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Posts posted by xuegui

  1. This is just an extension of the Conquest and Daily Login hot garbage. Just a gimmick to try to make people play. Repeat old stuff ad naseum for "stuff" to clog your cargo holds. I guess you can sell some of it to the merchant, otherwise you have to go and delete it.


    Let's pretend this was an entertaining addition, the fact you can only earn 6 points a day (and don't have a choice of tasks to do), you aren't even going to earn 1 level of the 100 needed.


    I did DvL 3 times (different servers). That was more entertaining... why? Because the stories are the most developed content. Since class stories ended, the content is just a big "meh." Now, it is just a way to force people to play the game, even into parts of the game that are severely lacking UI/controls (GSF for example) or having other documented problems.


    I am so tired of finding a character to dump stuff on. It is not like you give us a lot of character slots (I unlocked a bunch with CC). At any rate, sub is cancelled. Content team doesn't care about entertainment, just mindless grinding, even for gear sets (not a single conquest chest yields a class spec piece).

  2. Novel concept. Implementation is horrible. Sorry, not worth burning out a system rehashing old content ad naseum. You can't even get a GPU at MSRP (and haven't been able to for a long time). I am a sub, none of the rewards are worth it. The tasks are boring, quite a few take too long, there are various bugs, getting certain ones done is near impossible, etc.


    Apparently this is what we get for subbing. Huge pile of bantha waste. Rather see content. But ever since Onslaught it has been made clear whatever is going to be made, is going to be sub par, minimal effort.

  3. Weird thing happened today, I received a game mail from Achievements System with a Sith holocommunicator for Darth Hexid. I already have Darth Hexid. Anyone else have this happen?


    I haven't tried it to see if it would give me another one, maybe I should :)


    Another odd duplicate previously received that brown speeder bike but at least you could sell that one.

  4. Most definitely. I have put in tickets about this but nothing so far.


    We can search GTN. The code is there.


    We need to be able to find stuff -- and not just on our current character, but across all of our characters. It takes a long time sifting through 30 characters. Other games have this feature, some even on their website. Very helpful

  5. Simple: we need a search to search all of our characters to find where something is. Additionally, build an app or website interface to help us find our stuff.


    Inventory management is not good in the game. We need searches to make that experience better. The current method of logging in each character and sifting through everything takes forever and is a remnant of the pre-information age. Funny thing is, a game made in 1998 can do this and that game is ancient.

  6. I have about 16 characters on one server and all but 1 are eligible for transfer. The 1 says locked and no explanation why that would be. Mail is emptied out and no auctions setup.


    Any ideas what would be blocking it from being selected? 65 Sith Juggernaut. I have a mix of classes and levels (including Level 70) which are able to be transferred, just not this one.

  7. Most of the companion gear I received, was partial set only. I would get the 2 implants and an earpiece and then maybe one or two pieces of the rest of the set.


    My jugg got back a full set of Targeter (from Vette), but only got back partial sets from Treek, Jaesa, and Malavai. Lt Pierce was totally ignored, not sure what happened to HK-51 or droid exactly. The jugg did get 15 droid pieces back.


    The assassin got Khem Val's and Andronikus gear back fully. Xalek, Ashara, Talos were only partially returned. Talos has the fully augmented set too... Treek set was only partially returned. Only got 10 droid parts back... even though HK and ship droid were fully Yavin.


    It only got worse for the others.

  8. So, finally the starship tab appeared in inventory after opening inventory a few times while on the starship. No idea why the power conversion module was moved to my inventory. At least the starships seem ok.


    I am missing most of my companion gears. I only got 2 or 3 full sets returned (from 10 characters on one server, haven't checked the other server yet). 8 of mine have all 8 companions. Several had every companion geared in full.


    One even had an augmented Yavin set. I am missing most pieces from that one.


    Additionally, I only had one starship module returned (power generator). I had 2 starships fully loaded and several Cybertech made pieces.


    And that is just the stuff I noticed missing. I am done messing around with my inventory.

  9. I am missing most of my companion gears. I only got 2 or 3 full sets returned (from 10 characters on one server, haven't checked the other server yet). 8 of mine have all 8 companions. Several had every companion geared in full.


    One even had an augmented Yavin set. I am missing most pieces from that one.


    Additionally, I only had one starship module returned (power generator). I had 2 starships fully loaded and several Cybertech made pieces.


    And that is just the stuff I noticed missing. I am done messing around with my inventory.

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