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Posts posted by Rebeldad

  1. Giving someone a tool to make griefing easier is always a bad idea.


    I can cause damage to public property without any sort of tool, but giving me a bottle of spray paint is just asking for trouble. Many current ways of griefing can also be reported- whereas reports of being kicked from a group due to dps meters BW included would never be taken seriously.


    Frankly, things get excluded based on whether or not people would misuse them all the time- from guns to alcohol underaged to drugs- and in that case, sometimes people saying 'we should have guns' are also saying 'we shouldn't have drugs', despite both having the same argument of 'well, just cuz I have it doesn't mean I'll misuse it'.


    I don't think it's a great argument myself, but, that isn't to say it is not an argument without some merit or one that doesn't belong in this discussion.


    I'd rather see DPS meters have limited use- so they CAN be used correctly to improve your own skills, without being a big risk of being misused to disclude people from dungeons they should be running- and lets face it, raid geared players often kicked blue geared people from HEROICS that were indeed dungeons that were suited more for the blue geared players- why? Wasn't going fast enough...


    And that blue geared dps is unable to gear up due to it, and is now waiting in an hour long queue again, and each time is feeling more and more like cancelling his sub.



    ^ good post

  2. I agree combat logs can tell you the best rotation out of your char


    If you are not in this game to do the best damage best tanking best healing


    then why play?


    Because i want to have fun not be told by some pseudo boss that I am not cutting it. You seem to not understand it is a game and that many dont join it for the same reason. The guild I am in is awesome we do some raiding but dont let it rule us. Wait til you get a bit older and have a life, you will understand.

    I am not saying I should not have a good rotation but if I dont pick "your" rotation that should not exclude me from the group.

  3. Based on the numbers you folks are touting, that segment is less than 27% of the player base. Surely that won't actually inconvenience you, since they're such a small minority.


    Based on your logic then hate groups or such should be allowed to do what they want no matter what the majority says?

  4. Why wouldn't everyone want combat log and dps meters? Right now, as a DPS you have 0 idea what your are doing. You can only have a feeling of what feels optimal, what spec you feel is doing the best dps for you. As a DPS why wouldn't you want to do the best dps? That is the whole purpose of your existance?


    It's fine that some people do not wish to use dpsmeters, THEN DONT. But don't ruin it for the rest of us who actually cares what we are doing. It's a extremely important tool in ANY MMO. And it's amazing swtor still lacks them.


    And to end my post. Are you going to tell your boss, that you do not want him to evalute your performance at work, because YOU think it's fine that you are only doing half the work of anyone else at your company? And it's unfair that you are getting called out on it? Or even, that your boss tries to help you improve your performance, oh lord the inhumanity.


    cool story bro.


    I have a dps and a buddy in the guild has same class dps. We play and compare to figure out what works. What I am saying is you seem to need a crutch to help you learn to play, I suggest you get some friends and actually play and then Talk. I dont need a piece of software to tell me if I am doing the job right or not.

  5. No thanks. I see people on this thread which exhibit some of the reasons I don't want a dps/threat meter for everyone to see.

    Also Starglide you do have a tone when responding to others post, and it isn't a neutral one.

    I will not care for general combat logs if they some day allow them, whether I stop playing the game is another question entirely since I am in a great guild and dont have to worry about douchebaggery like some have to.

  6. Others peoples choices in FP's (Flashpoints) does NOT affect your character. Just the way the fp goes.. Also the number you see coming up when you make your choice of the three is your Random "Roll" , whomever roll the highest gets the voice interaction and also the most social pts. Just being in a group and choosing gives you social pts, but winning the random roll gives you more.
  7. Basically he wants to pick whatever he likes LS or DS and not have to worry about them. BUT he wants the best relics also. You want to be a gray character then you get the limited and not as good relics. They are not going to make the non alignment attached relics as good as aligned ones for good reasons. I suggest you learn to deal with the lack of variety for now and hope they add more later.

    If you want the best relics then your going to have to pick one side or the other for them.

  8. Actually, WoW enabled you to ignore a specific name from a specific server in your battlegroup.


    All you had to do was /ignore name-server. Worked like a charm.


    Unfortunately, the number of folks that I'd like to ignore tends to exceed the limits of my ignore list, lol.


    Edit: Ah, I see Caelrie types a bit faster than I do.


    Ah nice.. I quit wow quite a few years ago so didnt know of that.. thanks

  9. I see value in both sides and I propose a solution:


    ---Cross Server Ignore List---


    It will enable people to find players to complete Flashpoints which lack player interest while still removing the harrasing players from your Q. So for example if player "X" is a big !@#$% you have the option to add him to your Cross server ignore list removing him from being seeded into your potential group. THe ignore list will then have to be change to include the server name before the player (I.E. "The Constant - HUNGSOLO").


    Who know if this will get read...opinions?


    Wont work sorry to say. you would then ignore everyone with that same name on every server.. when you want to just /ignore dorkfish on X server.

  10. Ok I just hit 50, got all my trades to 400, have Dark V....so now what?


    I go to Ilum and do some quests, where do I go to find info on life after 50?

    Is there a link or a sticky somewhere I cant see?


    I'am guessing like WoW there is now a group of Heroics/Flashpoints to start with to start gearing up for raids/Operations but is there a sequence to start with?

    Like Violet Hold was good to start with, easy enough but let you get used to the group dynamic before venturing into the harder instances.


    I havent done any Flashpoints at all whilst leveling but I dont want to go back over old content.


    And I'am guessing I get "badges" that I use with "quartermasters" from boss kills to get better equipment?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


    So you havent done any FP's at .. yet you consider them "old" content? They are not old if you have NEVER done them.

    As far as the rest of your post I wish you luck. Sounds like you want to go back to wow.

  11. I would like the ability to link my Armstech or other crafting skills to friends and guildmates. It is much easier to just link my armstech for them to look thru what I am currently able to make, rather than I go thru all my items and see if there is something they want. I hate to bring another game into this but Rifts had this option and I loved it. Made it great for those of us that like crafting to go " Sure I am an armstech here is my stuff (armstech) " they would click the chat link and see what of my schematics they wanted me to make.
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