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Posts posted by LooprevilQ

  1. First of all, vehicles for the vehicle achievement, which are missing or have a really low drop rate like the longspur in foundry or maehlstrom jail ( i was run that about 100 time and i didn´t see it). Maybe you can make a quest, if you have run the fp in one week 5 times you can get the vehicle.

    Second, also increase the chance to get vehicles from ops, like denova, that minimum one vehicle drops every run.


    Third, like mentioned before, by the opeventboss eyeless the chance to get the symbiont rakghul is 10%( or less) in every run. For example: If you run with 8 people and everyone wants the rakghul, you maybe must run 80 times. That is unfair and not possible in one week. Please change it ;)

  2. In the last few days, I tried to complete the new achievements in the uprising trial and error, but I can not get the achievement at the 2nd boss "mind your step" even though I and my group / companions trigger traps. Did you achieve the achievement? Is there any tricks and tips, or can someone post a video! :D What you have to pay attention ? The blue laser traps are probably not the only traps .....

    Be nice if someone describe, how they have done this.

    The customer service could not help me or accept the achievement, because they can not check.

  3. Hallo zsm,

    ich würde gerne jeden freitag von 17 bis 19 uhr Pvperfolge auf Planeten z.b. 500 Spieler auf Belsavis (Meister von Belsavis) in Form von zwei 4er Gruppen (eine Imp eine repgruppe) machen. Würde mich freuen wenn am 8.04.16 sich zahlreich leute auf der Impseite bei mir (Looprevillo) melden würden. Die Prozedur wir bei zustandekommen der Gruppen erklärt. ;)


    Am 15.04.16 würde dann Corellia folgen

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