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Posts posted by Sergeant_Boss

  1. I've started doing GSF again since 7.0 I took a long break, and to be honest. I have seen very few self destructors in my many matches. I've seen a lot of noobs. There is nothing wrong with being a noob however. We all started doing GSF at some point, and they should be encouraged to improve.


    Some of them are just inexperienced players, there is no problem in that. As for the rest... Their problem is not in lack of skills, but in complete unwillingness to contribute. Why bother if you get reward anyway?


    Maybe it's just bad luck, but it is really hard for me to find a team with truly active players during these Seasons.

  2. Horrible Idea. This had a very large affect on the queu times for ground PvP. Many stopped queu'ing because of this. GSF until 7.0 never really had a short enough queu time for BW to implement this. If this happens I'm sure most if not all of the people queu'ing do to the gearing system will abandon ship and the queu's will go back to at the very best pervious to 7.0, and before Galactic seasons.


    I'd rather have few good matches like old times, than suffer through sithload of matches full of noobs and self-destructors.

  3. He was speaking for himself, same as when you say it's great you are speaking for yourself.

    Just because he dislikes gsf, doesn't mean he's bad at it. So no need to go that route.


    Actually, he isn't. In post he implies that "many" players asked for years for group Space Combat mode. Well, I've never seen any of that "many". What I have seen, is that GSF community is much more bigger and active than community of Space Combat fans.

    Yes, I respect his opinion and I'm definitely not saying that GSF is great - actually, it in the worst state now than ever. But there is absolutely no need in exaggeration and statements like "many of us think, that GSF sucks". He clearly lacks authority to make such statements.

  4. many of us never wanted GSF, and we do not want it now


    gsf. sucks.


    Speak for yourself. If you suck in GSF, it doesn't mean that GSF sucks.


    Space Combat received almost no attention from Devs since it's launch, and I highly doubt that it will change in the future.

    Personally, I'd like to see objective-based scenarios for GSF in the first place, but any similar updates for Space Combat missions would be most welcome.

  5. Alright... The Red Eclipse:


    Empire - Ghostwatch (Damn scout...)

    Empire - Jasaq (Good scout, good strike, good gunship)

    Empire - Einistra


    Republic - Davionix

    Republic - Bomberzasty

    Republic - Ynaxi

    Republic - Burningdeath


    And, of course, pilots from my Ghost Squadron - Red'Wolf, Bobdabuilder, Kal'Kasar and others. Really nice lads.

  6. Ghostwatch on Imp side Red Eclipse - He/She's a damn good pilot and someone to watch out for every time they're in a match.


    Jasaq (jasa) - a really nice guy, fun to fly with and fun to fly against, his weaving skills in a bomber.......


    P'uc another great pilot on both sides


    Quickblasts however....nub, cannon fodder...even Llama owns him :p




    ....and before the hate....QB is a guildie and a great guy...but it is true that Llama owns him


    Agreed, but... I think Quickblast is a good pilot. Not killing machine, but... good.

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