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Posts posted by MiguelGx

  1. People are still fretting over hypercrate loot chances?


    Wake UP. You are nobody to these companies. You do not MATTER to these companies.


    EA is only focused on selling the product.


    To them. You are just one of those pawns who spends 15€ for 30 minutes of new content every month + the money spent in hypercrates. They have that, and that is all they care about.


    You spent money? So millions did. You are not special, they care nothing about your guild, friends, or game. They only care about their product.


    So you forked over extra € to purchase packs of recycled digital items to stroke your virtual ego as you show them off to the remainder of your friends that play.


    THAT is exactly what EA wants. When this stops, EA may bat an eye and say. "OK, lets see what we can do to make people spend money again with as little effort from our part as possible"


    The game won't change. EA won't change. You will not have your voice heard. You will just continue to do what you have always done. Play the game, spend money, repeat.

  2. During KotfE unprecedented number of servers basically died.

    Very successful expansion, indeed.

    Zero sense of repeatability.

    Gameplay was lacking so so much - it felt like watching short movies rather than playing an RPG.

    Story wise the who thing was gradually worsening. False sense of choice.

    Skytroopers, skytroopers everywhere. Automatic combat engagement, same enemies, same atmosphere, borig af.

    Dumbed down difficulty to the point where you can deal with the enemies by using just autoattack. Zero mechanics, zero effort.

    Not a single full scale planet. Just a reminder that during RotHC we got Makeb, and for Revan we got TWO new planets.

    And now we have what? Instanced story, places that you can't go back, and a zone where you can gather mats.

    No new operations. 1 new Flashpoint, that I did in solo in Heroic mode with my pre-expansion gear (rating 198). Just lol!


    OP, you are a troll, and a good one I should admit. You got so many people, including me, to reply to your thread. You should get a medal. /clap


    Edit: and lets not forget that fact that they made you subscribe to receive a single player story content in an online game. Now this is what I call cynical.


    You won the price, sir.

  3. Swtor still has plenty of endgame. Unfortunately, they took a break from endgame to push this Kotfe fiasco. But I would expect another Operation (raid) coming doen the pipe. Before then, there is a large pool of operations. I would recommend if your into raids, goto harbinger, or jedi covenant server. DO NOT GOTO A ROLEPLAY SERVER!


    Do you call ''plenty of endgame'' to recicled Heroics...? We haven't seen any new end game content since a year ago.

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