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Posts posted by Asanos

  1. 52 minutes ago, Shabir_Dhillon said:


    • Medicine Operative’s / Sawbones Scoundrel’s version of Tactical Overdrive / Hot Streak now grants interrupt immunity while it is active.


    Thats what the operative heal need xD We need buffs on major abilitys like the main hot or surgical probe or some deffs. No one ever uses tactical overdrive lets be honest :D

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  2. Hey there 

    in my opinion, Gods and Dxun lag heavily in terms of dps checks. 
    Its possible to kill apex with 3 tanks, thats hilarious!  And in gods most of the fights are way shorter than last patches, that makes dps checks obsolete. 
    I would really prefer to increase slightly the hp from every boss to make dps checks and timeruns a little bit harder. At least in gods and dxun. 
    For most of the high skilled raidcommunities its way to easy to kill the current Nightmare Content. 

    • Like 4
  3. raids are harder now than in the last expansion i don't think anyone denies that, on the other hand, you will get several new tiers (at least up to 340) of upgrades throughout the 7.0 expansions while the content difficulty will stay the same. for players that might not have been able to clear it even late into 6.0 it will deffo be a quite the challenge now, if its any solace it will be a lot easier now


    for the groups that are struggling there isn't really any easy solution outside of getting better, content is clearly clearable so all you need is just players to improve their performance, execute mechanics better and deal with the changes if its relevant (mainly the loss of aoe dr for healers) for the classes you play, things players doing nim shouldn't have too much issues with. if players rather not work on improving, which is fine this is an online game after all, you just gotta wait to outgear content with the first step being 334 from R4 HM in the next large patch



    You really think 340 gear will change something like A&E lasers oneshotting healers or even dps? I dont get it :D And i don't see that gods is clearly killable with only tyth and a&e beeing killed atm. And the kill on a&e was more luck than skill. This has to change because its nothing where you need "skill" or "improving performance" sry. Im more a friend of that 5.x state of gameplay (And im not speaking about 5.10 because that was oviously a joke) or smth like that, with high dps checks and decent healer checks. Right now its only spamming special classes or playing around mechanics that shouldn't hit that hard ... and the obvious.. playing with operative because its mandatory.

    But maybe its a matter of taste dunno.

  4. My thought is that nim raiding should be hard and punishing if something isn't executed properly.

    But since 7.0 it comes down to that situations where you have near to zero counterplay. SOmething like Ult Hunter or Greus Dive bombs that literally melting the healers without aoe dr. The Dtps in most of the Raids are so high because everything is hitting super hard and here is the problem for me. I really have no problems in reprogressing things but it has to be rewarding and constant. Now in 7.0 we don't really have that constant Progress because a intended mechanic is hitting so hard that it consults in a raid wipe, and this is happening quite often. But don't get me wrong 6.0 was to easy, with many mistakes not beeing punished or even ignored. But it can't be the intended solution to increase the dtps income at a rate where normal mechanics are oneshotting people or nearly oneshot. To kill something is in many situations luck and luck can't be intended.


    To the gear progress argument. Its been nearly 4 months now where literally nothing happened.. We aren't getting any new augments or gear and we are literally sitting on useless 6.0 medpacs, stims and adrenals. Something has to be done in the next month because many nim raiders are already leaving the game and it gets harder and harder to find willing people.

    (And something i really want to see is 16man Operations on the current state LUL)

  5. Wouldn't it be a very nice change/idea/balance to reimplement the 6.0 Rocket Fuel Vapors with the supercharged gas aoe heal?

    I mean it would fix a bit the discrepancy between the merc and the other 2 heal classes in terms of aoe healing.

    I think im not the only one who is confused, why the merc is underperforming in endgame content as a healer and as a dps.

    Maybe you can consider such a change :)


    Greetings Asanos

  6. Ive seen that you are changing the energy yield heal stacks, so its not longer possible to click off the buffs, which is a reasonable change.

    But with that change, its also no longer possible to click off energy yield itself.

    I dont know whether it is an intended change, but i dont get the point.

    With that change the healing from the energy yield stacks will be most of the time overheal, since its not possible to decide when the healing gets triggered. So heals could potentially heal you to 100% and then the heal from energy yield comes through.

    I would like to have control over that healing, and to be able to click my energy yield off, so its my choice to sacrifice the energy yield buff for the healing. It would be quite simliar to the trauma regulators on the mercenary.

    Maybe you could consider to change it that way.

  7. Die Nim Raidgilde Unitato bietet Sales für alten und neuen Content an.

    Bei Interesse Asanos/Victor#8850 und Xelvi#2686 auf discord anschreiben.

    Alternativ könnt ihr euch auch einfach bei Mitgliedern von Unitato direkt im Spiel melden :)


    Freundlicher Gruß,


  8. Tbh the new set bonuses are crap.

    I mean take the 1.5 cd away from innervate is a direct nerf since it is the second important ability for the sorc heal,

    instead Dark Heal and Dark Infusion gets buffed.

    5 Stacks on Wandering Mend is nice, but nerfing Wandering Mend makes this tactical almost pointless.

    The changes on Force Bending are nice thats an appreciated change.

    Pls focus more on innervate and wandering mend.

  9. Was ich mir Wünsche ist die alte Eroberung zurück die neue ist einfach total doof, da eine Gilde, die viel PvP macht und zahlreiche Mitglieder hat , einfach einen riesigen Vorteil hat und sehr leicht an punkte kommt.

    Bei den kleineren Gilden hingegen ist die Chance bei der neuen Eroberung den 1. Platz zu machen so gut wie 0, da craften nicht mehr zählt.

    Ich empfinde die Änderung bis heute als schlecht und das wäre ein Wunsch von mir die alte Eroberung wieder zu haben.

    Kleinere Gilden konnten damals sich auf ein Event vorbereiten und dann auch mal Millionenbeträge erreichen.

    So ist es einfach nicht mehr wirklich möglich.

    Ich weiß nicht ob ihr das auch so seht aber ich empfinde dies als störend, da ich die Eroberung liebe.

    Aber dieses neue System ohne craften ist ziemlich ungünstig und sollte nach meiner Meinung wieder geändert werden.

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