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Posts posted by ArenRakescar

  1. For some strange reason it takes 8:03 mins to craft a MK-11 aug kit on Armstech (max level companions) as opposed to 5:30 mins on Armormechs and Synthweavers.
    Any reason for this? I've never noticed other crafting time discrepancies between professions.

    Screenshot 2024-05-22 211533.png

  2. I literally re-subbed yesterday after 6 years out...tell me, does this happen often?? Because i can just as easily cancel my sub and move on. Im not paying for a game I cant play.


    Overall, no it doesn't happen often. However, since 6.0 dropped there have been quite a few hiccups. Tulak Horde was having issues two weeks ago

  3. Bizarrely, they work on just about every other follower except the one I'm courting...


    I rolled a new smuggler after 4.0 went live and have since finished the class story and all the companion dialogue. Courting gifts can be given to all companions, except Risha (and the ship droid) with varying levels of influence gained for each one. Guss gets the biggest boost :confused:

  4. I'm finding the Tatooine SH a tad daunting. I like the balcony for the view, but so far I haven't decorated much else. Kinda irked that I spent 800K to unlock one of the pokey cliff-side rooms. It doesn't speak to me at all.


    With NS I run out of ideas around 50% completed (w/o mounts & pets). Don't really want to throw down random junk just to max it out either. Still good to have all the available SH's open, if only for the fast travel options.


    Frankly I'm hoping for a smaller SH next time round. Maybe a beach condo on Rakata Prime.

  5. This is what I've been using so far for an opener (note - I am still leveling, but this general rotation has seemed to work very well for me on all mob types, as well as during the solo mode FPs, YMMV):

    Leap + Overload Saber

    Zealous Strike


    Force Melt

    Master Strike


    EDIT: I shortened the opener and added an intermediate rotation. Trying to get 3 Merciless Slash into the opener called for too many fillers (and took too long before getting DoTs up again). Still needs a bit of work though


    Try this:

    Valorous Call






    Filler (strike)





    Master Strike

    Twin Saber

    Filler (strike)

    Filler (slash)









    Filler (slash)


    Master Strike

    Twin Saber


    Filler (strike)

    Filler (slash)




    And then onto the final rotation:








    Master Strike

    Twin Saber


    Filler (strike)

    Filler (slash)




    Zen should be up again for every 2nd rotation, like clockwork.

    Mind Sear buff (double twin saber damage) is RNG dependent, but it is usually up in time. Every Force Melt after the opener and intermediate will be free, because you squeeze in 3 Merciless in every rotation.


    For AOE situations you prolly want to fit a Force Sweep in there after all the dots are running... still working on that. And ofc Dispatch comes into play in the sub 30% segment.


    To get the most out of Cauterize, it likely needs to 'float' through your set rotation - maybe ahead of every 2nd Merciless Strike, and drop a filler. (Focus permitting).


    Disclaimer: This all from foggy memory and timings may be off due to the ability delay issue.

  6. It's furniture, but it comes with hooks. Now you can leave your guns on the table (or strippers, as some seem to want). Placing a companion on a couch hook will arrange them in a sitting position.

    * new hook size: Tiny

    * new layout option splits small hook into 2 - 4 tiny hooks.

    * new decoration items: clutter (lamps, booze, computers, datapads, etc)


    Although there's undoubtedly still a vast amount of decoration yet to come in the current system, it never hurts to look ahead.


    Disclaimer: The information contained in this promotional post is for illustration purposes only.

  7. Wow, the science behind a light that works in reverse truly astounds the mind. Black Hole Inside™


    Seriously though, there is no discernible effect either way. Placing the light on the hook or taking it off makes no difference to nearby textures and objects -that I can see.


    Disabling Bloom removes the glow from the object itself and makes it look like it's not switched on.

  8. It seems that some of the 'lights' decorations aren't actually sources of light - they don't have any effect on ambient light levels (or if they do it's not noticeable)


    I have Underworld Light (Orange) on every ceiling hook in NS Sky Palace and it's still gloomy as heck in there.

  9. Hi all,


    I only recently came back to the game after Patch 3.0, and started working on my stronghold. I was under the impression that all the vehicles a toon owns is able to be placed into their strongholds, but looking at the list of decorations, there is only a very small portion of vehicles actually available as decorations.


    I know there's a bug with certain mounts/items, so I was wondering if my impression was correct, and I just need to wait for Bioware to fix things, or if there's only a subset of vehicles that also double as decorations?


    Thanks very much.


    Not sure if this is the issue you're facing, but be aware that not all the mounts fit on the same sized hooks. It can be a pain, but try changing layouts or selecting a different sized hook. Small and/or medium sized hooks should fit most mounts, but some require large hooks.

  10. My biggest gripe with strongholds is the poorly placed hooks. There are numerous cases where floor hooks don't align well with wall textures, or where hooks are placed so far off center that you cannot get your pictures to hang straight (by way of example). There is at least one floor hook in Nar Shaddaa that is halfway buried into a wall.


    My suggestion is to allow us to edit the editor. Either give players complete control over hook placements, or at least allow us to adjust the placement of hooks themselves (edit the layout), in a manner similar to how you can adjust decorations already on hooks. This may obviate the need for larger range X & Y axis adjustments.


    Someone else mentioned saving hook layout to a template, which would be super handy in this scenario, for when you reset some of the rooms or the whole SH.

  11. I understand why a 6th mission in each list would be desirable, but it is unnecessary. Again, as a subscriber each character has three crew skills to utilize, that is at least ten missions possibly 15 to choose from in grade 11 alone. If one has trouble finding 6 missions to run out of 15, IMO that is on the player not the system.


    Sure, for a given 'play style' it could be deemed unnecessary. For a broad based approach to mission skills the extra pair of hands does help now. Actively crafting items and leveling up process is also improved. The only aspect that got left behind was focused materials gathering and missions.


    Both of these would benefit from having a 6th mission in the selector, if you preferred not to multi-tier your missions. I never gather materials for direct re-sale, so once I've filled up a stack or two of something there's really no need to get more of it.


    Anyway, good points all round, thank you.

  12. Indeed, the bonuses are small and will not actually be noticeable unless you record all your results over substantial amount of missions. For me it's more a question of painting an obvious target on a given crew member (something I'm certain you can get behind).


    So.. we have two purple missions to run. Vette is the obvious first choice, now who do we pick for the second? Ah, ship droid with your fancy sensor! Hop to it.


    Aside from that I only have my selective memory to go on and lingering suspicions about certain crew members being better at some things than others - stats not withstanding. But now we're into serious tinfoil territory.

  13. Is it possible to whine about whining (real or perceived)?


    My question/suggestion relates directly to Crew Skills. Why on earth should I not post it in this sub-forum? This is where I am likely to find the most informed opinions on the subject. Sadly, thus far no-one has ventured an opinion on whether or not the 5 mission limit was left in place intentionally. Far easier just to leap on the bash wagon.

  14. While I do sometimes cherry pick gathering missions from different tiers, I prefer to rely on the GTN for my mats grazing (unspecified hoarding) needs. So, when there are no deals to be had and I'm strapped for specific mats, then there's really no point in sending the last dude off on a random errand, just for the sake of having 6 companions in the field.


    Sure there are many ways to use your companions. I recognize and utilize this. But did the previous respondents stop to ask themselves why there are 5 visible missions in the selection screen?


    Seems to me the system was designed around the max number of deploy-able crew members... so perhaps it is time to revamp that system, given the new developments.

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