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Posts posted by SabreDD

  1. They did comment on it. Musco made a post about it.


    If people have already been given up in under a week? Then maybe it would be better of not having such people trying to force nim to become a flashpoint by ragequtting like children for some increased difficulty by not even giving it a chance to improve themselves to clear the content.


    I bet these are people who were doing Nims in 5.8 & 6.0(like you mentioned) when it was a massive & utter joke, they had been massively spoiled playing a content that was way to easy and got used to it.

    They are being called 5.8/6.0 heroes for a reason.


    I'm seeing pug groups going up left & right for nim even now on several discords & returning players due to stacks removal. There are alot of people doing nim & even doing full clears(inc. timed runs), re-progressing it getting multiple bosses already so maybe on ur discords they have diminished but they have increased on others due to these changes.


    The tanks HP do not need to get higher. The dmg output compared to tanks HP can easily be controlled by rotation ur dcds better on each fight aka learn the fights & how each ability works to counter it properly since most of the abilities are predictable & on a timer, especially the heavy hitting abilities, this is what you learn by actually studying the fights instead of just mindlessly rolling your head on the keyboard for easy titles,mounts & cheevos so no more yolo mode where you barely had to pop any dcds properly at all & still could survive the hits with ease, that kind of nonsense belong in SM/HM not Nim.


    Also not to be rude but if your healers are VERY GOOD, but barely could keep up with the healing in nims with VE stacks when a lot of people could literally solo heal that content? Then there is clearly an issue with the individuals execution/performance on their respective roles/classes for that kind of content.


    The only part I do agree on is that Sage/Sorc healing is behind Merc/Operative in share output but way more than enough to heal every single fight but there is no point in bringing a Sage/Sorc over the other two healers since they are so much more ahead.


    I agree, we are all not good enough 5.8 6.0 heroes. Only you and people who you raid with are good enough, try hard, progressing, skilled players. After all this whole argument is about the fact, that some teams that thought of themselves as good, are not good anymore. We do not know fights well enough, cannot rotate gcd’s properly and our healers are not on par. This used to be just the opinion of extremely good raiders, now it is the game standard. Thank you for this enlightenment.

  2. Kinda curious if any of you have actually tried the raids?


    My team went from being able to farm any time run we wanted with ease to barely being able to kill anything! Couldn't kill Draxus, someone claimed it can be 7 manned? I would really like to see that video. Stuff is way too hard now without the stacks, I agree some stuff was too easy but now everything is at an almost unclearable level. Its absolute insanity and if its not fixed I see it killing a lot of raiding guilds and really the whole community.


    Seriously go try ****, and please send me these clears - Moka#2763 because I don't think people realize how hard these raids actually are now. Had a team who last week got a time run of tfb spend the whole night just to barely kill writhing horror. Is this really what you guys want NIM to be? Our dps were all above 9k and we still enraged on writhing. We cleared 2/5 DP NIM but it was very sketchy, and DPS were literally being 1 shotted if they got hit with a thundering blast. I cant even imagine what the heal check on styrak is right now its probably insane. So please, all the people saying this is what you wanted, please link me your 6.1 Clear videos id like to see it, 7m 4/5 DF NIM no crystals, Dragonslayer, let me see it, then ill accept that my entire guild sucks. Until then, it was over nerfed and really needs to be fixed immediately to a more balanced middle ground.


    Totally agree with this. Content unmanageable now in NiM. Scaling is clearly broken.

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