moyen le plus rapide d'améliorer son stuff. Mais comme ce sont deux facons totalement différentes d'aborder le jeu, pourquoi ne pas essayer de lire un peu sur le sujet. Vu le temps que vous passez en BG depuis un mois, pourquoi ne pas vous y mettre? Vous lisez bien les strats avant de poser pour la premiere fois les pieds dans une opé, non? Ben la c'est pareil...


    Quand je joue avec Funi, et qu'il est sur son AVG, il utilise ses taunts et sa garde, et surtout il utilise sa vision périphérique au lieu d'etre obnubilé par "son" petit kill perso qui n'apporte rien a l'équipe (et souvent résulte en wipe car ils sont coordonnés en face...)


    Enfin pour en revenir au sujet, Funi, hier j'ai ouvert 3 caisses de commandement et j'ai eu que de la m*** Je t'en tiens personnellement responsable, cela ne peut etre la faute de Bioware. :p

  4. BW, why not make this new menu bar MORE EXCITING?


    When hovering upon an item, RNG determines what I would get...


    For instance, I would hover my mouse over Character, and maybe I get Inventory like I would like to if I'm lucky, but most of the time I would get Legacy of combat proficiencies that I don't care about.


    Oh, how exciting it would be...

  5. We were having this issue the other night and our guild master told us it was because we were having too high DPS and it was causing this bug. We did one last try where I was just putting Dots and not doing a proper rotation, and we managed to make the console work this time, we kept attacking him like this until he reached 40-30%, then we went to town on him and downed him without further issues.


    Hope this helps...

  6. I played my 2 sages alternatively depending on their conquest points results, one is level 10, the other is level 7.


    Out of 17 crates I got 4 useful set pieces 230 w. bonus, a 230 saber, an implant and a couple of useless earpieces w. accuracy (already capped). I got a second chest piece w. set bonus, a duplicate. Also got a pet...


    Luck has been good with me so far, but I am dreading an update drought at some point. ;)


    I am by far the luckiest in my guild, as well: most of them have higher Command levels than me, but haven't got anything useful yet. We were talking about it yesterday, and discouragement was starting to show for some of them.

  7. Je ne sais pas si vous avez eu l'occasion d'expérimenter avec le pvp en forteresse...



    Je sais qu'on peut provoquer des gens en duel, mais si on se retrouve entre joueurs inter-faction taggés PVP, que se passe-t-il?



    J'aimerai bien organiser un event PVP/RP inter-faction lorsque j'aurai débloqué ma forto de Yavin en entier.



    Y a vraiment moyen de tripper: snipers sur les toits, groupes planqués en embuscade dans les recoins sombres, etc.



    Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez!

  8. Salut,


    Apres une pause, je reviens dans le jeu, et je suis en ce moment en train de farmer mon stuff pvp dans l'optique de m'attaquer au soloQ...


    Beaucoup de choses ont changé avec cette derniere extension et je me demandais si quelqu'un connaissait de bon guides pvp mis a jour pour 3.X...


    J'ai cherché sur Google sans vraiment de succes.


    Merci d'avance :)

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